is paid for:the JoperatJon by^a hpg, 'or cloth. A tempbratyhoufe is
erected on Aedaca^jgrdTsnA adjomiWgvthe tm©rai|rl6p# icttt off
irom AitsidyidijisE buried at the morai. 1» this; houfemother' and
dMLd: dwd^ tffl theareft c£Hthe'fia^i&dag^ej)S!j0ff, -wliipjt*- £%e
depofited ini the feoufejidr at the moraii During thistime o f feblufiorf,
whachiis dor k male infant a fortnight, and fo r a female'thtefe*weeks,
th e moflier tpifccs&^fko prpvifions herfelf, b iitis fedb-y'another j aM
ifaonldi^y-ip^®nJtnni:h^:^r|jE[g) during-this time, «he* muftun-
dergal the; fairaei ’ reftriftibnSi till; -the &m5oa- ii performed, f-of a yduftg
pig/ror-daT fowJr;: for .’the" mother, which-'finiflSes. this1 feparatiomfor
uneieaiiHefef ^tlie ch ild is theft r^ ob etedsa^the^’ ternpdfaryQteafe
pnithe facred grdtarf, rKar the-hraufe ift Whfeb' tfeelfeher an® ipoth#
refidej bu t they: may not touch '’the child lin^the '"fagid, Clothes in
which: they eat theirTpfimfibhsci T o ta k e o ff thitPreftitf^tiGn ,• almond
amooa muff: ’performed’ by/ the •fathen-fthtf ‘uncles/ '■ and a .third dby
the lMther andau^ls j ^Tfeirlhi^bSotfO'ith^ child returns to- ih^-mtrffe
wfifiisej the fathfirSnd uncles eat; a-fifth1, l‘od'the*^^ferkcOounPfi§r‘-fhe
mother and aunts’. «Ef the child is-a ’male/ thefq £re aB<^BFshiffis
adopted by" a medooa, orjgodfether, - when' ."another* iandobaS-is'Cper-
fdrined|'ljut i f :a female," twb<yet' remain*) one whftH'fb® fe-*mdriied,
that the" father and uncles may eat with h^r hufband, ’’and- ofdffttih
provifions as he has' touched, - which otherty ife; they : couM -ftfit: the
next/-that, the mother and; aunts;s may-touch the-' -fendfi-law^s'-prp-
vifions, though they may not cat with him. Thefe laft are called
J&aii3^ b Tf t$ 8gs' and cloth are the offering for the males, for-the
females: only fifh. O f thefe rites they
much feftivity attends therm
I f the child touches any thing before thefe rites are -performed, it
muft be whdfty appropriated to their ufe, being t3^ Of; facred j and
i f any thing toiiches the child’s head before the amooais offered, it
muft be depofited; in; a confecrated place railed in for that purpofe at
the ch jy% koufe j and i f it were the branch o f a tree/ a,sfometimeS
happens ifl'carpyif^; it about, the tree muft be cut down / and j f in
H f s a
its - ’-’fotafe to' p®fitetidt@'theribark, that, tree
cbt.d&^h"a?imclt,<in1hlJ3^i'i^{ fo i^ fe ?^ ]
. heMi^falways-'fe'gartedras’facred^Mdhigy after thdgSrenwmes
arfe peffo/tned, -thefel demands 4bafe"'/Jb^t ‘ they' peWs cM y driy; thing
upon? theif heidsp hdf>%h&llfe;t0i*aSre' thferft MdchcdVithOiit’-offeiice;
and ’tfefe.CftttiftgS.of J>their2hair are buried' at- thfe^hahVai.''
^Bbthtfeies'JgO'; naked'tfl’j fhey^rfe',fifc;llr^fo^^?^l&’ji£&^fa^; .ubduf
thirtfcdfff&B fourteen'thS^eM i dn1 o f tattooing ,#h%'<mafe& -and
feariieP.doto the “females. 1 Thfe 'iAilfteiehhs dmployed- for Xt/fl fooing
.eMefoor hm do f aTdmilyv&re yWays-Tent^dtbfe fflorai/'ind i&fttoyed
as foot? wbrlp'Ss ^eoin'jrfet^.d Tlfe?‘fSfoajes rnajfkf'theif hands
aftd feet with^a nifthbfer" b f j fetal) "fi^dyes^atSi theirthips'fwlthteched
lmes, giiided*<rh^ ^ ^ fah^^al^dtheif n'&'fflbSr-’ftndiMej^Mdl but
and>a ^pferfon without■’ thefe Honourable MEhlfs-'wSi^d%e' hs1 ;ffiubh‘re-
proSehM and fiiunhed, as i f w'i'ttffts her&fei]d'f^ !^bHi fife' fkedts
naked.•' '-A't thirtrehhr fbdr’teerf- yeafs^1f^g§lthet#)^ahlv«4 fi' operation^'
performed-, by flitting up the prepuee'With a’ -fliark’s tooth/’hn'd
' fPr in kM ^ ^ n d ’j i f is* • i^hen
fHey-dhcSjre; to* hav^i#'dfee|l''J-'The’ tattoo-rfith’ perform^ffie k& )& n ƒ
and receive a p ig, ‘hr piece of* cldt^i (fo¥ their'itrd'ubfe S
T t e y abathe"’cbnftanily three times a daydn-tlie'freih wa'i'er/ and
always wafh themfel^tes ‘in it after cQrning out o f the Ha; 'ahd tht>Ug4
men -and women are 'toother, there is not the leatt immodteftyjper-
mifed| 'and1 they flip ' through their ofothtes'without 'sjiy’wferfthrfbxi
pofurel^-it would be’oondemned' in a man as much as ahtfoman. In
their dane€s1 dleneis-^ifem'odefty; peWatted s fhere-k ap^eatsUhe
o f natiorial habit emdiiflofti, a§”no'perfonhehuM eV^r^be prevailed
upon to’do in'ahy private company what, wheft they dance -in ^puhh'6;
are nfef hfeld in frhcTameeftimation with them? asdwifh1 us] yet fifarij^iof
Hfeir married woifleh’ are faid to 'pi,q,ue‘themfelves hU'itV'flvibt, obfotv