'promife towMt. him when ttfaSaiferaiia i fettlpdrjgaye
ifaiäibn.. S
St A t nine o’clock Ahableri came o ff with Töogahowß; who; had .already
agreed with!the; former to .take all the-brethren under, his protection,
■ alfo to ; give’ them ;a houfe, and the lands attached to rit „ Toivjfeji^ Jiffi-
Tfegahbwe, hytAndde|is ^gonn^.isj .the in, the
ifland /-is the grcateft warrior, .and, in -eqnfeqiieofit thereof
h .'terror to the -chiefs o f j.Torigat^bog, (but hkewife .tP tfe^ i fif^the1
adjacent dfiands $» wlnch^ibfe ^^te4 ,n®t ilP i^ r^ liin a hoftile way^ilpd
^dteMyAhtoiJghtr^hemiTmderrJinhje<Sioni>_, ;W§;;Wß*& fp Ä e i: in fe c ted
eoücernmg hitni that on the death o fa rg^ a in jchiej^
former Poülaho, refiding iq E o^fefle^ hp; &s?ailt
which the deceafed had otsnpiedyo^djwhich^n^jbelnng^l^iiori^ht
to h e r ; but before they arrived, Toogahowe had feized-the property,
and refilled, to deliver it up. . The widow,; who hadlmany-aA emnts,
proceeded to drive him, bnt the attjEjrnpt failed on her part,
and gafe Toogahowe"a pretext for, feizing a ll.her .pofleffions^.and
driving her and her adherents from Tongatab^t. -Since that h e has
4ield his neighbours in a Hate o f fear j infoniueh that it is thought
when Moomöoe dies he will be formally chofen into his. place, o f
great chief, or king o f the, ifland. . He js a flout man, and. may be
about Forty years ;o£age y\ is . o f a , fiiHen, mbivfe:%untfnaWb. i fpeaks
very little, but, when angry, bellows, forth with a voices like.;,the
f oaring o f a lion.
- ;As'ihe came-neantotfierlhip/thfe natives r e a d ily ;im few ^ fn i, his
canoe, and behaved with fuch great awe in his prefenee as tendf d; to
confirm: the accoiint;we had heard, and ledriis to. confider hiirths ithe
■ ffioft proper perfon under whofe protection w e might place the brethren.
Ambler, as above -mentioned, -had already -informed him o four defign;
-butfor thefati&faCtion of the miflionaries, the captain jjinitheir prefence,
'With/Ambler>as interpreter, , a^in; recited every particular oTpur, intern-
and what we featured o f them; obferving, that-pur foie, induce*
.unent to coiiie fo f^r was to*do<thern good, onw h ich account we did
not think olh^lvW^iffleFj.thB^^'lb'tibligatidii^tQ^befet-*,for'permitting
in.their dc'untr^'ts \Wihinfocjrthe£d qj, before b) M o om p ^ ,
IkiS,* on' rho<qiatran ll they \\ ci&,u>n\\ iUin.i,to>iu eht'OLjii, people on
ppTtbhditiahs mehfioncd'.Hj^^bcA^iiKli^feffioii'sjti^ tliwr flay, the. cap-
^trii^lfteterrtji-fia'tion . wasffpq'^.d&paSilf An apl|ifc£djy, manner,v .without
landing1 a man! , g reaT r part
jma’d e ' * f tl-U'.yial^t^to land, they,
nnght*lt\e (hue abtla-Y pleafed, awjT]i^^d]^t5i^£liou]dtflnutf^iem 3,
and in fthe i afternoeU'he w QUId/f^hd,a|doubjIe/<^^^'t.j^ate|sheir( things
en EsSmic? However, thor$^|tJfe:.\chiei, c «nagr.clj e ud ed* v\ b,:it ,w,e
deemed fufliuent for.jputj ^preiiaw^punpptc, jtAJpioujil/hcj^i;ipng>!,to)
firpgofe, 'after ‘ alkouft pam§>t'6 make-jt^gl^in'^llj ;t l ie ^ ild jia y t . , a
conception of-the>.d?finto$c{kd -views j£$Whe nnflipnincs,, noij yet
divellfiffmafelf/«^t|e'‘ fdea 0^-^iicifttigfa^^bmftein xeccning and
. afgiS'ijIldjs “^ in taib in^ themv -,
A m l f e With^^ib^hpjv^h’ad- np^be^^ong^t^bbard,,. .when h&
' ihfotft^^d^bF.a,defign, .v ^ ^ .^ ,^ b v e f:^ u t r in exe, 11 m.^' I
probably haVCf ended thbp|p3rajgej4’i£,not this; place._. T h e
plbt;,\.;h^|fe]l8|us,;'lwas ■ toAahafk' the rfhip^' atjdg atuliat momentjeyefy
mabinn'^ighfTatgfcdoubk tanbes,\and,in,many hunj.1 rcdfjfi^gh. ones,
w u e appu/ed o f'th e intention, and prepared to fjpin* as^io^n f i f t h s
attack commertGed. This^wasjalarmin,gfijtej|i^n_cejj.and-tb^ughwe
fufpe.dted ife »•fprgpby,hf Ambler’sh.ryet‘^ b e lM ^ }d^%|pi ’^ ^ > it. till
tec had by fkeiet./and’ tApcdrtioiK, means pre} 1 l 1 j 11 ,ili* in!
Aibcondinglys-'the fmall arms . w e r e ^ a c ^ i p g f v »nH-^tlic great
gulbhcafl: kbfe and^ lqadeT.^i&'S^ap^^o^^nckawy mag.(,at his
quarters. ’We then turned all the natives| out .of the fhip., e^eppt
ToogaihbWe^mnSlif attendants,}.,l|keWijej,b^dergd alb,the traft»es,^om j and/tbty,V obferving ariWq&^ii^fUr^up^xtb^de^s^^nd
the guns levelled “at them, ^qbpyed rather haftily 3 drawing up in a
range ahead and :aftern of. the lhip, where they lay -in that manner a
considerable time, feemingly in expeTation o f our firing a falute to divert
them, as-former navigators might perhaps have done. Finding1 at hdl