I 0 [ 3
tlw& traa tbe horfe t^ads upmp * the Ur*er of Gn&QO <i$§ he Tmrifer %o >the
f i t f i i inch®, o£ which'fe.fet: rpr#-
fthenëmffitfy o f M P
J 5 S 3 t i e h a É f e s : : B o d ^ ^ f e ^ ^ ' * * * 5% I g t * * * * ! 11" * * *
coöveraertfor ^ W e o f ^ ^ ^ , ^ ' . i f 4 f» g ^ i« i^ B u r ó tnaws
u ^ Ë S S E S and ca» f t * ? # .l^jofrtmflada
t e m ^ ^ e &me, becaufe this,angle R,proportioned. törthrrtmeam hpighfa
The pofition and length of t ie lihe'Uf M M afcertaine^-I flail
Bé4fep®iQt imtvtóKi t t e .3^ ^ » « r tb ^ s * ip ^ e É i E t M P W
j g l L io£' traS&fc m k f i» Ihedfrv* M tew*» ’$ & & & *>. r n a f e f c
B j ^ M H l 9 n 3 mialthe l^ t^ u f t 'h c ;CpmeESaifed,tetïhm riieibwmg
and mheebploöghs: ! ;ï';:; ' n T \ " ^ ? S ? * !
< Anc£ figft, *«f -the, fowimg:-pferagh; <tk<rt«sfibli»&<p xarimtotfvad M M l
menéiosed bibs b tB b plough*!
beam, and pfeGe W ^ W ° f the line H R f S fof> ^ the" beam
b&M:feept low sflc 'tké-/poinfc.r^tóei^ B | j
feéri®§# >&e. hadeia- pórphafei ttdió8toltte|^iioèitW| add as
| or ought’ always to be limited by thé canvenkmey o f the infttument^Whfei
I f e d i r n p p ^ ; ^ b © % ^ ^ : ^ ^ ' A ® ^ ^ f t ó ^ eofïftbêf'ltóa at/t>he
end ©f t i e ibeam,: dndr .the-feme height hbeivelthe fMM; « f - d t e '& a t e ; W
alfa; fappofe. thatrthe ho^
f t ó and cm© incHb asoih the above. cnmpitatian p then we haveVfedahe&cff
twenty-nine powers infavoar of ^be dountearvhHBgpower. t ' TMs will be
firfSeient to arleriomerdl the refiftanc© the fibre a t f i t e o » t e ^ l t « t ^ - &C.
when the foil is yielding* which nre the onJy-'feafbns the fo^ibg-flfefiigfr ÓBhi
ben fe è ta an y paepofe; fb rw h a ïfb e f o i l s feubbom/oRa-gf&it dep&i to-be
ploughed, a rtWMFflb thofbiasp WhigEP'the
&aie* .& l has fequitedj by the tefiftanee of f it t in g and raifii&g theiurrdw*
and by the deration <?£ thkplace of earmeaMnio£ltl^li^dP«Ö*^^"rajöÉ.
be applied* - ;v p ' J," ‘-''V" " - _ .
, « ; A ud of all the firnple meckmical powers, I cannot fee any; better finted
to anfwer the pnrpofe than,the beam (3, being a léver bf-thé feeönd-kind,
with: its fu fanm R , Q. R is ttuey-*pfapRO^fiiferuflV l&e fall-'fromJBte'
point M, upon the line o f -tradian at;N, were the linebf traftion-inflexible*
1 *’ I^WnotbeunAefftf# to.teemth^&a is the:.presife point that evasyfrotfejd thatheight,®pJ$#Ri$
^V'fof there is a grékt ffiference in the depth, of the cMs of.horTes^andVega:«fought-to be paid to.^t^.
Biltèi general the abort hdghf will arïïwer very'Well, as- lereafter fhewn. ■ .. . E, . ,
;; f. Takiiig the piougk;tcia5e: fix incEfes>ithm geoUtwiv 0E fflaEing-ifurrów 6 k iiiébes thick; thé fourteen
indies above-the furfece, and tSoie fix^make' twenty, -which,^ fnBmfted fro» fortijr-nme, remains twenty*
as above: a further demonftration of this «ill given *n-tlie explanation of the countervailing power
t^me-sdi®®! plough...
I f U I ;
^nd no obftaclef f^id^e ■ point; of the flxare, that, -the., ,plorug.h .-yfojjld lceep ita
bottom B , S,, in-: an- horizontal direfitipn;.. ,hecajafe;|the angle. Ml Nj fe- and.
P , M, E, arg.rhnnlaft;and,.th.e. hne, of .,-tra^ion, .p^p^s „through the, eentenqf
gravity, ©f th,e; fignre theg the .pbftaele upon the fhare-,;&cs
pecafioned by cutting .agtd, railing ^5,9. it fo, very, great as, afrrinfl to,
equal the effort of the whole moving power, ; thejej is the greateft neceffity. to
provide, further,; agajnt^ .that- j^^--.^.Tc9p4tthin^; -beam O to the greateft;
difliauei: the, cqn.ve-m-.ency..,oftlj.e inhrunient. will .admit of: whiph I humbly
prefume is. at P:, ■ and thereiet -fall the prop, or fulcrum R, with its wheel Q,
whofe diameter fhould be the greateft the fpace between the top of the
furroPiV,. wlueh.tij -to. bgmutn and theheam-Wll admit of. becaule th&rforce
^fqrnrpd tq.4??^3 whqglmy^: ffldacfi* R inverfely*, a^ the fquatq
saot,'of the diiaxnpter qf |tWwlM;@L J{Whch fuRher" neeejfary to \>A relative
tq r thfH| xpf en|^iq§ | f t^bg japg y^f | | g e^i a s , the. ufg qf jthR kpnejq-
da^P .hi chj#flyi|^cF^ld^tingJ^^(^eg.th de^Jiqihil
Ijepiqe to meMion the ©dieiJ regulating, parts, and' prqceqd to explain the
method of abating the;fri(?yibfi of thqeqtdter and;fc s e i and the p,ai;ts conqerned
in durffliqg th.(»fufrqwjf e ,fellows
S.Th® .as.^h^w^qt. the |ufrqw from the
ridge, qught.tq.he,-■placed ^t;.fqeh ang]c.Sjas would give them the(,^^teft
1 ^ l ^e}ocity of the
Roving ppyuer an4fcfhyi?(S§fePCG( 4 WY%^Pl^>tqnQT: j.; bat as.yherq
istsoj qer|am,ty(to, bf {^ithxeg^rdKtp the qegtee qf velogty the plough
may hgvei; nq| can, uqvaflahbq.efs in. the rp(^j]^njhq|, foil&, n will be ufefyl tQ
a,tteti|d a little^ta pracliqe as^vaJL ^|hfflryk: roj,hit., p|hii |thq hqft general
ppfrtion ffor the cuttjng^avts to be^ id ^o; ^ncj, thq^riful^ qf(rqv ^pdea-
yqhr^o/Qr: ^§©4. ^J.d^rppn«^ fejtHM»1
Agrees w i t h - d h © i e d g e o^^he^^cq^ltj^r, ^ b^lajd %p.^ ^See
'■ « Thf;,,tr,1?lffrf }befid«e tl^s angh^ I Jfefli^lrfikewye » ^ 1 *ts
point, that-1%, as much of it as goe§ \yitMn ^ ground, .ben^ fideway^to ,an
«Hjgle of aboy^.ten degrees, the, t-p Thq ufe.o|
this fideways angle is to c^ ^ th e
cut rather from above ,th£.,land than - belpw.iit^ as R tq°,,qfteffl,,the-cale in
pradtice, the cqulters^bemg gerierpty'-® to an abgfegO^, about the feme
I q}.ymEky m the j^b^h muft the agaiqft |he
land-ftde of the ridge, as; tlm fhare ra^fqs fe ;tip:. hqftc^sJthh ndvaflyagfi,
another* no Ms material vfhl be obtained fiby; t^&jqoqltet’s, j bemg.b^pf,to fl}e
above angle, with hs ppmt tq the furrow, hd.% ^: afetetyid; Iqr wheat the
furrow, with it^.^ndeiiiedtefrin bP9®
the.trench, being qm .angular, .$uyaP T he quit? '|re;q-x^ 0fflfh||r^mpqn. .tibe
othcr edgG until thefurrqwis feidinitopr°|^rpoM}<>% which abates the