After debatingithfei fubjedt, ;we (concluded the/fafeff'plani woulihe, to ,
feparate, ?.and, ^^gjtwcfct^^th^^piit^mfei^esfaindcr the/prp,tec%i©ri
o£Ttbe}weatdbdhieft-;iaHd^ilace>sur property;alfo under their care; b .y
w h i c h ; .means.-we-might fecure our perfdns, and, at leaf!, fave;.our
books but thatrwe. might- havn to meet and commune
together, itrwas rjudged proper that four of our number .fhould
ramainAyith iDdugahowpdj-'.'
l i i th'p'W*fTiahrin ;hmthe,r.s BoweU'}&df; ?¥e^on;/;kcc<!ai0p^edL S y
etrnndfy, went *iW qfflfefti o f ^ o^ h bw e fm h o £eerhedr"t(|iiife^*
little Gorifcern whfat he fceard-mfifedr IdrGumfiaMeSoi blit wiflied.thalj
hettfdghb have^hfe fhare o f ithepfdpertyljf i^we'Mid^^iratetltp ©n
j hisf- We' invited; him*4o «ait habhatiom,Aandt dppnedf ie^eflyfibox .todus
view; >-'f?ramv-dv&y-©X&_&£ which he .topkfometbing ,dbynwayectf:d-.tihei
and -departed latisfied.. •'>
i r-iath.'i T & flight pa&cf-quietlyi/^nd but SfeSwafi^hedrativ^^^nS
hear out fencteqb however] the alarm tsflyefterxkyf^is;^ifiiofna^|i9
quelled. -.Tdogah® we'Hvifhed. fofcins a ll tmbsiuai^r^ith.ihim'the $W-’
tivses-for.whicH ■ we, could-eadily -feel throiigh^ fit appearing, evident'that
kddh^p^'rtoaieiddVferfpflirthing; doncfideiklSe on. the' return of the ihip.
But the more we weighed the fubjecS, the more were we p&r&tded
ef, theiimprdprieiy^; remaining'-togethe^. We had>vrafa^flsd46|peat
- wafte.feihptevifidnsi at -the; recaitucerhnoffliesy* and, iwhdehi by the
*. this wetweftstebp-i
tain- w nivld.rbe , feverely fe lt‘in thefcarcfeleafon. wJpeH„.was fall ap-
preaebinghd We Jiad . many s t i c k s iln .our.ptffdHon whichrSKOnld
engagetfheir affebfeion.ahd friendfhip. Except weifeparated} vfewere
likely to be the principal fufferers, if being much eafier for-a chief
to provide for two -orefour than for'ten; belidesyi we.had hopes of
acquiring the language with greater facility. •, We therefore .waited
again upon T'odgahowe, and acquainted him with our refolution:
he feemed. willing we fhould do as ■ we pleafed ; but only feemed fo,
for we knew he '.was inwardly vexed about it. A chief named Mu-
1 licemar was: fpqkeii - to, who agreed, to takeiany two of our number.
■ We ihe^caMdfejTeA Feenou AllaWallo;f (ihe is acfcouhtdd the grekteft
.chief^chertfkmily^lOTh^filW-offToogahuWe andfrfj&dibf b f Febnou
ffiqwago. T She BS^ E a t- fhe Would gladly,'take two ofi ds, butdhat
her brother. Was ayerfeJ to <du» IfeaVMg him-i that* aS we had landed
under hi^protedtpdnv he wiihed ’us-fh remain fo jfapd that hte Would
account' the-.(hief his enemy who atfofhpted^td eMee %s from him.
O n this account the ‘advifednisl^My' to Wiit tfe^MWS’ lt ilieir Hcktfe?,
whepe we might retake our^ftlfey'Mfigfoj'ffioft,- a h d ^M u r r i agairi; arid
that at her Houfe we{Mould,be always WekorAev. .T his advice we at
prefent adopted, and we refolved to •Wik' as # eJWefe.
- • A g re a th e iv a o f mai- waS'perfdrmgd! at the 'fiafdo'ka o f Mdt5fho& j
firft by Women in their M S garments- add^ finSft ^rdA-tst:1 p'iecds -o f ouf
doth o^filfeswere added as< oPnamentsiy fhfe pbrfuhied ddfeoa'-nuf oil
dfopjkng Ifrbrfi their hair. TWl'druSkd,0 Wind'd.-fifcal cohfcbrt' df'tneri
fitting, round., accompanied -the1 wdrrien?,, rwha alfo-fbfig aadcf-danced;
perfonhiaig different €U6hit-ions in lAaHM&l A n old.
chie f At ihtervdb MhbSrFji'aEkffl^dihhes
y<'M£rreaj” .or, WelhlJdne. •
4 Oreat pr&pasitefts ^h&'iiidtnihg fdr* whaf';liey-'eall' a
teai, ty h iA Washitendedct^ hd-ed%bi^Mem 'fe e -e^ ^ i^ J^ Wdnddh.;
Upwards; 'ofi -Onfe ahUndredi arid- thift^ Hdgs; Werb roaffiedV' iddf,- - with
three it hundred ■ hafkefs d f lyahisp weft-'ditelbukd- by vTSe^alraWe.
Seven hogs and- as marry' hafkets-ef y&m« We're • feW-ki^^by' different
perihns. @iir wfftsrs-bfviarik wdrd^iidihei^hsi'--7 ■
A s they are always in fearch 'for- iron*, -a- fefef reorftri^kl1 fo /ffeaf'
diir- wafh-tub, took.' the^fe.®ps^b^*JahdicQ'nceaileckl-theviffi^eyfkiTlif?
grafs. .'/RhiA we w ere‘deprived' o f the -ouiydtenfir wd p d & f f# o f
this; kind,'.
;; rqth. Divine-cf^vied 'by*%r8tller< Bkehffeaft; flbhi Hbli. x iif-2/%*
afternoon, by brother- Kelfo, from Rom; -vi. 23^ *•
|^ |o -d a y Toogahcs^e was -vefted? with- the -Hathe -'and* antHority o f
Dugtonagaboola, in the.'room o f his-fatfter*, MbomSobd, decb.fed.: His
name was now changed! fisom- Feehou- Tob^HoWfr to that ofT^tlfiatav