thip. .chief’s .qh&ra^tefj. with, fdfilhnefs 3 .but,.; on ■ fheothisr^fidea. it
might be inferred, that thefe Swedes, a^r,-tbfSjjf, %»& lent theiraf-
finance, -might he: unreafanable, and -even infokrrt in their der
mands, and 'by fuch condudt render it neceflary;for- I Vnf'm to treat
them with bare civility only. Thferefpp.f .concluding them preyf;
diced, . and. the- old g rid! only arguing' from: views o f mfereft, it
was refolved, that as Otaheite was the moft eligible ifland, -the fet-
tlement Ihould firft be made there ; andjhe -friendlhip-and ipto.te^isn
o f Pomarre. and his fon'Otoo be courted- by kindnefs and attachment
tgghis intereft, to -be exprefle'd and fliewn-on everyf-sG&fi©JnHE>ut
never to take, any part in their wars, except as mediators-.— In the intern,
vail o f fair weather, betwixt -daybreak- and Sight o’,clock, we pur-
chafed ;a fewthings from the canoes - along-ficje, merely itopleafethemj.
for- the liberality o f our friends had left uspap other plea. ‘
The rain beginning again as-violent as before, prevented fche.'hiift
fionaries landing rtiH near. dev^in^e.foreassQij *,: w^e^jthe.^ptaiii,
M f . Je&rfon (prefident}, with a few .more o f the went
op £h@r% aGCpmpafided by ManpeMfei^e and' Peter. • The-nativea
had af^aabled iugcta the beach to the number r#fi^ve hrm»-
4t|d, ;a»d gs- fihf boatapproached tffsmelapdfitdr^jfeivBa^ii sand fey«
ing hold o f h^ihsualed her agfreauad vL a
miffiopaney on-thefe backs, and ■ Ihore.; Th e y
were received by the young king (Otoo) and his wife Tetua, both
carried on men VAoulders •> each took the captain by the hand, and
in dumb filence furveyed. -him attentively“ looking in his face ,and
minutely examining every part’ o f his drefs: they beheld the brethren
alfo with much the'fame curiofity. The queen opened Mr. Cover’s
fhirt at the bread: and lleeves, -and Teemed aflonilhcd at fo clear a
fight o f the blue veins..- That this fhould be the cafe nowy after fo
many vi-fits from: Europeans, "may furprife feme;; but'let fuch com
fider,- that though the oldeft and the middle-aged; have been fully .-gratified
in thefe refpefts, -the young; ones; have as yet fi ‘ ;
for: t-hete could be but fmall difference between themfelves and the
dy.i^’ebm^emfjris'bf-the' naked-'-fliipwrecked'-faifeps- fih o had lately
taken* refuge ampngft therm
T i e eaptaih n ' i h f o r m W f kh^/^b tough 'Peter ssS< inter-
prefer, th&P ©Ife Chlydiiduc^me^f-ifo# %S\4|lg PretanAtb eOme and
bffit them vM& hjl'do- thenl gdbSpfeyi jfeftbatSSn^them in the le ft
and mom 'Kffeful tM^sfpt'Isnd -"for tifiis end, "iforne ^gdeAf men o f
eur .nbmbeV'intended ’■ to* fehfe’ -atfhShg* 'them; 'rfeqiiiring,1 on* their
part, the?free gi$t-* o f ' a< piecd e f tend' fftffieiently'lleekfed wiihu bread-
®uSt' and Webadnwt' trees, and-dfo-Ifegehak ’a-gartfeni -and
dfifflait<-,o#i’heirfe& being bidFt
■ Own',- -Shat-'^hey ivfeuldf h b tf ;b» :a4^ (a!ecdut®, inteimetidfe' In- their
'wapSi,I‘bdFJ'':eihpfey their arms-l^^fortfeBMefeis^-jT^d a|,:al$fhiids
ffidSckRbe fif-Ce* atafcf uniridleffed abiong ilieto- r to wb iemif hfe eofi-
feftedt they wotfld1 ffey bn-"' the ffltmdpp-f hot, ffteyf' w4 ufff go
eEfeWhefe» MuehPpfine Weretafenit& b,rtt'ha©tbb
appt cf) ' to he a \ u mtduok ! fig* pt rfujrgH doubt- -Whether he uneter-
flood flfe half ©f fe, though« Ke fignified- die ferge hc«r#‘#sfei‘«pr
’dwff» indiwe rmg*M -take what fend we^ pMfSd5.* ' .
^ yA ffe r f ife , Mimfe Manne-fteod-iipunttfie ^theflMg, arid
«jaSSb i feft# fpeeel, paffing many enebmiihri!^ ^l^Pfefetrte. When
Kfeg,^fic® holefeg- the -cs^Minby the(haix|, led 'him
lbretinn- -®W bbard.' When1 arrivaf at the hba#,f*©hib ■ dfefi4ed-‘to hear
elitrged‘ f#tee ; wfffi whieh eon^fimertt hs-ffiehsed h ^ h ly pleafed.
51 Aftor cfihfter' €)to6-and hi-s wife- oame-off, each in' a final? ettnoe,
y fifh ' bnly^oha man ‘'lia d ^ h ^ f whflft*tfey went federal1 fiffies ybtind
the blip, the queen was frequently baling her eanbe with- a-‘cocoa-nut
fbell. This may help to form- an- idea o f what a queen is in O'taheite.
They would1 not venture on- boaidy, becaufe; whetofoever they come is
defemed' faered1, none daring to: enter there' afterwards except their
proper domeftics.