boo, the god of ,£heir ffamily.; and- >ye>ij#iderftind that hJ05t®ü.QfVhis
fubjedts muft in future addrefs him^by his former name, on pain of
j 15th. Vaferta,. a chief, 'viüted^s** andbraught hogv'<tweriIsy
yams, &q.;•• 1
. 16th .to. the .aifl. On Monday, night ,we had ajfeveje-; tempelk,
with copious fhowers oft tain, c; Stfimgepf Mte'ar»tft0i3aingBfwéi the
Harby.: iHands andjVayao ; many .of; whom,, as($djey| ,arri®e,? ego-; to
the fiatqolca, :and’pay their tribute,of refpedt to the efeeeafedjdby cruel
inflidlions on their, own- bodies. > The jfenes ju f,jqjy andsmoilrn-
ing now occupy their whole time,: at pyefent thefdivêrijons,-;.of, the
women prevail.; and in a few days the men w ill commence - theirs;
Thole who come, from diftant. parts o f this illand are returning home,
omaccountqf .thp difficulty o f getting food at; .BjHïghyev v/The diver-
lions and; ceremonies.,j w f fu p p ^ .w ilk y e td a ftT e^ ^ ^ ^ ^ SK ^ y fttoh -
timq we cannot expedt to make, much improvement in.QBrdand.ii
On Sunday the a ill, brother Buchanan difpourfed-from his+fdrmër.
text; brother Kelfo, from Col. >ii. 12.
22d .- Prepared a pieqe of.grquiïd for turnips,^which thrivehétter
than any other feeds. Set fome peas.and; beans ; thqfe.we firff planted
were in blow in about; two months; ’ Thq peas were :chiefly dêftroy-qiJ
by. th# .rats, ? which abound here. - Walked ‘•jgjraR. the wellern part of
the ilfeadymcftimorfr than a mile acrofs.J, -The fhpre; hca^f
furf upon it, Obferved the natives amufing themfelves with fwimi'
mingcin the huf, and carried; on. the tqp of, the.tfëtvethl-si ftfert
theyi tall föneefö.
The men hayehegun their diverfions at Moomöoe’s fiatooka, and
pradtile morning and evening in different parties, under.diffeent
chiefs;: ; Next .Sunday^,is fixed for the cartonga lahie, or'great
toomai.; after which,we;are informed, many of the-people will dif-;
perfe,:,of: which we lhall be heartily glad.
, -28th. ..The great toomai was performed by men dreffed in their
ftneft robes, and mats ornamented with feathers, beads; fhells, &c.;
thejirunas call^t'ar^'fferG?undi|i^'f raeccanpaniédhysashfcmsrof 'performers
Hhgin^^iand holding in their ijhands. dnyinftrüment
paddle, -qalled; do!böcb§$ -about jwdTeet and a.'half''ldngi, with a,:£hort
handle i . making! GUBj-qu^r flc^liih^^fwith'lgoirelponding^ rnotions , - and
different atfitudbs.,!Jt-bSsifeamurid thgm^®fhng in ther chorus: I B |M jj
three linesr^ah#h4ft^dvb,^5^i^us^ivq|litiQns|; .till >dlbfe in
thesrsaE,-hep^^h^feoiitwfmo^agjfoae^dbitime* and-wit^^graceful;
Ifep^d Somel^f^ig:. numbeiinaake a „ pia,ffiee;o^ivifitiijg '.ohefombther
o f theiigrqat'^chiefsj^qv-^i^dfl-y,1 Iky' whqm' we; areqtreafcéd ,Jvith:knuch
affedlion,: and tbey-oifen us;a^)hthingdn.theih;$qjfefi©n.:.ji T hey take
gpeat pains,. .difplay^mj|chtinge^udtyr in. -en#av©uiaog.’to make
up. underftand their, language. ^^Bhipiigh-sthe ;wgek, we haxe jhad -a"
moft libqral-fopply?Q<fs..prpv^Sgn§3.^fent us^aadt hayè-, elevenfohogs in
more thanjweHWell itefq%hqw to feed. Maintained‘(^affi’aifiial
W.orlhi.p ; (brother*,Buchanan fpoke, from1 Heb. xLis-jjS, JjKelfo'ffrom
Gok -7ff4
,^9tlublTwP o f qur brethren being inyited-by Futtafairhe to'Moca,
they^ fe off, „antlpye^took him in j about two, /-miles ;t, having reded
w itk ;his party,to.take theiymorning d ra u gh t^ kava : they purfüed
theinjourney in company. The Ppoatqnga, békig -unwell wjas-zcarried
byfourf porter®; ©n a kind o f fitter. They proceeded not in the diredt
road by the.b^ich,’ bu^tutn^tp theright inland. and the
largeft lioufe they bad feen jin; .thq ?iflafnd, being; oner hundred’-and
eighteen f e t a by. hfty-hx,;aa^, neatly thatched; -ifjis called ‘Nafïöóla,
and is about fix miles^ from ©br'ss ’ Here they rafted abóutrthïEee>-houKsy..
during, whiqh they „took* a^^prn |^ tó g a ;s as they call thq-wesftem part
o f rfhe'illand,- faW tjuuch land cultiy^tqji,-for y t la ^ .but more- hqglèjiïed^
apd. nyergrownjydth. weeds, There were yaH, gtoyés-tef.' coeoarnuts,-,
w.hicb, -gf-ew on barq .frocks, even tp the .edge ;of.,-tbe cliffs1.
Belqw;was a deljght-ful fpring gulhing out of, a rocky payem, inkto 1
yyhieh, at hjgh yfatar( ;fea In thapy^bgitb#^ iVSftt Mi
Tigpasdqolo, a. beautiful, fpqt at, a the read, where