B 0 &
“ vivid, as took away my eye-light for jg/.tpSm. ' Bleffed be £r'pdj
“ it did not laft more than two hour,s, ^ whem,the ftortft .abated.
“ See, what the,. Eord can do >! ‘ Let^hthe-earth feax-,the>Lord; let
‘fLall the inhabitants thereof Hand in awe ofkhim. He'gathereth
“ the waters of the fea together as an heap, he l^yeth-jip tbs
**. depths?as >in .his trcafure-houfe. ,, Qh.^how great,, is, thy,g5®j»^.riefs,
4 * which thou haft laid up -for them thgtiear, thq& K
' Amjdft the rearing/ oh/thed^Svi'
'‘‘rMygfeuIftill hangs;heji^ail^ogathee;
|J | “ T h y conilantlqfe, ' thy faithful oajref
“ Is all that faves me from clefpair.”
•,', A ftef bemg^two' months from ■EnglAd^^id'iBunning';ftx thoufand
mjfe§p thas; is | the: firffetime we hspfeje^p^^iced a contrary wind. •, f
But to return-te-Mr. Wilfon?s journal. [ : "
Ilf During f the/ ffir ft eight days-^ nothing ^remarkable occurred., .©n
£hte, 29th we.obferved -an Manta S. ilong.'>49^gcf W i/ fh a d a
fine breeze wefterly and clear weather: towards the eyening^t/yseKd
to the- north," a gentle gale and' a fmooth fea:; but >thef€/faYdupjble
xnreumftancea w e 'forefew; would be o f ihort; cbnhnuahce.i jt'efilhe
fouthward black cloiifis Were' riftprg.fafty and flying, with great-ye-
locity oyer, our heads in a diredlion quite'contrary^tO' the way~tbe
wind-dtlquefent hletv. Thus jarring o f theeldtpeutiwe eotifiderfed
a s : a;jjfiue prognoftic- o f ari approaching ftorm x therefore jthe Captain
ordered the fmall fails to be taken in, alfo a fingle reef in the topfails.
.Still a. gentle gale continued as. before till near 'midnight, when we
were attacked by a moft violent fquall, with a deluge o f rain and
fmart thunder and lightning, the combined force o f which obliged
us to haul sour forefail clofe up, and furl every other fa i l: happily it
foon fubfided,' but continued ;not long moderate ; a ftrong gale- fet in
at fouth, and the fea running' high all the following day, moft o f
the miflionaries were again vilited with the fea-ficknefs.
,I ffeteember r f t . . uThe 'g^lf )>,3g^)der-ate4» gpiatly,
a few o f [the and'fhjed,,
tfhe fhip-iput.an.-orde^'Uhdtprepaisjtions <|gisd.edo encounter fu^ft fjprpa^
■asowe miglftimow ie^pedli T h e jgow tfap
gale faHj^a-Bpeated Tafts > and as <qq hayfoaA been got at Rio Janpjrg,
on ;aq$aptt iof the i;%ny
expended j^ th e re f^ jh ^ ltep g a tiv g , remained ,,tj.p^^tcxJ^ill .tji.e
;poor -lean ianimaL: this y®ag-tdone^.(^9^ingly> -jbpt,^ith ^ lu ^ ah c e ,
fou n d ’herbh%;f|ivith calf, .whieh made her nxor^rfgf^te^* }i4? «jtV5
icourfe oflthe might we. experienceh^pther fm a rt gale, ,-whhh ,,;thPfH§h
.not quafcfcmcdentia'S (the laft,-jwa$, hke-it,..att-diide4 w i^ jfa ih y d hw -
jder, .jafld/lightiDfflig.
J2-d. A td a y lig h t:jwe had'better 'Weather, ianjd>.the\fea .-„was' rp-
.maukably fmooth, but werynmueh djfeglpuped, the caufe qj^whjph
pshe^pmehon ^K^^ae^lyv^fcribed to- the outfet o,£ fhjitytuiff > fpm^the
great riverI o f . Riocfle. la oPla^a| vse founded, ,/bgt rfo ,^d
w ith oaenhumdred ;lhtihtou®ffdh®tf .Atr^& § ,
ofewation, was S. kaigt. W.
'thea^rjTttetfky ^fiQd.
,b®eeae at^febynW. ■the,-'windvvepied'■ jto^SijW-ahyf^-
-oreafingj .>amd'.the fea,riiing:very.faft.
s , §d. I n >theianornimg,?ithe tifea ir#njei§G!^di5g h%hs;?fdifhe (Wi^
-h lew a complete iftorm, which redueed.us; to^hrplpfe^qffd (njiainjtpp-
fail, and forefaiL ■ Several efftour fe e ftpgkddied, ejthe^jih}^ ’the'CgJd
©r the fprgydof i-the, fta,sxfontbat we were qf^lohng; t ^ e .
-whhle®itthis<mvahiahle-|)Eefery.ativfeqfih:ealth. oMPt >® fe h fe g re |||r
-part « f th e maffiohaiteSjWeEeffarfiek,; bttMb|a,e
Mrs.-Eyre, alreddp exhaufted -by continued,jihnefsj ^gem,etd /1SffeJe’
dlong i4to. fu&in3iihefe greafe£;txialsiji,aiid' ref|>P<^i?g-^h9f& whq,'?v^r
not;ficki |phey, anddikewife/the'Ciew, ifdfebthe ^ c p m f e r ^ l e
ofTuch. h a d weather^u Being ^mssihuated, rdhej P§ElWAiSg§)'f-l^:Ee