entering 3/. iis ., and Ss- a day while at anchor j befides this,
foreign veflèls rauft pay an interpreter eomipifljón for hisbufinefs
with government, and on what he purchafes; however, provifions
are very cheap. Rum, which they make in the colony, is^ of a tolerable
quality j and their port wine, meliorated by palling through the
tropical climates, is allpwSKLto excel in g o o d n ^ s /
On entering this port, after a lopg pafifage acïofs the Atlantic ocean,
thé vafthefs o f the profpeél fills the mind with th e moft.plcafing fen-
fetlons Faffing, the narrow: cmtrance between two lofty hills, .tl^ ha r-.
hour fuddeffiy widening IheWs like an ©xtenhy^.j^^ where/gfeetó^l;
ént parts lie many featttered iflands. On tire left,-. ffie;.djty, With the
fortifications and whitewashed walls, prefents itfelf 'in a- firikjng
manner, with Slipping at anchor, and boats bringing ffippli.es, from
every quarter. Beyond all, to the north-weft, ,%s, far,as,the ;eye can
reach, a range o f lofty mountains ere& their rugggd tqps : in their
bofoms, perhaps^-tlioufands o f human beings are doomed,.,!!! fearch
of gold and diamonds, to fpend their days inmftfery,:.
The Obfervations o f the Mijjionaries at their Entrance, and Stay at
Rio Janeiro, i
O N approaching the harbour the tops ,o£;the mountains yreré hid
in clouds, but the hills near thefhpre.covered with fru|tTtrees to their
very tops. Several fortified iflands were around us ƒ and.on the main
we few a magnificent aqueduét o f about fifty arches,- extending from
one mountain to another. Here we began to .obferve marks o f their
fuperflition, for the crofs was eredted on the tops o f the hills, and oq
their forts. On thé; Lord’s day, th^: Portuguefe and Indians, who
were our attendants 00 board, looked bn very attentively, and be,.
haved very ferioufly, during our worihip, though unacquainted with
the language; w’hilft -t-hofe wh,® remained in the boat, though if was
Sunday, amufed themfelves with-cards.- j
A large party ©f uSigning 'em there,r?Svd had leave to fee the town,
accompanied byrtwo tafficos, whb> treated us "with much civility.
,©n landingwel ware ffiocked1 with the*light o f a poor fiave -wornlout
With difeafe and labour', advancing w ith feeble' 'oikwl 'to the water’s
'bdge <r !and ffiortly after T eh dA ’affedh&Alifguftmg; to htbnktiity, a
cargo o f human beings »expofed jttoi&fele, naked, ini t& iii§rkkt-pl^®&
-whilfe others, in companies o f “fix or feVem ’ehaifiedt'iog^ftidr, Were
Har^rfing th& ftreefs withrfeurdens' :'3t^'kuhaVet^ e b ’tffiafi&ffaltef s feog
them like holies or-idogs, - £0 .that auf <£yfes have bgen filled? with .tears
■ atkihe .fight. Whensfiiail this bkfbarbuktragic'nome-kb'tth©Sd,? :
"'bThe iftreets were full-of fhbps 6fi.-areryli&i^d j the idt'fflggifts’ and
filverfmiths’ made the nphrleft .appearance'. W e 6bfetved>aila^^' r2ferj-
tKoirt&f water, with three fountaffis^dijfihalrgmg iiiMdftXt verytfweet,
and convenient for th e Shipping. Peruvian hark was ir . 3/. per
rpoUftd,. Cochineal -We wifhed - toApItihireAfbml 'h£ Ah© Oobhinea'l
-plants.,'"but- did- .riotufireoeed |ubtft‘,dvesg&f' Various tropical-ffieds
and’plants at- ahospitable .ctittager’s, a S t t le diflanCe frloihli&bity:'
The viceroy’s garden was1 beautifully intferfpe^fed\With>'hrkhges,
lemons, limes .’.and- a number roffi other :trees. Thfeje we few ”a 'Cto*
cod lie ftperarShg witer, Turroundfedwith^ ctohilsV'f})ell-\\ork ; aitd in
another part, »bo fiidldmgta to8toife>ffitoffil^^ihlbhth iffiieif^fii-
pious ftream. The'lview o f She harbour from -ode o f '"the wfece'sw^
'magnificent. "i’The: fummer-hoPfes * we»j adorhed with ^e^uti&d
“ffa in tifi^ reprefenting the ‘ working diamond and .die'
makirig fugat'l rum,' and other produce or ui6‘'to6nrtv. f
W e next vifiifeWtle paikc'e. T h^ td ioM Mn^andant'an*m^feay
-fhewed us*lhe greatefb poliiehefefifa^ ^IW ^ ffl^ k^ S^ ^ ^ ^ a|^ tf:en -
tive fa our wives*; and' ferry w e were'thhf\TO‘Cohla mk'ken<^^hjoWf‘ ’
ledgtndfsit^in retflffiVjfpecially wp£n we’T k ^ ^ ^ ir ro^m fiiperlu-
tions, beads and crudifixes hung ^hou^their qpeks^ ap'd the’ crops'
and their faints were "af the comer o f eVery ftreet, and5 Derote 'their'
£ a