gataboQj excep t't lia t'ii ismof tHe<ûfiuai reffleficë: o f'ân y of.fthô.fupç-'
rior <diî^bi^th«^Eiifev>drf\of';tbeÉa. havér property at EooaJ It;kas,
notwithffanding, gieafjylthe'advantage of. /Tongatabôo, for pleafant--
nd&.tôf lôuationj a«ii^Ü<ksbSÀ)g0idmife o f i
rdatly trittft exceM:it.fci&«brifcy;.? ;
oriTke ‘R^i^ÉcoiBia^lkgrîï'aÆiï^ài who fficj foot* land $&■ £}?
nor does- it appear certain that any navigator bcfide Gook has keen :
u p o r iit^ .'H i iyi^tdBwas,iri-. j
and in-’i7 7 7p after! he leftrthafc place». =At both kmeiïhe metîw>it:hr
the moil cordial reception, .although' he, could-not^obtairi thpVfam®r
profufidn/ of?, fupplrfes rthatTw&s flavifhed f upon- thelBoglifh*! iby '""the
ootirfr o,f Tongataboo. ‘ A perfon'nalned Taoofa^whof-exercifed the!
principal; aj^writfpij etiertained; diem wiîh.â piAUenfp^Ôgdél of;
dancing, j bdking. L-wrçftlingj g See c; vwhiçh, thQ^kdUp&rt: i a fk&lloi"
ftale than àt the feat o f -government, <eollç6tsd together ar conçouïfe ;o f
people,! j and. was : ! produ&îve,” as' ufualj’ dfo £othe:ÆCôttlltly condudr.
ThéspeaKahle'aîH/affi«Slionate:heMviQhf‘ o^ people,- in general,,
was fuch as-to induce him to name i thefe iilands, and; th e ’others-
whichrke' Mfited:in; thé famé group, liieE8ii®NQ^X'.Mte!^;vvTor
the anchorage at Eooa he gave the name o f Engliih road. vhHet-left
a ram and two | ewes upon this ifland.
i /The /third ifland of this group: which rdqnireslouE hoticeuslAK &-
jkôàsKiA^ Itisifituâtéd in/ktitude %o° itf, 17*4* ^l'tisvseftdohgitpde,
about eighteen leagues diftarit from Tongataboo, which it/refémbles-
in its : afpedt. Its: form is triangular, and none sbfr its fidês, exceeds
the length of: four miles an Its extent; is alfo i diminiihed .by."
a. large fait.lagoon,, which almbft cuts off its fouth-eaftern .angle;
from the reft. Its coafts are furrounded by fmall iflets,' fand-bank's,:
and reefs-. A harbour ; is.- formed by thefe on the fouth-weftern fide'
o f the . ifland, with anchorage in ten and twelve fathom, the bottom
coral fand. It is well iheltered, but no frelh water is to be’obtained
near :the, Ihore. .Oh: the north-wèft fide are two -eoyes,1 to. which
there- aïb harro^-bp^^gé.gj'far ibèat^ 'thlQffigii the reef. Juft to the
fouthward o f thefe is a bank, free from rocks, with twenty and
twenty-five fathom depth, ’one or two miles from fhore. The coaft
rifes nearly perpendicular fifteen or twenty feet from the fea, and the
interior appears level, excepting fome fmall hillocks, and am o r t
coMderable one'’ -tSward/fthe-'c^Mre*Jfef; the ifland; ■ It is1 fimilar io
Tongataboo in foil ^hd-priMuftions1, *bu&êa|l^^, ctiltivated-j evepu in
-proportion to>'its.’-ifiite.l '} ÉRf | | however |bettefe;furniihed with water,
therèiheing a Spohd- 'about thrbe quarters óf- .'a'-fnïlfTfrahi: thfc landing-
place on the Snort h-weft fidep>oft half a iftile in' Cifttfiiti:. ’T h e water is
:a' little brackifh, b u t1 h a v in g ‘in parrtdnfwered Öfe |urpó%sf ®f)oavb-
-gators, -thpibVifits to- this' ifland havebeértï&ore- fréquent fhah to thofe
already mentioned-5 although* -the chftapée from théir ftrips has; terrt
Tafmaii 'anchoredihemt-ön-the January 1 §43 J apd was
treated -1 very’- MndfyÖ by«the iftutiyéssi and^tyda^'ihief,
'whsfe prefenee and ’authority ! probafefy ‘férMirexh-fhib t lfifth e mom
tfrarujuii. Woifc&: -.ifteedl:th#l*®i®W^biWdamv hèïÏRg
kalled the former two, Amfterdam and^Mid^Mrurg?'’'Captain Cook
;Ahawo'fdca'ïyt<.«hè%^hï:QfBjÉÉrf^f|% p$| IlifcfcÉi^ï,
having loft the company o f Captain■ ''Th^neüuX in,'ithèolAdv6rttüre)
-fuhfe<Juent to their ^ïftt to Tongataboh thé piteGedfegiyfeh’ He ajp*
f e t c h e d haYi^-fttni^ed
tthe-aloW . rfitóiteiatïd*’ fhoals fö 'fh a t diïë9 ikjé,r'tö“thé 'latitude
®f ao° 23'; r‘ 'Thefts'* were <t®o!SP fteq-ügnflyiiybi^ï^itéd't here* Jthan
-at the ‘ foutfrémmdft ,'ifla'nds- -%f-’fh&' grbup j ' (f{é%h#8^®- @f the’wo-
smer&iappeared ■ alfc> to he ‘much fnöré licëiitidus-,1 atid th k t^ f «he men
tnore daring, • N ° farther1 mifehidf thaniplünderbyai attempted/! and
Mus Was feverely piinilhed' b y the^-?!Etö@p*èa'n - gueftsvN(Mb-!®f,the
principal peopltswefe prefer^: to^rèftraii^hfe-'tihrul^S' feüf’fofeiemf the
natives-.; diftinguilhed themlfel^ysl' by th ll?gSódnefs‘-ó# tkeir/coqduSt,
and moft sif them hfehaved-! wbjlv except ^when ffecaMt ,tgthptfipdn
Inflamed their