pofed: to..have come: from theiaraeicountry a& M'. dé .Bougainville;
Thejt Applied abundaaqé ?the
working parties from- thç. .flrips,g but i availed. Aemfehes. o f te^erynap-i
portunity to pilfer. . Senfuality foems to have he<æ!pras^M w iA .M l
greater; indecency than before, and feveralj.murders were privately
committed b y . the’ French faiiors, 5; notwitb-ftanding ,.tke't>iho£pitallity .
with which they were entertained. A womani who; had. failed from
France with the crew, difguifedi.in man’s.apparel, wasrdete&Ed,.by
the natives upon her landing. Accu/lomedjtpsTeeL the,,fencesclothed
alike^rthey dmmediateLy perceived the, differeq.ee .of herdAapei but
they conceived.mean ideas q£ Europeantbeaufy from Aer&ountenance..
T he -French'veffds.feiled 14th April, after A e lofs- ofMevéral. ahi
Aprs* thehc^es;KaAAg.beenonfeafu^E.byithe.coralrocki, W|thin
a few weeks, afterwards M . d© d ^ y^ p® |A t fed lth a t‘^pa|ipetpl<e
on board, and Outôoroo ihisàfelfiiwere- infeéked n iA iiA e j -vehweai
difeafe. Captain iWaüis- feéfeslttftçhayà been pecu%rlyi atteSive g tq
the ik t e ^ o f his fhip’s rcompany,. and'pofitively -afferts that..they
Wf-rp pntiré1y .frrta::frr)rn every .fymptom o f this-, dâibrder flx months
before, and: ftHl^forigér after A e ir vifit at Otaheite. ; sThe-acAuhts
o f the iflanders. refpcéting their- previous knowledge, o fA e . Amplaint
are confufed and eomradiâ'ory .• T h e pcefent exigence, and the généré
p feAlA ce-b f the evil. is but top jobvious j and itconcurs-wiA other
dfeadful effiaâs o f - fehfuality, to threaten t& - entire ;depqpulâ<?idhjJd f
A is beautifub ifland,: ifeitbfae not ieafonably- averted fay. A e ' happy,
influencepf theigqfpeh
Subfequent toM.de Bougainville’s departure, a revolution occurred in
the government ofQtaheite, A eeffe&s ohwhich proved to bôpërmy-
nent and important. The whole ifland at that time acknowledged the
fovereignty o f Tcmârre. The fmaller peninfula, called- ^eiarrabô'o}
was governed by an elderly man named Waheadooa, diftantly related
to the king.- The larger peninfula has u fu A y been AAifauted into
three principal governments,- each o f which included feveral fubor*
dinate diilriéts : they were then fubjefi to three brothers, Oarnmo,
Tootahâ, and Happae; the latter, -prefiding oyfer Afc' northern' and
eaftem diftridts, which are.colfeétivéliy named TepiWeonôo/nToQtaKât
who .poffeifed ’eoffifiderable talentk/ arid waa-âétuated by a reftlefs. am»
bit fen1, Æîjnfpired1'-.' w i A -"Ivrsfh'thei government ofrthe
iiland,from ©ammo andt©h&réaraamd|jtoutranss£er'Ae$îroyal dignity
feèaril A e h Abn® .dhiîngi-.yAhfe > miriority
tho ôdnduéteof puhlic;affairsaWaSi tà'.kÊiGOmhri'hed'. to Tobtahâb This*
plot'Æaml'd not>èlj^fekheipenetrationof)'ïjpejp3&.^'and<'ihe ufed ail bis
ïntérefb WiA^Oberea -to)frustrate'.id in/timei, t^rpp'®rn@-',T(|(tJta'ha,vtO'
death'. He dfd ndtjAuwever^preyaAV^^fer'/t!© cosrfêfeM® fowretemt?
a meafiire j landrwfaenfae found îthè Afdqflortl ready t-oiihurfi, the fled
to the interior rtiountatas'rfbr his peEforiakfa&tyh'kWakeadaoay ftimu4
lateditby .the- .defire ,0'S” becoming /wfaoJfy - independent, ofarfhe, larged
peninfula,)-paÆdîAé^i.fthîfmslaivith’his'aTrriyyandidefeàtediAatt which»
©ammo hadocolledfeedt to oppofe him. TofetAaÿratyhudarhe time!,»
with A e forces j o f AbtahSaroo- and Æertajmy ; àt taekedfifrdm’ the 'weftv
■ ward Ae-diftrixd;. p£4 Pappàrà, Oammo’ S' kefidenbeaj' and: carried o f f 1
from the I great morae. ai» that place ' t^ah^Aer/îm^Akàihoerboyf the’
peculiar- enfighs oT the regal: andjfâoerdptal; offices th Th'eîgrânii'' eélbû
monies1 whiofaare attended w iA AumAsfacAiees, werb'therefore pâ??
foime'd at'the morae- ofiçAttahoorDdifbD Airteen» y ehrs Rafter that-ièvirî0S
This'chftridï'baing one erf AedargeffiafadtmofafeAlean the ifland, and
conftawtly.gaimngfatrengjtfa fay?affording■ |ifiQtebtfarf,tto' fugitives from
other” quarters,« was: too <p© Wer ful 'tiaiAb'^SfpeAily' difpoffefled * of* its
aeejaififions.' TootaHa’ had eflabliAed ,hiimP.fe in- A e .regency, "and
refldsdtial'Dpa-rre, the iKaxdüftÿid&Htâb »new feyel^^iriGtoo,,
When ’Lifutahant Çook,-fin Aè<ftüdeavQiih‘.^^hciréd ônî'AèiadjaEentî
bay,of Mattavae;. m th ^April i7^9. HiS'objeétswerè to aiferve the
approaching tranjSt o f A e planet .Venuscjoyer the diflèctfbtlie- fun, and
to renew-the fearehw.hioh^uiros, hadifettoh foot in the^^ft century’ fbu
a continent fuppofes^tp exifl:' in AevfbùthèÀpart'' o f A e -P ie ific ©cfean
T h e Endeavour wàs immediately-viflted by'crowds'of ,the natives,
among whom Owhau Wasrecogpifedfay Mr. GoEelaifl'ioAers w h o had