We' therefdfe.embarked agaiäymd fcisiSred-.to^ariother^ «ailed M ä k ’
k a h a h t h i S we found well | ftoredj with jcoeoa^nufis ,-c' plantains, bjead-f
fruit; and; iuga&dLne;,; alfoj gQQdvfrefh.vWUtei:. l/pon the jb^aclj gjg&
• dBnnd a cuirious coral. rock, nauch (refeiufeSbgfibe) ftump, of, an, o|4
jre%vabont,five .feet: high and-.faur /thick; f t was- full of- hole^,-.>W
which were a great number o f water-fnakes, ■ 'Thef natives
us .to hurt .them.and would fearce fuffer therrr'lpih&it^^6^» ^ ? ? ^
they were.ägsks 5 which led.u’Sjto fuppofe they tycfß fägjred, animals,
Thefe fnakea wfaeabout fehirtyinches, lon g: thebody hffom. headg%tailj
dshhi-lsiis^drf’ black arid iwhite alternate^-,; -each inch
breads; along: bach
Though iribti'Äsndmdus4j the rthem' aS^d^gerpps* and
Faythey.Will: kill a m an k y twiffeingt round hi-s,- ne^kakd/ hkwgtp kSf?
in- his.< throat.. ' W e te x t examined another fn^Jbifl^dj^fi^fed-jjgjdEäg^
wliere was plenty o f -breadrfruit, but- lit t jg ^ F k ^ jfh?re7
db^yibUiQW Ffifern,'s4we ^ a d e k h p i ^ .^ u Ä ^ k a h s f e ' t%7
tihesjhäboiitdthii^::® 'huiftber'iob^a®§feoijQ^^|^j iwe
jcoutldo aftei^ardsr-drawpwhateyef we WTOted-ofif^be or demand
their fifh, i f we chofe-tbs .-or„improve..the ifland,
_what-,alteratioj^riii: it we pleafed. We-J^ujld;i^ttaf^h^ftiU .with
Adeteiw^e*Ähe;exp!tidIed his approbatiodf o f v0ur7.gh8i£-q j ß fr J & f
•obliging raanher, ^gid infplited us farther,.that he hud fefcfhj^me^tp
ÄccQtdägeqtöj a- jingle feihng Canoe* which he
iMoomöoe was-now incapable o f turning hindblf,fajadruppeared} tqt bp
-haftehing faft to diffolution; neverthelefs he defired us itpxfenc^iiim
ia : 'cuckoolijclock,':! and ,~st jifewi o f our jMjjffifeac 4§| ■ fing
him. . We Weregfeatly fhocked with the behaviour IOf iTöpgahowe,
who two days ago- had Caufed a, young man (his own jygpnger
-brother) to be flrangled, that his father-might, recover*. /JThe vicftirn
( h i . had buried w ithin U;fcy y ^ d s /p f?tkefchdpfe where we were,,, and
d id tew cante to pioutn oyer him, which -Jh£ did,.by, fittiijgr upon the
.grave with his elbows upon his knees, and cpverhag hif fate© with
hik -Hands- I remained r;a-‘dong0ime, ihl/jSJeiige,. and, then i departed vety1;
thoughtful. After fugper Futtafaihe Wpnf UOifiit jjp-with MopmoOe,
and we,|refcired.t6trelfjiandiearh;j;'next morning,-embarking in a Canoe,
got-home 'about! nine o^elock. ”
E1 r07th. | 'itfhadi.rained hard.durfeg the flight,/which prevented, us
from whiSibgchi thefday. Avprefefuuofkturtle* and fofflf yams came
from NbbgMlifh -in - Mosnaaoe’li nhtneif a t jd s^ efteemed a valuable1
prefent irr.tMs; country, I Several- d£* ajac !gardenftfeedfe(lbave now;made
their appearance, and'foctk.soieedingl^ well jcbut.tho.rats and mice -are
very ’deftrad:ive.r»>raiCr Isropslofipeas have fallen ia prey, to their ravages)
and wd? arei-afraid'the ibans* will, lhare fhe fame fate, .except we-find
forte paeknss to. deftroy ohdriveiawayrjfehefe vermin., .Aiblindichief
vi-feed?;jrS'(B-day>!. .
’ 2§’thfiiv? Weather" ftilF wet. qc-Great, ,nubaibers->;b£ j people* >a^d> daily
Carn’ing} into -our,neighbourhood,' : hringingjelloth,./ h®^s, y a r n s Sea
ttx beidtfgofedooff a t ’the funeral, o f .-Mdobaraoe;. w*hcf4 deathjis, hourly
expected»! Temporary -huts, are- conftru£tingj,jih megy 'cpqvdMent
place 'near to Bunghye,, which was thh ufual- rfefidente pf the king
(MoorrfeoSk,Jand wherer his fiaioekkuisv w-hichi^larjdsiObOut h a lf a
nsfile -fi-atn our hottfe. A» yduhg wonmhj-tarris^^atcOul^ho^fellJus
fficfriiiisi, and. ’’gave an .affedtingi 1 account j ‘Of|one, [of
Jt&bfflooe’s j fbnsJ The yauthirfi ,ffif®asv.«Jiv.e4 i^te&me dilhncefrorn
3^bOgollifVav*Iwl&e the father-Iiesificki and/by■ a?der j©f;whom.-.he was
fent for, undeftpt&ecfce ofvhakirig his little fingers e,ut of!) a c-uftom
"cofrahon here; and') done.with;view-5*t0 ^app^afe rt,hecaug6f qf the
Odpoa, th&tSthefifidk gerfon mayfrecovef^ s biitg irffadt; fhat,Jie might
b6!.ftrangled?\i ¥ip66 tbe ^arrivail't ofdGatelaHo-: rhe was tfjPWTfV'? a
^rdihlihtonbr hy^is>iSder bi^th©hT6o^|Sgtl)t ®jdi fdplte afierv'vfent
to fee his father/,! i Whofe, attendants r.fei’zed) - upon- -him- With aV-kw to
fhr^g4<^l^d'.ir^and^,''-When he, /gueffing their intention^ la id ,',if
they Would life gfen^ler means-he; would fubmitfto<his^fatheri>wilI j
but thdy contintttng theiruviolence, he; by -a’ lgre'at exertion beat them
o ff, -Threb feejee men.wexe'ithen called> and thefe being, joined by a.