i s s t
p i g . -ai -i
ij ' The iroii-Staple, thè upper endëf which turns on the axis of die Bobj
its under end fupports the end Jjfefihe Arin h.
h, » ' The Atm that giveshidtion tdthe Crank £
l 3 iP • I G . 3* : ■
' 2 , The Valve, through which die water is conveyed from the Conveyance
a into the under end Of the Barrel X.
.. P 1 G.{., 4. .
c, The iron Hod arid Conductor, or brafs fïóöp, that covers half of thé
Valye: when-this Conductor isn lifted tp.fhe upperpart of theVafy£,,‘the water
is conveyed froxn the^^rel X_iintOiAne;ChahnelfC.j and, when it. ïs at the under
end of the Vaïyèj the water paffes from the.Conveyance a junto the Barrel as the
pifton rifes.
t This Model was worked in p.rcfendQ of the ^njmittee, of J^echau^es, and was
ftrongly réepmménded By Mr‘ Sfnttin^ who has..jKenteveffTKffchines worked at
large on?tnis conftrudtion. The Committee" therefore recominended 'Society
jp .gwe .jl45r.. Wejlgarth GpipeaSj. J^e ^heaving thet‘Modél with
the Society for the u,fp of the public.
’ . This r^folutiort was agreed to tjy theijociety, May the 24th, lï'öp. ’ .
N. B. hór. thè particulars of Mr. Smeton s account br this*, Machine, léf
Vol. L pf this-WorkMBo^,VIII, .qhap.r,XXIJI. Seéh ..
C H A P. V i.
A Deferiptioni 6&Mr-.\Gp b m'e& ts-’ s O V E K .
P L A T E t F I G; ' 1. -
A, A, A, ^ T ^H E Togs, ,op ^hiclijt^-Ovep ftatids, ,are ten inches
J . long from & boftom of the i^)vey> *nd from
thence.' to their upper ; e^s. ffve.ipcjhps jf.an- Inch-bro-d, and. three ^eighths of an
inch thick: their upper ends,:are riwetted to the fide of the ftove in a triangular
direction. ' :? .. .... J, g L
, B, The Pan,’ that receives 'Wf Taffies, ^.istibfie foot ’’three inche's ana a half
diameter its* Rim is thlt^ihches deejp.t this,Pan is rivetted to the legs of the
ftove four inches above the floor,'
c , The