[ fm 1
' 'F i’g/ 2. ÀperJpeBivèVieiv èf'tBP A xee^ H e/W ^ - "
b; : The. Shoulder, againft which ^
F ig. 3. A Plan o f the Share and its Shan«,' ‘t f ’f f r j
A, ! The Share. ........... - , '■ ■ ■ '■ ' ' ;
S S ï Two Screws, with which thje fliank IsTaiftêned -tè’ffiê -gfotï&eNeft.
Fig. 4. An Elevation f the Gauge, or R|&ulator, wifh its Sh'ank:
Z , ' The Segment, or.jGauge.^,
FiG.^: A perfpehUve VtewI o f the T ail'-Gajj0E,^S^AP4Ej, Sfc*'» -
■ N, 1 f ' The Shank: of; theGauge. ; ;*
o , ' The flàt-Staplé.
p, I The fM-headéd-Serëw.'
Q, The horizontal lPIate, or Gaugte/^
FigI 6.J À Plan o f the C4 S Wc,' *
c, > ,The'Gui^Ç-P4atev
i „ Thel-Genter Pin of the Caliper.’
K, The Caliper.
Ia, ■ The Hook.
M, «The Iron Ring.
Fig.. 7., AperfpeSttveViepo ofthç HiNg&s, and Irqh PtAVE^^ithtwo Ears, & c ,‘
<• g;n.'-The Plate-, wifh'.'Msë®|s.-:’^'
h, The Iron Centér-Pin which paffes 'through the-ears.1-" ’■
Fhk 8h ; A V iew ofihe Bolt and YLikges if:th e M oukEMmhL' 1
T , The Iron Bolt&î /
V, V,V,V, The Plates," or Hinges.
W, The flat-headed Iron Screw.
The following is a Cop* p fM r. Cuthbert Clarke’s ’f^ cw ^ t^ K ^ n ew ^ ^ ^ ^ ed
P L O U G H , Jent tojhe S o c ie t y ,^ S e Encouragement of Arts,' Manufactures,
• and Commerce,
“ \ S the line of traéüon is of very great importance to be wèll çbpftdKed, iq
order to form a truei idea -of the principïès,of-conftfu<8 ing â; plough' ùppp a
rational; theory, I--fhali> attempt! iu;thefiifb ptlaCe to ;explain its-properties ;. firik.a»
It affeCts the hoifesuwdiieh draw the .plough^.