if h i
F I G ,
vM,-''1 ^Fffegdlsitof,f its'^ffiHg-HaiKik
. N, The Spindle of the Regulator.
O, The Arm of the Leader^‘^hidh b^eils and Quits the Aiding valve.
P, The Sliding Valve.
g, ' The. Aperture, through VKidh’the wind is'difcharged.:'
F I G. 4.
R, ; The Latch, with its cock or fulcluilt.f i
b, The .Iron Pin, orivyhick the'latch turns. 1
c, d, . The Arm o f. «he.Latdi.I *
sddejto ;Thd Point o f the Latch. :
.y3f, ip The Shotdder of f h e L ^ h ' ;rT
h, The Cockj' or Fulcrum of the Latch*
i m 1 * g . W m
Q i The Caji of T ^ n ^ ;inTi^;:t.1
This new irivehthHhfikne was referred'tooth'd Committee'of Sfechmics,
who was opinion that .this method of preventing fatal accidents f^hich frequently
happen in common talking Cranes) is entirely new, „ingenious, and
very effedual forthe purpofes for which it is mtended. A,trial oLthe Crape
was made feveral times, at XficeYKey, with m hpgfheaff, p£ po^^fli, fi^een
thoufand pounds weight; and it appeaf ed;to the Committee ith^pthe ipyen-
tion will fully- anfwer under all circupifl^nces^ and, rpay /^ftppfled 34 an
eafy expense: it was therefore recommended to ^the Society, tp give; Mr.
Pinchbeck the gold medal of the Society, for his ingenipp^.pnd pfpful jpyen-
' tion.' To which the Society agreed, “‘June 3 ,^1767.^
C H A P.