w h ich ougKflto eommehd i t tb ?every'man’s‘ conference in-the fight q£
God.' How ?mtfeh- thmkfutoefc,' delight, and-'latisf^aiooV^itf1 muft
produce imffle hearts'bPfhofe who hive been molt a<ftive“in the’ fer-
vice, and 'liteh eminent benefactors 'to1-mankind, ‘1 need
their work'itfelf -is^their firft anflJhigheft reward. Having finifhed»,
as one AFthS- mferibr wheels :ih^hfeEgreab machine*, -the »eVolutioh
which received--its impulfe from the main-fpiirfgi - 1 ‘aM-c for a white
repoffhg bn thefe happy fhoresof Britain b but iriy prayers w i lt never
"cSiffe fo flh e^ o fp g r ity ■ o f 55i6rifl and for ’tftfe furtherance ofl^the%ni-f-
^fionairy ^laboursi-'of' the1 commencement o f ' whichv having-’ »been- a
favoured fpeftator, I cannot bdb'ihchdge thee pleating 'expectation !o f
abundaht increafe-ƒ and wait, withfthemultitudtf@fj thofe whb believe-
the promlfes' will be fulfilled-in their feafon^&tbthear that Mi's: king-
'dohi fe>ffedVtinCii^f,"Who' fhall afluredl'y * receive the-heathen fombis
'inheritance,Iand" the utmbf¥'paxts b f the'eaFtK for'-Ms^p<^effion. < "The
Lord haften it in his time U -H
k I B l P S i I X
l x •tlie following Appendix of mifcellaneous. matter -refpeCting the
c'stojfyij itsyi^ha£|t%mts; '^cuftojn.Sj uiqj^ld(
thing be advanced apparently different frpin;;,the preceding reprefent-
ations of former vifitants, it will be proper., to remark, that-thefe
papers have been drawn up from manufcrip.ts attended with eveiy
mark of authenticity, and fiom e oro citations with i varietj of perfons
who have been lately on the fpot, and whofe veracity is highly to be
refpedted. It muft be obvious to everj intelligent perfon in fearch of
information, that feme are ftruck with one - objeCi which anotne-r
overlooks, and that the flrongeft trait of character and manners is
often drawn from the fimpleft trifle, which is ready to be d if regarded
or not mentioned for its deeming infignificancc; and where the fame
thing is noticed-, inferences may be drawn by one concerning it, of
winch another may c rvtei tad n a d-iffi 1e nt opinion. We hope, how e\ cr,
on the whole, that the body of information herc.c;olk6lp.d from thefe
foiirccs will be found flrongly corroborative of the truth of the fails
in the preceding narrative,’ and cannot but afford fatisfadfcion to the
curious and inquifitive into the real flate.of 'men and manners in the
•dfles of this "Vaft ocean. We hope, alfc, to be able hereafter-to prefent
a more explicit and full account, if it pleafos; God to crown our
prefent expedition; with any fimilar fucccfs as the pafl : and we cannot
but flatter ourfclves that the public, -on an impartial fum y of what