'c h B p. viii. ^
Befcriptiom o î fhe Ipéy. Mr, Iffelvett’s hç|;fe hoe Mrideftfoylag w'teeds'I-and
ant-hills, and alfo for cutting turf, - - ' Page 24-
_ G ._H - .A -P .___
Defcription of Mr. Ringrofe’s plough for turning up heath ground,; t 26
Defcription of Mr. RingrQfe’s thiftle cutter, r :rf - _ . 2S
C H A P. X.
D e fe c tion Mr. J^rbutïnot’suioùhlëllurfow plough, si; A ^
C H À P. . XI.
Mr. Guthbert Clarke’s accdhnf ^ Ms1 hw*8<âiftruCTed plough, fènt to the
Spoiefy for t}j£ EpfflUf^gen^enp Aof .M^njafa f o a ^ a ^
C H A X'P . *X IA
Defcription and explanation gf Mr/Uoyd’s borfc hoe and harrdwsf JA 39
De fe ction and explanation of Mr. : i ’ £ 41
C H A P., ? a i l .
Defcription and explanation pf hfr. Edgilj’s maçhipe fpr cutting chalïj - 43
Defcription and explanation«!. Mr. Edgill’s machine for, dicing,turnips, êcç.
T o which are added, fdme: improvements by Mr. William Bailey, ; 46 ;
C H A P. XV .’
Defcription and explanation .of Mr. Rutt?s apparatus for "drying madder : *tdT
which are annexed, his observations.on tlje management of it, from the
taking it out of the ground to its being manufactured, 1 - 40
C H A P . XVI.
Defcription and explanation of Mr. Ev^rs^ wihndwing machine, - g j
c h a p. x v n . 1
JJefcription of the model of Mr/EvérS!s jH&id àiilIfbr threlhing and grinding
eorn, made to a fcale of yin in ch e d a9 half to a. fopt, - 34,-
Defcription. and explanation of Mr. Edgeworth’s perambulator, Page 59
Defcription add explanation of Mr. Chriftopher Saverland’s-machine for
■ /levelling land; taken\from a model made to a fcale of one inch to a
| | fo.pf|' , l iF ^ ‘ ™ - * -v' * ' •• 61
\ .X X ;|
Defcription and explanation of-* a’ pyranfidical bee-hive procured for the So-
f r ciety, 'by Sir'Charles Whitworth} one pfyjjfejie Society’s worthy Vice
\/Prdh<|eh'ts, ; - - - 63
t t i a p. mm
.Defcria y n and mqnanafe'ion pf the-Brabant, and Hainault reaping feythes and
ftafF«ho.ok, prefented tp the Society by William Hanbury, Efq. June r, BiMllBiW Eli m I I 1 1 67
k , | i . ..
A G R I . r C ^ i p ' ^ L ^Tt) U R E ;
.QomprelpendmgrA Jhfrty siefiouvt- Bioutgfiyi ,Machines^ and Models, in the Society’s
Repofitory o f Agriculture, as are^ Wt\yet delineated. \
C H A P., 1 1.0
sShort defcription of Mri'ClSrkefs drain plough, . - 68
C H A P . II.
Short defcription of a land roller, taken from a model made to a fcale of four
inches to afooit; prefented tq^he. Sodietyby James Scawen, Efq. Auguft
- W % . ^ d- : ’M e^oths$fr5t - • r 7o
" CX H A ^ P . III.
:Sh||£ defcrxptiombf M. De Chateau Veaux’s Angle cultivator, 7 1
c C H A P ,