which Toogahouef had waged with fuccefs. The gpvernmeiR here,
as at Otaheite, is evidently in a great meafure ariftocratieal; but ,thp
£><j>wgj<rd f ffkL more defpotic at Tongataboo,
jsfcjfpd yyith J^r.pjffrag'e $&■
jiqqg ff kpyjijfe a kind o f & ■ £& £
heite every thing feems <to he .decided; ^eithgr.by, fupeffor; force, or by
arbitration .in- the Separate diftri||l ;. arid .criminal punilhment is there
■ unknown,: except ;in the fele&ion o f obnoxious i Ii i iulj '
.fional ffacrificcs. .,’I’he; latter feern to be offered at Tongataboo much
Jeffs '.frequently, .and; only upon funereal' occafions. ' Infant
in the. Georgian iflands. TheJafcivious pradrices; which are alrnoff
uniyerfal there, feem.to'be ufuiffly red ri died here to common profli-
tutes. o f -the lowefl. clafs. Polygamy, is .cflablifhed, but adultery is
punilhed with .death. ; T he neceffity o f cultivation, and the regard
paid to .private- property, have rendered the peoples of- Tongataboo
more; ingenious; and ind.uffrious and being ffeldom at -war, they
appear to be remarkably free, in general, from habits q f fufpicion or
revenge. Their lhufcular ftrength and adivity are great; although
in fi/.e they are much exceeded by the chiefs o f Otaheite, and o f
fonje otherifiands.! ‘
.tlicir general • charader; and thefe qualities naturally render thofe
individuals who are the moffdepraved, peculiarly mifehievous. -,*
Tongataboo, confidered in itfelf, is evidently defirable as- the feat
o f a million; but its principal, importance arifes -from the extenffve
'a;nd intimate.connexion that it has with other iflands. While moff .of
thofe -which are difperfed over the Pacific Ocean are independent o f
each other,: Tongataboo is the centre o f . government to a furprifing
number. The natives named more than one hundred and fifty.of
thefe when Captain .Cook was laft therej but ;fevera]; are. uninha-
'bited, many o f them very fmall, and fojne were at that time independent
o f their government, and even hoff.ile to it.
ofiusffefekafe f f f ty f f andifiwi dielfodirge.'iaa Tongatabooi'. Captain
O^k'Explored toorfe trhan] fixtyl o f the wlid^duihbwdsted^ket «a«
vfgafofrd'hsvd dffedvetgdjiihady o f f ’he- remaihingifiandg©f thft groups
THfc'; dirediort in which let’ being north andifoiffh,:
rei^S®1 fflfepl^munication^ feaM^ wayt ;ffra!dieable 1 during «the 'trade
w'ifply' kffdl ifeoftpuf ®£®tf aJi'the’.'Hlanlld^'ffiee.'t^uM'ly bifflM b y fhe
fs^feigff -
Rsic®aMSt(0lg3yn;fiarie aofe&raceff ©thir ^i6markabldifidbl^5whichr
hiW1 been^tfroveredvi® this neighbourhood^ atid'dSffft qfi^ithras. toes
imMediatelyifdfejed! to Tongalabb®.; fl
■•.'Thef'illand'oflEdbas lip? fo'&theeaft?of!Tongatabcr<pqiffoh$.whSndede
is diffahf; nearlyrfeurtlbaguEsfbr-Its forhi;apj/roactees't4T anrovah tvith>
itedihgeft diatn’efer' froth north-id lbutff.tvfta eafferrrifiide ;ii|trplaeed|
bylfea|)tain QcfdM in'rk^pd'tyd'^eftdfenj^tud&joand.'ffs.dbffthemheixb
trgntity’'in l a t i t u d e 5 5 a i f ° I t isssaboifftvtqp Ieagdte;rh! circuity and!
m fh e IRU of-Wtglff j b«i%<pftt^ii(iblfffroih 'a^diffkfKMser
ofewtslye nleaghp'-ift: tfla. to The/Mith;-to'ftehfdbaff..rifeslibatteiiia6el^'
ff?®^tlK f&i%:ith'fgl&t'^9d^t$ii®Bsytbatidntihd.>nbrthj.w©ff<part a w
valleys, meadows, and plains, o f confiderable extent. 31\S«Vdbci < that
(JiattsHthe. |*£©tni9 i IffcKtdk'gra'dualfflltovdije digheffi p&t; • thedt
continues nea|™ppwj|« The foflmh'
ofA ids !tdyilj}fc*ihltreifflllh
cJa|5iij[Ji^iok.f^^t''i(|e|i^'. , Aj daepivnlk^.r'hMtirite'sh^b htodmd
feyi®8©ves i the ilevelmffriffte:. .ffap{<©3nlrfffbblmoff .fa^b#lyji^i|' Coral
is* cbveeBairwfffe. ti^d^tfg'Thfe eultrvaifd^iIarttafk^.iclHdflyi
border: Upon the coafts. There iare.fprings o f ■: fine sfeatetdinH&ia&m^
paffS^ofiatBe: iffand«, h it ihoittt'fsf ithett ayeoednvenienflyi ad®il^le:ltoe
Ihipping. T h e ; beft anchorage 'wa's'ffdiirid upon the north-well fide,
in latitude ai° zo/'^ o //‘, on a gravelly hank extending two miles from
the land, with depths from twenty fd thirty fathom. Abreaft o f it
is a creek,, which allbrds cOnveriteht landing for boats at all. times o f
the tide.. - In-'its produce and inhabitants this ifland refembles Ton