p w § t .
T h e houfe was furrounded all the aftertteonby the ‘-'AiVisv' who
"Were much delighted with th e two children, and lent oftfen'for them
and the wbnien to Ihew themfelves at the doori In the dufk o f .the
evening they all retired; and thts, th e brethren remark, thSyiMve
uniformly done fince they fifftlanded. Orders being likewife given
at the Ihip For none o f their canoes to come ness* on the Sunday^hey
fupplied us in the'£utt£ffi&itSlt)l manner Si. 'they han^dhAfe fhbfnife
; {As'Maime Manne had already diftinguifhed himfetf as4-a very
ufeful man, befides bringing feveral hogs, fruit, &c. the 'Captain;
to recompenfe hfiri ;in part, made himaftandfomie prefent, leaVMg
it to himfelf to enumerate thb article's which h em o ft neededfetodp
this he was at no lofs, having greatprefenCe oFfnind on ftfch iafecahons;
therefore he run off a long lift o f things which h? wanted for anmSM
fchooneir which he was budding at Eimeoj of thdfe fueh ^|We®ad
to fpare were given to him.
As yet we have had no reafontorcOmplain o f any improper behavioffr
in the Otaheiteans, men or women. Neither have we l&ft' 'a ftngfc
article to our knowledge, though many have unavoidably been much
The goodnefs and love o f God to us fhould be graven on ^he tables
o f our hearts. After prayer the brethren retired to reft.
Before th e Otaheiteans departed they were informed no Work would
be done the next day, and they afked if it w ould'he more devoted'tO
prayer than the other days, and were told it would.
T h e Sunday palled very quietly, nbf oneeiride coming nea#1the
fhip j and oh fhore no interruption was attempted, the natives, with
the king and queen, attending, and conduddn^ themfelves in peace
and good order. A difcuffion took place among the brethren concerning
the propriety of fpeaking to the natives upon the important
fubjedt o f their miftion, when it was agreed that the prefident
(M r. Jefferfbn) fhould addrefs them through the medium of Andrew
the Swede as interpreter. Accordingly, at three o’clock in the af-
'ternoohv.they indtcfee tfeis/pufpofei feveralóf thé ;natiy|s-;l5^ig(prer
fent both withibfr&njl-.iwitholj.t this houfe« and as foQ%ias Andrew
interpreted the firll fenfence,. ßnding.thbdife^urfe .diredted.fe. them,
they placed, themfelves fin, ®(jfentivey ofeures •’ When ithey^yndefftood
liftle-vOjC; what, w^&feäd, ,they.putrjK^fy>pertinent qyeflfbns; among
others, Sdoifeting whether -we lbeftow aug|it that, Could, be
eftsemed aabietiefit>.equally on*, ilk* They ^ed,-whether, the mefe
fage of the ®rirife'6fediwas'to^tKe't^itou%iasiweür^ to<the king and
-tehfefs pA'They. Were arcfweréd < in „the.affirmative ^andfu^tjier,, Mr,
jefferfbn,r poihting1. to: his; bmhfeh,- fold them that ;,t-Jfey; were,- the
födferigërs ó£ the only true. GfcSfrfeand' that tljajigh ajllaaen had offended
Jiim, hbwas, notwifhftandtng&) ajmeretfub1Qod,j. conferring
OnKtkofewhoibèHevedchiKiwordc'gredt bleffipg^in.this life, fand-., after
death'took them, to ;a ftate of! efetmal >;lrippinef&Otoo'was prefalt^
btttf "according; to bumdh j,uogmenf;,'Jtpsc ifebborn, mnteafchable nature
feem'sfcißfe the Iäft that any' jmpreflion can be mlde upon. We
mired-to reft,) thankful feairtherofccurrenc^^dfethe day, ändfor the
pyomifiag ptofpeCts before bs through the.'providence^of ’par God.
ï 3 t h ‘Windieafterly, and pleafant weather. The.-crew emjftbyèi
in-hoifting up goods, and fending varrousiarticies on fhore on account
o f the. million j two of the brethren from each party dividing, a large
cheft of books.
o'i The natives has! perfectly underftood that the ptoHihition Waë blit
'for yefterday, for early in the morning feveral canoes were along fide,
;and in one 'of them, with our conftant friend Männe Manne, came
feveral chiefs-land their wives; but .the principal perfon to be introduced
at this time was the, father of Pomärre, Otëw, formerly
Whäppai, who is a very venerable docking man, aged about feventy;
bis head .covered-with gray hairs,'and; his chin with a remarkable
white beard: his name had once been Otoo* but, on the birth
o f his fon, in compliance with the general cuftom, he changed
it to Otëw. As ufual, he prefented the captain with a piece of cloth
and a pig, receiving in return, and on account of his rank, two