C H A P T E R X IV . ;
’tr a y ifa c tio n s. a t Q ta h eite- t i l l th e ir D e p a r tu r e ,
T h e intention o f • writing» fchefe-pages being chiefly to preferve the
circunpftances o f a voyage which from ftsj. nature and ofejebt is in-*
terefting tq many, I triad with- this view notice what, occurrence?
pafied aLfhp fhip during, my ablqqqe^ jalfo In tfie fu(>feq;i4Gl& fags? pf'
o a r - fta y i: and1 tihen -take- leave of* Ofeiheite; without fay ipg |npre< 4>n
their ciiftorns,' and manners tfian what lies Interjperlgd i&.the journal
already detailed, as all former navigators have-enlarged? oft this; flib-<
jedh i and| i f -errors .can Aow. h^ eorred:ed, it will ’.certaifflgiJig h§f|
done from the tetters of, .the, miffionaries ,i whpfeurefidence ■ among tfta
natives Jor.five1nabnt1is. ^ v e 4 h em ; tUf? advantage over us afl
the flrip.
^ 'J u ly rath. It being tj^e Rev. M r . Lewis’s turn to attend the boat
empk^ediliTlandihg thp%bd|fc, he expreifedafear that the 'dmuon
o f them, after the departure o f the. fhip;'wyou’ld ; dccauon '’Torfte
uneafinefs. In the courfe o f the day M r . Covferland Henry wafted
upon the captain, and fpoke to the fame effedt, giving it-^aS1 their
opinion, that, to prevent any thing difagreeable happening, the moft
prudent Way would be for them to make a divifion immediately, j '. but
this being only a propofal, the adoption o f which the captain left entirely
to themfelves, it was no more fpoken of.- MrS. Hodges arid
Mrs. Henry alfo vifited us to-day j. and in the evening they i l l went
on Ihore in the pinnace. Landed the goods, and received from our
friends the natives a plentiful fupply o f fruit, &c.
13th. To-day the captain and fix o f the miffionaries examined,
the diftridfc o f Matavai for the purpofe o f finding the moft eligible
fpot on which to build a houfe■, but as there were feveral equally
eligible, np/preference atgp «u
14th. The weatheE’fejepjp anci'pleaf^nt. Information) was brought
to the fhip, that the young king had come to Matavai; but a report-
fpreading that he had facrificed a man, the miffionaries exprefled their
marked difapprobation o f the horrid ad?, which fo terrified him, that
he j^^tfetting offerer.Pappaiä. m j .the pr^ain l^m|edj anphlfopped
him! as hp and hjs'qupQi along..thc-bfaoh. Qn-jjieipg afked why
he was going away fo foon, he anfwered, tfiat, as the miffionaries
were angry. hgTuppofed^fiq.paptaiii.wis-bfo too. The captain told
him thatrijt ,WQuld',bettyejg5 wtfirig .to; fiygafice- a m an: lipi deqipd ,the
fa<ft. The captain eiS^eg.ted^hjnj^tq commit np, fuch^erp^ty,. ^ ap4 be-
fofUgftt'i'hjm' to return^,; propgjf^ngjthgt would.fppd- Jiim, a canoe*
Which- he had -brought Tonga tabpa. This both recou-
cried and pleafed. him : fbe , accordingly ’ took lt up. his jgefidengq in
Matayitti;- Had hpagoni&pff^ifi'fear, knpwi^g^jyhat
thp cordequenoes 'might he, as hg~h%d? pnl^. t<^^yfr,h£ rahriqg on 4 he
diflri<Ts4 ’ to. cut ©ff.all our fuppjigg* §n’?ir£il#l$|teh8i ^lgg^,.jt|iopgh
not experienced by;lfs, .has been- feyerely fpkjjy^fbrrie, p€ their vififqrsu
i '1,5th.. Pleafant wpatfter. The; captain*. and; thg^f^U|j^app(rinted
mÄonajiäes^|npl<^ed in^difidingi . - the feamen hoifting out
o f the .hoMyr.and into the brethren’s
boat. .In the forenoon €)too and his wiff; carpus along fide; the
Friendly Ifland' canoe was given to hjfft*- nnd aftpr he had furyeypd it
near two hours ,qhe got into it* and went on^fhore feemmgly much
pleafed. Ahbiitftfoift in tha afternoon, 1 Sam (the Igfle cabiprboy)
ran feorii the fhip^r’ fuppofed to haye, gone- out at,the cabin-wipdow»
T b is ’boif'beingLof'4 dwarfifh fize, WS£ apprehenfi ye■ • p f fhljingdntq
want in his own;: eriuntry; therefoj^i^ypreferred fading where
nakedneft) was no hardfhip, and; diet vegetable diet at leaf! o f the
ifland could always' hu procured at eafp. He left behind him a few
incoherent lines mentioning his defign, wherein he likewife (ays, that