three boats 'df ballaft. Thermometer 72I0. To-day, I -returned from
making a totir b f the ifland: |
. a;ift. Weather- as yefterday: the winds during “the latter part
fqually from the N . W . with heavy rai’n ; which fo fwelled the flyer
e f Matavai, that we^With difficulty got one boat'-load of- ballaft. r .
'"\||aMy in the-morning Mawroa Snti his-wife* Whsswef our' molt
eSnftant Vifitcfrs, bame, and brought $ 4th them a pig, breaid^fMitj.
^iefe^iiuts^ & c . : with theEii'et^jf^^) three wbmeny 'wi^yfhdy ‘laidy
wereMaMbnsa-#fey likeWilerbfe^lit o f them a prcfent. Ofie
o f them' was ihifl i lv A t f y y® bM | bnd Is
the fatigue o f getting oh btmrd,-that fhe-laid2 herfelfr*dSi$n -'d& the
mbin Rboti aj^WiMy abpSt tob^S®-? b h f imfeovieSfg5%illMe,-'llia
ftaid on board all the day, and .went’ fafe away in Vhfel evening]
Iddeah Was aiSb&g this d a y ^ v in S s , and, in fliort, tho calfitayft’av
quite crowded with thtem; which would • often be uncomfortably
vVere they' not careful to fupply urs with a pfehtifSl- 'table. ’Thermometer
ya0. |
a id . Wind eafterly; moderate zmfl fine weather.
dry, & c . After brcakfaft the 'miftioharies came off, - blit- WMSiftft
ftones, not b e iig M dfifbgffthehr f^ 'th e fw d h o f theriVe'r. - -SSM'SH
lbote a quantity o f rod, bolt, and bar irdft.~7To-<Jay the captain-gaVe
Peter, the Swede, two fpades and fdme other article», as«hfe 'prbpbfed
erecting a lioufe near to the miffionaries. M y tayo Wyrfc^le 'ftht :me
a large hog, as Ihe had frequently done before. .
.lap ia S Fine pleafant Weather, and u J fg h t air b f wind-egftferly-.
Five c/r fix failing canoes went out o f the bay tow^rds Tethurda'.
Thefe are the only canoes o f the failing kind that we ©bferVed bn the
ifland, though fometitttes they will eredt a temporary miaift- to run
before the wind. Servifce on board by brothers Henry andBfoomhall.
24th. Three bf-flie company rtiade an excurfion for two days,
with Pfetdr the. Sw<ede, through Matavai, Oparre, -Tettaha, and
Attahbdroo; ait which laft diftrift they flept. Every where they
- 1 ^ 1 :
were received with pfbfiife hpfpitality, . andï’had- .nine pigs roafted td
entdrtain-them -'at fdifferentf pl'atres;? 4"
-Móderatè ahd-!plfea{an£weather, with a-few; ftiowers’ bf fain. Landed
fondries, and’received; ballaft. 'O-ur1 vifitofs 'Were Iddeah and
niyitayo -Wyr'êed&, - wföbitthfeir hulbands /--thêlr prèfèntS | amounted To
thre'^'hogs aftd'ja#MfgidqtMiikity. Thé'OydÜng kifig
caine o f f in-his^Tongafatóó canoe,! arid-paddled feveral tipafés Yoimd
the :fhipi r The aWpMn^gk^e him-atfuMform1 GpaS oftonlfdmetfeatlef,
and;-entreated him, to put it bri«- which fie in'aTul'ldn fit, with faVage
dMlnafcy1, refufedto do. 1 '
' "'©ufhig the*'h%ht-^Ve ba-d'WUeb faiMi'1 th u tó r i ,and4igtemihg. i
'• 2'$thv'~ Thtpfirft; pa'fty o f /rMfedday fmodferate1 raöd-tfalr- weather-. In
aftéiSèon*lÉte'vyMd;evt6redj tO"!tvj3.,ë'weff«rard^'>dn&S’tev^Éfelh, .wMh
heavy,ya^tfor* about' an iiqmy|lflien!lcleSffed'r'üipV’f2ted‘--fëllf cfalrtt : 'a'nd
ïhds' -ït generally happens when Wëfterïy, from which'quarter itfddöm
Mows hard1 o¥ dong. ‘The wives o f - theufiffll dnfflfietfl dined and draftk
tearo'fi? board. Thermomèter 713°.
■ 26th. Geritle hred^es and plekfah'tuwéafhë'rl Thei cSptain > 'arid
milfiehariés önployedgin' dividing the Received t^ie boat-lbad
oF'ballaft. - >Tme natives oncboafd:3diverting ehéffifdV^ by leaping off
theJtb^ifaihyar-d into the water. Thermometer 733V ^
ayfh. Variable; winds .and plèafarit(weather. Received drie boatload’o
]n"the dulk o f the evening, 'Qhê*of cfer feameft,> William Tucker,
made his efcape from' the fhip. We had beeri1 apprised b f his inlëril-
tion-tb-fiay,,on the ifland, ‘-knew (fhatmolb o f hiS dBt-hes were^rflfliore,
and had thoughts o f fecuring him whendwe: were about to dep&Yt,
ffldt thinkipg" he wtouid near the lafi: dhy. When Wë*Yoühd
himge®L0,fthe boat was inftantly ïpa'nntedvtoyurfue'and-'feaïrch for him.
I and the third mate went -on this ferviee: we landed at Point Vernis,
informed the miflionarics, and the old chief Pyteah, df what had
happened, and employed them alfo in the fekrch, which proved ift
Vain; 4&i after examming>èvery*höfiffé in A