btgged pawirtiSSnn-*» take what they had gat, which was granted*
and alfo a canoe lent them, the,better- to; convey the fruit home.
T he old chief, w:c®tóing„ to promife, brought us the poles, for
which a knife was gaten him, and fame red fe a t fe s , which greatly
R ig h ted him. Went to iOparre in cur boat fed «rood} ito^atably
entertained j vififod the mbm, where the great gad Gore© refides,
topreffented b y m % p i e t o M weed j. faw there feveral altars and
IkuUs o f mm who had bean fkcrificed. Ofte o f the akars.wa&'fbrtjb..
five feet long, fuppsmpdon pillars o fth e bread-fruit ttmJbouiifoven
feet high j the other about twelve feét fquare, and «n dhè'tc^p ah
arched flied like the tilt o f a waggon ;. here i the i woods» god^ was
laid. One f a l l we obferaed fplit acrofs, and in the midibofr.the
m om a fait pool with a young turtle.— Qh i when fhali a ll thefe
horrid fcenes be clofed, and Chrift alone be exalted ?
l^th. Service as ufual. The natives are vary fondoF being dreffed ;
We have-lent ctethes to feverai, which at night they hondEy retumedi
but they have committed feme petty thefts, and. we hardiy know
what to do with them: me-arnloth tö p u ^ th fii» ,.:yet'aiB|>i«^'
emboldens them in depredation.
A native coming into our apartments, a brother took occafion to
•fpeak to him about God. He owned the Otaheitcan gods were enow,
bad, for they ate men, hogs, breath-fruity &c, w hiA the^ihotane
God did not, and was “ a good fellow,” an Englifh term he had
picked up. He ©bferved alfo, that when we fpoke to the Prëtane
god the good rain comes, and when we Jo not the good rain goes
away, and the hot fun Ihines ; a heavy rain having fallen on two
fuceeffive fabbaths,
5i6th. A great quantity of bread-fruit was brought to-day to make
mahie, as the time approaches when ripe fruit will be fcarce in the
diftri& for two months. It is truly wonderful to fee how Providence
has fumifhed this place: as foon as the bread-fruit fails in this
diftrlét it is ripe in another, fo that we never want» Cocoa-nuts and
plantain we have all the year round; as the evee apples get ripe on
ppp; tree, young Ones come on imanother. j Fe\V trees ever lofetheir
feaye%,: and. arppnly deftbatgypf fruit fete abbtitJtwo months*)'-» |
.,557th , ’ A p re feM eatn®1 f r o in r®Q®arre if«r fhv-ttt*© brdthrdi w h d
work at the fo^c-j a pair b f go&i canoes, feven iobfters, a nukriber
;©f jfi|e fheUs,gf§v#ft ©r;eig^r-©£>tiple '&$ fsbvfe, fw®r. Hrgfe -hogs, r#ifh
a quantity .©t Qtaheitean .cloth; and amesiage to come to h im far
m&fe whenever they wanted.
' 28th. A lo o k in g -g l^ ^ is^ fto le ti'.’by a: female natiyefcbm the
women’s apartment; we refedyedttp expel the^n^hyandbis wife till
it \was . reftored. Held t^ ym o n tb iy meeting before.the communion,
in great union o f heart.
29th. Had a n e fto f fix young rabbits«^it^’thhylprofper, th eh ilh
will (foon breed them in abundance, rMef-before the communion;
happy unanimity prevailingAaihongtjis, and untehrained^fFledoim o f
communication. Paid a vi-fit fa Oparre-; moft-’hofpitably entertained
by Mawroa* he appears a fteady .friend v - About, half^eJaeaufiful
valley in which he live^,;bnyngg to- him,; went with him-a-fifhing
with a fmall feme; caught plenty o f falmon-trout.. -
30th. Preparing letters for the return o f - the veffel, and -our ufual
• employments. '
July 1 ft. p to o font a meflagej defiring us to difeharge certain per-
fons ’from the houfo, whom he defcribed as-great thieves; at the
fame time hej.nominated' other-s, whom he wi/hed to recommend to
,,ps in the capacity o f fervants. Thdfe the brethren« kitewStbibe the
creatures o f Otoo, or, 4 more properly* a part o f his» naifAitevops-1 gang,
and faw clearly and without "unjuft, fjrfp’icion, Aktthe wantedsthem
in for&no other purpofo than tofteal with, the greaterfaeility; therefore
his motion was rejected. Though it;w as true ■‘many, things
rhad been ftolen, yet we did pot think the fervants guilty :ibnt '.Qtoo’s
having his own men-conftantly going,^abopt th^diftridfcs ftealingfrom
the poor natives .whatever they foe,<.,,£uffieiendy^« them,
and would deter our people from keeping ©f them about-the