A r t . XVlIIw <€ ^ ,thet& t^U fichm n (fvBe^Dtrrd'D Etajrtnr
T h eL o rdV d ity Ought 'to’t e ft> rerrtemberèd :beforehan8, 'as cthat a l
tyóflÖly 'Ibhfthcïs o f óiir W&iWiry' ■ dSfthg mÜy 'bè Tó kiftferè’d, and "ft>
tftriely and i&fóhably laid afièöj as ffiey ^
tEe Sa^^HM
tefetjikt^'as^Hó^tb llië Lord, fitSH 4h ^bblic-aSd ‘Jri^ate, ^as-b'eïng^
T ó -vvMèh è^ d ljfcY é |u ffife , that il&rè'Be'A
holy ceflation or refting all thit' day W óth^l)®n5ieëffl6l y .lfflohre|^fid
an abftaining fro^* all worldly words and thOTighrs : that all »me
people meet To''timely For public'wormi)?,'that the whSÉ^on&egation
ittaiy bè ' jftefcrft at fibe" b^iitefflig, rsSid'with bnfe 'hë&rt dolgihfïlry -Join
to getherinall ‘pdrts ö f ft'hfe ^iiblic'worftiip, and 'n é t; depart till-'after
The bleffirjrl‘! "
A r t .X L X r i ^Qf'thé^dhances ié mpahkular"G\m^^itpsx^^:\
ïhe'oidxrianeè's ih'tffifa^é cetógfëgiitidSi dfe, pftyër, athÖd8|giyiÉg,
and finging of pfalins or hymns, the word read1 (SMdugh there Follow
no immediate explication of. what is read), the word -expounded
and applied, catcchifing, the facraments adminiftered, and difmiffing
the people with a bleffing. ’
A r t . X X . - &JL Marriage.
Marriage* is of divine' appointment, ififtituted by God at the-time of
'man’s irifidcfency, for the procreation of‘ children to be brought tip in
the nurture add-admonition of the Lórd, and' to the praife of his holy
: maihe, for -'a remedy againft fin, - arid t'o avoid fornication, that "fifth
f periods:' as have-riiöt the gift of; éöntiriency might mrirry, and -ké'ep
thértïelves. uridëfiléH. This was praCtifed in the Jewifti church,
countenanced bj ‘ Chrift, and recommended by the apoftle as 'hönoür-
able among all. Therefore marriage is to be between one man -arid
one woman only; and they fuch as are not within the degrees 'o f
Cpnfanguinity or affinity.prohibited-.by.die word of God; and the
perfons .are .to be pf-years ■ and| difcretion, fit to make their own
choice, or, upon good grounds, tq'.gjve;their mutual confent. Then
the perfons ab.out to enter the ftate of marriage are to figmiy their
intentions to the minifter refiding neareft to their refpedtive abodes
three weeks before their intended confummation of marriage, that he
igay publicly declare their intentions three fucceflive fabbaths in the
congregation, to the end that if there be any lawful- objections againft
the perfons..entering into that holy ftate, it may be fet a fide; but. if
no objection appears, then the day being appointed (which we advife
Pot to be the fabbath,); and a competent number of witnefles aflembled,
the minifter, after a folemn prayer to God and a fuitable exhortation,
is to proceed as. follows :. yiz, firft directing the man to take the
woman by .the right hand, and fay thefe words, “ I, M. .dp’fajte
N - t0 be my married wife, and do in the prefence of Go,d and
“ before this congregation promife and covenant to be a loving and
“ faithful hulband unto thee, until God Grail feparate us by death.” -
Then the woman {hall take the man by the right hand, and fay thefe
words : “ I> N\ do take thee, M. to be my married hulband, and I
** do in the .prefenceof God and before this congregation promife
_ ar)d covenant to be a loving, faithful, and obedient wife unto thee,
“ until God ihall feparate us by death.” Then witlioiit.any further
ceremony the minifter Ihall in the face of thebongregation pronounce
them to be hulband and wife, according to p od’s ordinance; and
yo conclude y ith prayer.
A,r t . XXI. O f the Burial of, the Dead.
Chrift hath no .-where in his word commanded .any,ceremony to be
made ufe of .dceeafed perfon, either previous ,to, or at the
interment; fuph as finging, praying, &c. Therefore it feenrs moft
confiftent that the dead body be in a decent manner conveyed to the
pla^e appointed for public burial, and then immediately committed to
the .earth* :Yet it is the duty of every Chriftian friend eameftly to
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