ffioro to'-Sfanriquez, and 'a:Mqiiwrëï-hgaM ftföif '#§k-pl&èë jQèn® o f
thé ioldieïs was wounded by - a fpear, and many o f the natövës were
killed -by' the ffie-arms, with whichlthey- were purfuect while rètfëat-i
ing with them woMcn and children to the woods. Froth tKëfiéë they
vainly attempted to annoy the invaders with lances and-ffiSifeS, and after
fömlrda!ys they made ovàftüres o f fubmiffion, andh ré ü g n f ptefehts o f
fruit to the guards which had been plated at thé prîtîapd^vënuesi
A familiar imiteóMiBfef -ftdaigi renewed.- ibine^-iof -the iflanders ànâ
SpâmaMsîfltaBéd particular ffM8dffip&ÿ fââd' a^ffiSn^vvlfS1 Wcühfïè
intimate" with Mendfea-S chaplain^ werit\öfr jboârd* With him,1 ’dffî
covered great docility, and feemed diftreffed when they departed!
Having.’refitted' hiîe o f his veflèk, and érejSedffome ;êroffèsv'ön-t-Kè
fhOrè-,- ■ Mendana failed 5th July ; h u t terniînated1hi^voyâgÿiwithbuf
acéöfiaplïlMi^ ^ h h j f e i ^ n d died at an Mind which h e
^ 5" to rthe weft ward ë h ’Ohittahoó.' J '
It does not appear that-the Marquefas were again vifitèd -by Europeans
till 1*774, When*£aptain Cook went in fearch o f t-hefe-ifi&cfs,'
^ '# f iF t o aféèrtóh their -longitude.' After meeting w ith fbriie-dangeri
in attempting-to turn ihté "the harbour o f Madré de Dios, Kd'hni-
chored thefts 6th April.- -Several canoes had followed the Ihip as Ihe
paflèd'the fihàll harbours ott the fame coaït-to the northward, an'd
©thèïs camé o ff from fhore as Y@ctt aSftie '^s>anchoredi -A* héâp o f
ftohes-" Wasp provided: in--'eaéh-caiioej* hilt- the ifianflers finding-tMfeir
vifitors peaceable* bartered with them ih an amicable manner. This
intercourfe- was renewed more abundantly She following day, blit
they betrayed t fo Talric- propenfity to theft which {4 ery where prevails
in- the- Paeiid Deean j and onè ô f them haying feizèd and
o ff with an iron ftànchion, was: haftily fhot through the head by an
officer on board the Refolution. Hete-hete, who was then in the
fhip, fhed tears at feeing this ad: o f barbarity •, and Captain Cook
took miich pains to reftore the familiarity which had been interrupted
by it. The iflandcrs alfembled on lhore, armed with fpears and cilibs,
and .drew up tinder fome rocks on the north fide b f the harbour.
Cook went to meet them with a party under arms j and Hete^hetC
having explained /tcS them "the^^raS&lw^^l^^E'^Bm'.^ftne- naitiVes
appeared ■ fetlsfled? find?cdhilud:ed ffe if t lo ’ &. brook, ‘Where' water" was
bhthined 'for^sthelihip. A brilk trade;dorfvCg'etabIes «was carried" on',
and flomerhogiiwferespiire'hafed.--The pretence of'?Cook was; how-
eyei,' f o u n d f t h e ; b S H f l d e ' h f l e o f 'the natives,*1 who
aftedbpi'fecif^.yVda'iif-the^c^lk^ ojfp eh% 'Spaniards, ^alrhoft twtf cen-
turies before, had > pfeflbfjeib lb. their remembrance. liSie- Hvotnen
had" been removedlffom this harbour; "hut feveral were met With at
one to the! foilthWard’ o f-it, who difcSVCred no.' rehtdarfee to!the li-
(^.tibus fatoiliaHtiesi&fi^he'laflbrS. - *Hefe-hefie" w is foon ibKetoYdn*
verfe flueptly with:, the tniativfes-s' whole difteeftf'differs 'from that o f
©taheite chiefly dh-nfet aflftiitting the ahd in h av ib g^ lke
the 'Friendly iflafldfers, the hafdf -TcbnIbna'rifSi nnknownfar* the 'othet
group. They paid ^r&thaftentiop'to theinforfriatibn- which he- gave
them o f cuftoms in - which his countrymen differefl-Froin tHeth,*' ai^d
efpecially-of'lh'emod'elo'Pprbdbeihg fire b y the fn&ion of-d^fwood.
'io-A-chiefs*named' H-oaod* 'SncP diftingflimed^Fy-lSie"title of'Heka-ae,
came w ith many attendants -~tb4helanding-plaee,1 and exchanged-pte-
,fehts with Captain C sp ll; biit' cbuld-' 'n^ml'-'perfuSciM to-kdompany
hirfe. on »b o a r d . H e was flecotated. w ith J a- great5 *Va^Ee%yv^ 'W i i l i
ments,. and. wore, a cloak, While the reft .o f ‘"ffie-'meh ,had only the
round'their loins!- His'doblm and' manner mdicated -ituiSi
goOd-nature and! intelligence.- The fuppbesYif^prolifl^T^ineW- to
tnereafe in confequenCe o f liis vifit'band no farther eOnt^ft-'ocairred]
fome thefts,- whidi were commifted, heing-fufferedhy CaptainS!G^bk
to pafs unnoticed, asdik ftay was defigned to-bi fhorf. - H e failed On
the n t h April.
A F.renoh nayigktor, named 'Le Marchand, vifited the Marquefas
about-the year 1789. " Several veflels, chiefly American, engaged in
the fur trade, have ulfo finee touched here "for provifions j and the
cpmmander o f one o f them, named Roberts^ 'built a fmall veflel at
port Madre de Dios, with which he proceeded to the north-weft