corner two high Hones were placed’ upright, â f right angles.-, to- each
©therÄnd’ in a line with, their refpedtijfe fides- other^Weré’füÉh as
$hc’ brethren defccibe that. pf. Moomooe to beÿïâpgïd - a third fort-iWerS
built fquare like'the firft j thèlargeHmFwhicb wasdat thé -bâfiPë|ll
hundred’and fiftyrfix feet byioné; hundred -and forty glitt had’ four
Heps. from the bottom to th e j
top, Jthat run -quite round, the
pile : one Hong: eompbfed .the-,
height o f each .flop, a part o f
it being funk in the ground ; I
and fome- o f thefe -Hones in the
w a ll o f the lower are immenfely
larged one, which I meafured,
was twenty-four, feet by twelve,
ïand two feet thick j'thefe Futta-
fäihe informed n s were brought
in dbiiblecaaiocsfrom theifland
e£r tefooga. They are coral Honé, antf ater hewn hntb- a* tolefäßlj?
goodfliapÜ; both; with refpedt to the ftraightnefs -of' their, fides "and'
flatnefs o f their furfaccs. They are now fo hardened b y the’weather,
that the great difficultynwe.had in breakii^-aTpecime^^;%ne c6rner.
madedtinptleafy to conjeâuoe how the labour o f hewing tfiaaÿàt-^fiüt
had been effidtedrntâs, by .therfflaarks o f antiquity which doriiè^of
them bear, they muH have been built long before Tafman ffiewe&fhe
natives an iron tool. Befides'.the Trees which>grow on the top and fides
o f moH o f them, there are the etooa, and a variety o f other fre^s about
them j and thefe, together with .the thoufands of" hats whidh hang
on their branches, all contribute to the awful folerrinity o f thöfe fe-
pulchral ■ maniions o f The ancient chiefs. On out way- -hick ’F iittii
fäihe told us that all the fiatookas we had feen were- built by his
anceHors, who alfo day interred m them*; and' as there appeared no
reafon to doubt the truth o f this, it proves that a fupreme power if!
the go^fcment p f the ifland muH for many generations have been in.