N" 4.
A r t ic l e U '.
The property of American citizens residing in or trading
■with the Sandwich Islands shall be held inviolable ; and
said citizens, may freely sell, bequeath or otherwise dispose
of their property, whether in the form of goods, animals,
buildings , tenements or improvement to any person or
persons whoever : but in all case of transfer of real estate
or lease privilege , the government shall be previously
informed thereof : and the government will in no case
inhibit such transfer unless it be manifestly in opposition
to the interest of the government.
A r t ic l e 2 °''.
American citizens may have the privilege of leasing or
renting land for agricultural or other purposes for terms
and periods which may be agreed upon in each case. But,
in recognising this principle of lease privilege, the government
is not bound to grant leases to all or every one
who may apply. At the expiration of the period of lease,
it may be renewed on terms to be agreed upon between the
government and the leaser, but if the parties do not agree,
the improvements as buildings, tenements, etc., that may
be upon the land shall be sold as it is, or their true value to
be ascertained by reference to competent judges, but shall
not be destroyed without the owners thereof being paid
their value.
A r t ic l e 3***.
No American citizen shall be punished in any manner
whatever for offences committed at sea or afloat, except
by sufficient duress or confinement to insure safe keeping.
A r t ic l e
The above articles shall be considered as an appendix
to the treaty existing between the United States and the
Sandwich Islands, and are in no wise to invalidate its provisions.
Hade d’Honolulu, le 22 octobre 1836.
Pour copie conforme ;
L e capitaine de corvette commandant la Bonite.
A . V a il l a n t .