T ,. . The Brafs Cock, which coiUains the pinion V. ’
e, The liplp, in which the piyotjs of the pinjpn V, and o£ thf/^pphed
, :J h * -
W ’Jïhg Pinkmi with its wiflch %.
C, - The Pivot-óf thè Pinion,„ which turns ijn the Hel.e e.
• Èvora. pej-ibn wHq pinkus ufe of gn augpr, th^.^jifgiJ. wsy,- houws ;by -ex-
peripnce^ th$t lge npyep xgn lh prppedy e^ej;t,his, ftBeng.th,iti •tHi|\opei?gtion,i
a$. whep.he bp®2f~dpvvn perpppdkular,. with hl§ l^dylgsning Q-vgr ly# Wofl&y
and it is very evident^ 'that every degree Jof- election pf the a y g 1 from the
afqref|14;4H^iRn,;,hi^ pqwer is dithipiihed aiujr ®l -lef§,gffe<^ ecyijtlgbeiitly
his labour will b,e- grpa£er, ajjd hjg yspth,pïPgpttjpi^Wy fttarded,, infojiiuah
thaf a man cgn? bpre. four hqle^ gt leaij: with’the aimer dpwn (perpendicular,
in theofame fpace-of time'he can bore one?with <mucb L h wcxMncïrii the am*
trary dheéi^h.| but with this» machine, the Igijk »nd <jifpatJ?»is5cyiially-t]ie
fame.ip ah diredfipps,; it is pertain, aJ£pA.thgt!tbe a&ipn of the'anger,,in3 hn
ufual way of boring, is—difcontinued -twice"iiif.c vogj "ret olution ;' hnt'Viwh
this machine its motioy i§„ ppnthyJedyith yg-upl. fjÉcg. a^id yejocity, tilLthe
anger has bèrgcbrtc^ the depthremiired. ^nothsp^efh^in‘,th&,eoni.in(),T\'.mi. -
thod.i|j. th? unfteady and ipreguhit motion «t i-h^ augct at it» lull i nuance
into the wood, by which the'holes"are boré'd vety-Em!»ok&?1> and "moll Gorh1-
monly latgor without than within,'and \eiy wide-of- tlft'-ilnpclion nr'-point
aimed at, efpècially if the wqpd prpvéjs hag-d a-pd> Êriptfy; anil Idfcwift' wiicn
the holes'are bored of any confiderablte depth- in^he wood. ^Ijlere üs* alfo a
great deal of lofs of time and trouble in picking the wood with iafjgoUghffoe-
fore itSidan be, pierced with the auger; -but- £i !thefe defers are' entgriely
obviated' ,by the aforefaid. machine/ whigh was. ekaitnked By 'thed(Fotan$ötee
of Mechanics.,. who .was. öfr -ppaniom that the fgveral': défo^bs in-.-thb’ conunion1
method of boring auger holes’are remedied by Mr. William Bailey’s machine
and method of working; and it appeared to the Committee,, that, 'bls,ïha-
chine will anfwer the end’ ptopofed', of boring auger holes in fhips, &c. more
commodioufly and advantageoufly than by the common methods : »therefore
it was the opinion of the Committee,' that Mr. Bailey merited a -bounty
of fifty pounds .for his invention pf the aforefaid njgqhinp ; tp which the
Society agreed, February -zf, i