mWefeAff df ’j&friSfttiifc
cdA^ihejfcdS iff^fdihg 4hc3felg?fi!A'ts ‘iff* ddSlriAe Whleh h&vfctbo ’oflbn,
.TP f f i it e tM ffie lf^feg?G®a
%itfe‘fte^®¥ett6fs;-<tb prevent ;as «inch as
ic^ J^ i^ i& oA ^ lie cBfdtlIffefti bfeingc«o^i®us%h
?f®5l6^icS'^tefMts, f ;<&^ft - ffibMMves
tlfe^paSeft gtfe'eiua&n. P
" As « P d iie a o is ',KaH»tbe doctrinal articles, oT-the
land in-the lenfe ilfuaJly termed Calviniftic, and inicbrrefpondenee
with the dpirifari'6f? their ‘ftriftfeh fA 'SfcdH&d; wdhritained m UtelM-
fembly’s catechiftn ;* if'WSs hh Brf^itel ‘dgcmSi/^ftiat none lhpuld he
fent otit^as rriifBonartfe/’Wtfd aid ’ ABtJ Aralke *a dear ‘and explicit eaxW
feffion o f their fo'this Wde. ' W eh ad every? reafon
to believe that all the miffionaries were o f one mind; but ;it n ow appeared,
on the d ifcd fen , rlfhkt'-fWo,1?£ fhh1 thirty had' entertained
principles different Tronfi^ftfe^refe, which - dc&Sfoned forne - § | I a ^
T he general'fenfe of^he^bdchr'^aswiat kV fit ftd b e injurious to-the
work to continue'MBfe A^felww-hAIpers Whbfe (©defence o f fentiment
from their brethren n jigh f‘produce unhappy effeds hanong ‘ the -fear’
Jfh1®u H o v ^ ^ f^ a f
IR e riftahtftotldltgM/ ffiffTthteyi*had iite^refi; dahW^Psh frohi- ffie
arguments^pfHtslir dkAftifeh, a^rdrtd(flhe^irri|ird^fetyi df'^he#®M-
_duS»? anxI'^^%d^iebldlrigIy0feftdred4tdxTffi^lti^mip, and’as .miidh
Jfe^oured' suid felpjetted as" bier. W e remaHc‘ tliis'-aS: Ahhcrfl: -^apgy
tfaat % to d tohe have Ihewn themfelves more
faithful toThe cattfe, ‘ftoAhas the fmdleft difference fince aiSfen . be-
'fween'ffid^^nlfheTOb^tii, Af
a^ilh. We pAHed-fhe thdidian'of the •fouth cdpe‘o f 'NeW'HoHand;
and o# the h 4th leagues to fhei£fedthward*
ofvthe fouth cape b f'^ ^ Z fe a la tid . Orr'^he r j th wewere nearly
antipodes to our friends in London. •. I The' day following a fea broke
againft our ftern, dallied one o f the windows to pieces, - and fpoiled
feveral books in. the cabin, v s
17th., We met with as heavy a ftorm from the eaflward as any wc.
had before experienced; the fea around us ran mountainoufly, and the
rain poured heavily upon us for about eight hours. • However, as we
were all in good .health, the effects o f it .were but little fe lt.. This
wa'S^in ’SÜ^rd-iongé j
Therfenfdtionsfo‘|Jhe',!iifGi^3,rfe,a&n thistoecafioji. th^r®wnij.oUfrèls
WÜ4 iteibttel‘1 -. e c This'fwf as thé-in»ff(|^r^^dd\»awful#orna'W'4rh^4
experienced;., • The. fea rap, mountains high, ..hutsoür-little. jaritii ingpWK
gMAblb ' b’arfetfi'fe'itk;which wA-tGod' hath.'hleïïèd' ush lay^, tofundef
hér. main-ift%lhilh#nd’'mi3iintedyidyfei5'','fehe:iiWaveshlike a dnck?w*ithi
feathers-. • ;Wé ï^ej-g IfeAe'cLrwi#h^a{^®'alid'Te^e ■ ftafhofmind, and?
en%bkd'topk{b'oh^Mred^oh',Gpd’i "w&ldfwè did in, a’ fweet praylfd
n^eetingsJjêtj^tièr^dc'Gks. ,-j In rthfiieVehingt thdwind dijLd-. aw ay, And*
thg dovely ftar&tflibwê&r d$pr;face!s4?- .Appjclintdd-. Tuefday hext %ifgm
^e^ar(Scles|-ak'di^WörvJCa .day öf.ip«Bl|eo^hankfgiving>;for't.he ögrial-
dJïdfWÓnderfuf'-rhércitS'«we ha’d , received.
I f’kèl^t^il^abfeji.jihat through thedwyage.the'LördhlaeufdaJJydhiat-
^ s® §^ ^ fï''^ ea''oit thê,ïabbath days, fa that our lolemmtrés -have,
been feldom interrupted. .
a id . The articles ó f faith and rules o f church government .being
completed 'afcdrappfèyedjby theJv^ l^ d ft 'th e .b re fn r en^ t^ y | ta l a
meeting, this dayyifignfed 'thelfa^fie, ’and^held .atidayi®^,,fhah&%iyih^g
A fep^ratjbjjfj becoming iridser'ahd'«n^j:bf»pi,Qbable,‘ they« begin
teaching each other the little handicraft arts they were ipaftersrbf;
f^pPShi^Id^h rrtight be.feyifceabfetlhen'they parted.’ ï D r fGaihaVri'
gaye likewife ledtures^jpon' a prepared Ikeleton o f .the human body;
and infcu^ed theri^fttójieptfepf the^niedicinhs.'1 <
. This 1 afternoon weiföfperiericed a;femarkable'iifi,®rfcreneeibfi'Divine
ipfpySdedéèTh Pijr The pitch^kettlgt'BÈihg, plaee(J)flhJtK« fire
by the carpenterywhilft calking the decks, ,.th^ man who Was left