i :
N" 5.
N O K E AWA H O N O L U L U , O A H U .
Na alii moku a pau ke ku mai
i keia aina, e hoike lakouika pa-
lapala a ka moku, a me ka inoa o
ua kanaka o ka moku o lakou, i
ike ke Pailota ka mea nana e ma-
lama ke awa ; aole hoi i wailioia
iuka ko ka moku kanaka, ke ole
ae aku ma ka palapala, ke alii
malama i ka aina. Ina waiho wale
ia ke kanaka iuka, e uku mai hoi
ke alii moku i ko uka alii kanaono
dala, a pela no hoi ka uku ana i
ua kanaka o ka moku i ohumu i
ko lakou alii moku, a makemake
e noho mauka nei, a i ole keia
uku e hoohanaia lakou i ka hana
ikaika eono malama.
2 .
Aole loa e holo wale aku ka
moku no loko aku o ke awa, ke
ole loaa aku ka palapala a ka mea
nana e malama ke awa ; ke hoike
aku a ua pau ke kanawai o ke awa
i ka malamaia ; he pono hoi e
loaa mai ia ia liookahi dala no ua
palapala la.
O kanaka o ka moku ke holo
F O R T H E P O E T O F H O N O L U L U , O A H U .
All commanders of vessels arriving
at this island are to produce
their certificates of registry
to the pilot, the port captain; also
a list of their crew ; and no seaman
is to be left on the island
without the consent of the Governor,
in writing, under a penalty
of sixty dollars for each person
so left. The same penalty also
for persons who are dissatisfied
with their officers and wish to live
on shore; and if it is not paid,
they shall be compelled to work
at hard labour for six months.
2 .
No vessel shall leave the harbour
until a certificate from the
harbour-master is granted, certifying
that the port regulations
have been complied w ith; for
which he is entitled to demand
one dollar.
Seamen deserting will be taken
main mai lakou iuka, e hopuia
lakou a paa a (i ole hoihoiia i ko
lakou moku ) e hoohanaia lakou i
ka hana ikaika eono malama.
Ina liaalele ke kanaka i ka
moku, he mea pono e hai mai ke
alii nona ka moku i ke alii malama
i ka aina, e hopuia ka poe i holo
mai ; e hoihoiia aku i ko lakou all
moku, nolaila hoi no ke kanaka i
hopuia e loaa mai ai ka uku i ka
mea nana e malama ka aina no
kekahi kanaka eono dala.
Na moku ke komo i ke awa i ka
ai hou a ke kapili wale hoi, e uku
mai lakou penei :
N ok e aw amawab o , akahitona. G keneta.
N o k e aw a in a lo k o , akah itona. lo k en e ta .
N o k am o u a 2 dala.
Aka he waiwai ko lima o ka moku
e kuai ana e like me ke kuai maoli
ua like no ka uku ana me na moku
kuai maoli.
6 .
Na moku ke komo i ke awa i
•ke kuai maoli, e uku mai lakou
N o k e aw am aw a ilo , akahitona, 6 0 keneta.
No ke awa maloko, akalii tona, 60 keneta.
No ka mona......................................... 2 dala.
o na moku a pau e ku ana iloko
o ke awa mai hoolei i ko lakou
lepo kaumaka iloko o ke awa, e
pono e hoolei aku mauka, ina o
ka moku e hoolei i kona lepo iloko
up, and (unless returned to their
respective ships) be keiit at hard
labour foi- six months.
Commanders of vessels are to
give immediate notice to the Governor
of the Island, in case of
any of the crew deserting, that
they may be apprehended and
I'eturned; and on delivery to tlieir
respective commanders , the Governor
is to receive six dollars
for each person so apprehended.
Ships entering the harbour for
the purpose of refreshing or refitting
only, are to pay the following
rates :
For the outer liarbour.. 6 cents per ton.
For the inner harbour.. 10 cents per ton.
Fo r the b u o y s ................ 2 dollars.
But if a vessel has goods on board
selling at regular sale, the same
rates shall be paid as for trading
6 .
Ships entering the harbour for
the purpose of trading, are to pay
the following rates ;
For tlie outer harliour., 50 cents per ton.
For the inner liarbour.. 60 cents per ton.
For the b u o y s 2 dollars.
All vessels at anchor, are forbidden
to throw their heavy rubbish
into the harbour. It may be carried
on shore. If a vessel discharges
its rubbish into the harbour,