j S E m p N ' j i i i .' :
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T,HE; CQasatrjr bh©rihds{ in., every Hhilng fneOeflaty J^ptfcpnfofte*
fiajice,<sfki£s i«hahit?M$te»i ThffiiKave irrnh«H>d4* p^)hpg§4i£wjK<di bread
rapidly, a.very l^rge fort :^aogs aje&hagifly peliflj^dyi and
rats are numerous and troublefome: common fowls are in great
dw'qdftiieejsTFbelbi; w ith lK e bmfer,csBaftitute:tbfejAi^f|pf t|ip.ir«ariit!irii^t
. We hribraackarieffiMfc tb.irucreafectlieui ftoek, ibut With littlefc$ccefe
The rrxajMiac^isj^eahwe
srai^. the cattle yyjafexasrfesjj© Eimeo; the bull is deftroyed, fridifh?
eowsegrewn'Jsjflii^M'BreitfEdfifieejipe^a&ed. rTheymridesjattempt?
t€|qJief§Ttfac h^jai^imutt^^q^QfihiBmgfapfcinQ(febplii|ii8ai^ fh®®
^dbejhcg^^andiBal^iiigothemidditiielrdJiflfflS, the hide as
leather^iand tiiq^ERfe^gMyiaE^^pKcjhifcrittdelfeni rae^«^pfl,4 i«d
?|efpiM,r rTfirngoats/have to^ F b& r^ e e^ iim ^ d id a flih ed a fog-rfteif
finelf a|»Ii Ae'inifiSuefcthey S d thei'dpth^plkitetebnsii ahdl&rfedb infis*
Tiorfto .thein-Hogs. arui dogs; as .never teidae isrien/byjthenatixp, ■£ they
ate chiefly'odpyenj tdihchapnrrtains i xiFfod r^fcimritiply; 'arpL brS iufefuL
We havbifetriy endeavoured do repair theibreedrHfnih£epr>'>apich.t|iough
the beft-ram died, >di^re; islk<i)Eafpe(aij.off theiri iit^reafeJrphdpr our
€Me,-unIef$J-deftfo3^sdj.byrthje natives oriiheiri'di^^ci^rji^iaf rabbit?
has been produced, ahd-thby ean.h»dly.faHoo£ri'iplreadihg.\ W e have
ducks-alfopbutitheyhaye/ n it y e t wellv fucceeded.- ..A-buII' fent /to
ffihnio,Would xtohtihue'the. breed,, th®»^ theiaajivesi ddreiiriat ap*
proach the-' cows, which; fare :grown ..wild :on fheritountapsy > iThfe
fame fate attended the vegetables, which the former voyagers/carried
thither, as the animals. -. Not having patience to, let them ripen, and
taflangctfejem when.gieerg,‘thej/»defpi-fed the gihp^s, and trod them under
s||^KK5[||therpfirtesfh&d'iha’rdly a.< better jlfee 1 butHtfab biter are now
caltivated'^apd, .undo* ^ta-jR^re^rwillt foon’ be<4 valuable; acceflaon to
their iftctek __ /Efórindians reortp i would '.ripen(tevery three
months,' i f iijfeyfithoüghtslibasvobthitheir pains., 'Ouru.brethre'm yriH
prctób’ly?grealri^^Ö®feafe>tfeernut®:befi(p%iculin||iy.aiitiLcles,’, thougfo'the
&ad«S'Mye a5feady*abuWfencë,«hödtjcaire .mot .for any additiaalsyS,'
1 F-ilh/the^ iakfe^f/rkaiiy Mts-, ind dmAgireatylenty.i and they have
fuch a profulion of roots, fruits, and vegetables, as can/ fcarcely bo’cnu-
tnerated s theigteater-.part.grpwingifponteijeQU'fly', andrieeding) neither
k%>upitor'&üMfe. Tfcpriftdpa:lwrfh^*i,s,*ÉfcioriR uo\ or, bread-fruit;
This beautiful > - uièful, - and/lkighly/efteemed vegetahtefeems peculiar
to the ‘Pacific-' Ocean',’ and *s fite its 'riigheft perfection, at .Otaheite;
W S É j M wluph in its bpancliing?if
greatly ^êÉèmb&s ; th e . Wakes*-ihow’eyer; are to re . like thofe ’o f, the
fig-tree,.ubofh- in Cölojurl and.fubftance r .theyiarefaffbot and a,half 'in
lêngihptpf an i oblong/form, ;the .edges;.deeplyimdented^ and the ribs
yielding v.Wheri, broken,-, a white Jirfilky, juice.: /from the dbarb, or
iftö€k?m t$h®jsg'-black p f f i e x is ts , \w(hich'ifiryes them- mftead jf&jT
pitch» fp'priho'i'öanoes,. dndi.as •lirdlifrKf.'td.icatch -the fmaller -birds’;
^gdlwhiph-.-hylt^ppirigtlmig^bgiprodycedririgxekteqimntiteSii • T h é
tpëé/isi»0jbiArgrowith,''sfliioots-agam,whenS cut down, and hears fruit
to-ab'outiffeuryearsbr^'Ofhis -irrtoft: pienfi^flfpid rrfitntiBris fbodngrpws
asdargë-as a man’s: two rifts. ■ . Its fprfaee is rough likejnet-work; the
fkin is thin ; : the core but finall; the intermediate part, which is eaten,
white, and very like the conftftence o f the cruinb o f a new-baked roll.
It is divided-like an apple,;and the core taken out, and then roafted in
their oven, when its 'taftè islvery fimilar to the crumb o f the rineft
wheaten bread, with a flight fweetnefs,- as; from a mixture o f the
Jerufalein artichoke. Befides furnifhing thé moft nutritive food, and
in the gfeatcft abundance, this tree claims pre-eminence, fas affording
from its bark the moft durable clothing j :the wood being excellent'
for building, and for their canoes, having the fingülar property o f