wrift o f Lthè rigtoy'andthusdlfoharge'thefoo^
to enter the bark óf a tree at two hundred yardsMiftanfce j: ttetftóftë
flying h t-an equal "diftance frbni theiground, zlike ,a.shulIet.yalIRhe
way. |
roTheiri dahees: are -various 1 ;• The heiva eis .perförmèdvfey men and
woinen: im7fi^aratójq)airties.o'X'The-^ff®^n 'aré möÉ»^afcetóly.dflflódj
and dsedp exa^ slime, with the mufie duiihg-the pê^örMïattee^'èb^vMg
arégdla» foovement both. of: hand^apth feet/ though'. nothïégiïefeHi-
tihbgirhtffi’danr^!!. The hei va & ufually performed by torch-1 ight.
The manner;is;^b<Tiy .Tepreferited;rin CeokrS Vby&gfesjs • They "gfeneO
rally dance aiftder. ccwbr jibut, by d ^ r#öfore:Aèhe::hööfe,' ünlöfs viè
rmns,;HayöigTatge'anats fpread^mnTjthe p afs. -iThe'Wiöhiai’litdififi
is a long white petticoat of-fine doth, with-a red . border, , and a red
ftrip'e abodti ten 'inches -from : the. tbnttom ; addadOofic/yefty or c'offlet,
made o f white.or cdöurbd^clatbyTbomes'"clctfe aprtedêiïthe;a¥feè,%fld
covers1 the breads to th is they attach two * biinches, ofs 'Maeki'featMrs
at the point of sedeh. hreaftij- feiteraTtaflels of the #ihfe?h t^ ^ tftid tM
waift/land rfallasdo# as thetknees. . Tvdb tfesfod itefcb lab k 1
on: each, forefinger;: fupply the place d&ishg&h On ftlfét bkök" fihïh
the lhoulder to the Trip, are fixed two large pieces of cloth^ neatly
plaited, like arfah.'ior fmbelow, . and edg^withyrM^^Their-4eads
arc; ornamented: with the tamou,: orhvaft: braids - i'of i hUnmn ' -hair
wrdppediround -Ekeoa tur^n, id ifl Hack full OfiflaglAt tedlb^kitJffll
flowerS,:intehnixed with'beads1 and fharkV teeth : '(m-tfbsè vfS&fët'
paper was alfo fometimes applied: in additionto thefe ornaments.
M A rnafter of ceremonies .diredts the;movements; Of the^fjcfr^yfeid
when the women retire,ltheir. placeS are:fupplied' by a^<Étoft»;*'Vlö
fingrwith the mufie,:or ,hy aftors,.who perform pantomimes, fei^ihg
the manners :o£ their European vifitors, which they imitate inv great
perfe'dion-r'-not £paring.the conduct of 1 their Own chiefs, when ohje&s
o f fatire; which ferves as a falutary check and admonition.; rforif*thfejr
are faulty, they a^fure to be publicly’expofed, i
The houfes in which the heivasare, performed are open- at< the: ends.
anddr^^ront, thhbagk; being» fereenedshy mattiTag’j©^?o|)coa-nut leaves:
rounds,the-: ends, anditfju fronthgft tl ief#houfe. therewi&^ilMow railing oT
^bout:a -foot jn. height, ^TO^in^whi£^aviS^|perforin%fe|%^iibitj‘and
without, the audience, fit” omftkna: tne>area»bbfore the,1^^foiand^tfae
floor are ^J|fCov(ere^vithimatting.
Any^number.of.wonie^'tfiay^Wforfoiear^ce j bet as'th^drefs is
v^ ^ e?penfive^elddilKt^morethan twbtsrrfqtlsr'-dancej and when this
is r’dSn6fbefore thelchiefsthetdreffes. are prefented to, him aftferlfhe
heiva iWdiibifoejiyahd thefe iebnt aim thirty 13r foEbyjjjai^dof cloth,'front
Theponnarajj 'or eveningodazioey feb|5erfbrbred zbyrany inumbefc,of
■ womens oft anybagb orMefpripifeioij, (who' diufe;ttTatWdTatotheipMe
appointed-; w h lc fffis^ fu a lte ,,the § | P vdhade. (T h e y $are 'dsd&linin
theitaBeftiappaJel/ hnH.theifi hmek,decorated wibfowreaths idfetfic^ers.
TheynhyidStihitai t&®riqdaJ}{parts;nafi®iit. tw&aty .yard&.'dallant; and
placing fhemfeltfestiifinrbwkt oppofiM to leaehnsothen, o&itjfmall: green
breacLfruat isibrought by :#ay,rpf|ahSotbalki(';The' readSrrg'da'racenpfvQne
party :(tafcesithiS:,a'h herihandgtaudd fleppingputrahout .midway$,'drops
i t before her/ andjTenBs it witdnhert fobtrto>ihe'<0ppfoflte .row» '-reiuHiing
i®hhapIahg3/i ifiafetliafli efeapesfv^itflbMtfJl8^rrg?flbpped) hnat£|be»iisE$
before it toudhe&.thetgraimdt, they lirike.up thsiance^hdllhg^ibeating
time withitheir hand&.arrd feet?/ .thasr laifts^ about.1 five'inihutesy when
thdjr prepare to, feceive-theMHr> feomithe,other party wHothaheiftooH
fliMh.if-they^t:chthe:bah,-they:retajhEkiagair»;jifcitiefc9(pe.vtli9rn, the
other party,d^mjsdnitheirjtutBrJj .-After(thiisAamuhog ami
the fpl^tators^for; feme: hours,.,the ball -is'j:kicked away^raftd<;bg)th.
parties ftrike up.tog^her. Itiisanthas dakn^they ufe, fhp le}gd(gef-
Avij^p^fcribedihys'^mfe-of idu^Ifeaj^gsasg jjsfctbthefpsnly«!f p«a<^-ifed
«by the youtigi«and,S«5anton, l'wlhav(feys the tepqftqry'are>do^more to>be
takenTorjthe ftandard .ofimanners tJian'.thejl&dies: in the Strand,ror _4he
Tear‘nymphs at tSpithead,! would/fo&ofpeeimens' o f our-.Talr iCQiintey^