Otearrawah. Anotherj fmall iflellies abouta mile further along! the
'C<^t|h called Tahimow. -
8 As k now began to rain hard, we;_ landed ,tQ take, IKeltes&i the
hoüfës, which are here, as jn other places,; b u t l t^ ly ; feat teredo when
it cleared pip* Péter arid I walked alogg'the beach, whjje-the teutons
.paddlfed- the canoe.^ 'Fodt^pathshinteffeéted die J o ^ g r q U]ttd.,XbnfeVrt
was bad walking’ on. th em ,, on account o f .the weèds- and long grafs
being iwefc with £ h e u a in a n d the treëstjmfome placesftandiwr %ofe
itb,thê fea, o b f t r u ^ j h e way by the beach, andioEced-vU^iin Mj$>
!the,s canoe j as it waa dark we reached A ttemohji; a imall
diftria. fifuate/between WydbÉëed&. and, Pappara,t and^there^aialed
lUpjthp. canoe. We thence.walked to TemarreV h f^ f tja ^ a p p a ra ,'and
found him quite intoxicated with a v a :\ .^ h e n they**, b ^ h bxqugl#
,l%hts Maid m y h ^ d b w n , ana being tired with the the
’day,i went immediately to reft,
;! '1 8th. Temarre;baft, rifen early,, and gone to- a-.place .r h ^ J ^ b ly _
.to the- weftward, to worlhip at a morai he,Bad there, b u t f^ ^w p ift
to drfefs a pigXorTne. In the interim we apphed’.to.^jbteljtigent
elderly chief for the number- o f matteyn^ and tees which we had
paffed, who.counted themgs follows,-viz.
;; MattjJ Tees. >■ Inhabitants. - Ch'ieft.
. Wyére ' '4 2 ' y i¥ t 'Maâhelïânoo.-
Wyoorêedé ’
Attentohoo ■ *Zf’
' 161 ^
^ 2 4 *
‘V & - % j
1 f Taÿrfdhy, wifè^f Te-
1 - - ■ -marre-. |
Pappàrâ I p r- *044. Temârre. The^ahove
* are ‘-3lfo -Under him,
* AhaTaheinah
'tâ jjà M and-he is -under Po-
- mirre, or'Qtqo.A" ,
After -waiting tm near eleven o'clock for breakfaft, I found, on
enquiry, that the hog they were drefling was fo large as. to require
three hours more- to do' it fulEciently; therefore I was obliged to
content- myfelf without breakfaft, and had -but a faint--hope o f a
dinner without ftaying alkdaybor it,