a greater noife :.TM8c^©i'A°ttfi4?}e4 i3S '5* i
wonderful exertion o f divine power, >: and a-: fign at- which wej beheld ,
thofe who dwell at the, iittermod parts o f the earth tremble, |j Ma y
tlie time haften when they fliall learn to know and love Him of. whom
they areKafraid !r, -Early in the morning w.e vvere vifited by dome of,
the natives,-to whom vve mentioned . the e^thquake-;; the> impreffion it
made upon them:feemed to be biU-momentary ; they m • tot the.',
odooa (or fpifit^ o f which-they—feemjo havevery: confided, notions:-;
aferibing-gyByyrthing: to it;w-lnch . exceeds, their . compreheniioh;;.,andi
o f which; they know not-ths'-im^edi^ter^ajife. Ambler fays; 'that it
is the fourth fhock they hayeihads,|®tee ^erlanded hetf-About eighteen,
months ago;. T©hdayibrbthCTS Bpweh^^andrHarp^r'tp@k their] departure
from ;usj '^d.^ent;;t®,refide with.; WaarjeOjjia .principal. chief at
Ar±dep, aboutrten.-milgSfdiilant, j
39th. "B0|Weh-aad Harprir emha^bfdiyfibhiMBagjvsiasdhhimothprt
E)iu^totiga. .EhfeI5SdI iwho'^femsflthei fjrffe woman; in ithfciflaud,; andi
was-going to Mooa. They -landed at a fmall ifland in thevbayi where!
they ffcpt. .the.- fe d night.
■ Nobbk and Shelly returned from Ahoge, where they- h ad. feltI
. the ea|thg[uake7as-fen.fibly asyysu k a d dope,jraHd [attended;1 with much
the fame circumffiances.. T h e y report, that .the^^ere^tfeatedo^ith.
the ky all w ith whom -
they had,anyrt.ntercourfep as aI^oo^^hej5^,^tl^^^^g<hb'two! hogsy.
two hundred^ygmsf^ and.fejbjancheSi p£.'Go.coa-nuta>.c | %
. 3Qth. Finding Bpwell and Harper reading a book;, their friend
Vaarjee inquired w h # . itrfaid-f th^y end^ajvoprfd [thmake him comprehend;
the facred fubsjgdt o f which?it-treated^; which he feemed.to
underdarid, and mentioned to his mother, who was, fitting by. They,
embarked • at eight o'clock j the wind being^againd them, they beat:
up .’to iVIopa, and were entertained! for the night- by Kaneeri a- friend
o f this:, chief. The next day, the 1 Si WM they arrived a% Ardeo. Spent
the evening, in learningthe lang;uag.e.j: their;friend; Vaarjee being, an
excellent: t%tôï, and improving, every7 occurrence id make them acquainted
with the meaning o f words, and the names o f things., in
the cleared manner. -
July ltd. Dugoriagahoolafent for brother Shelly, to.inform him o f his
intended departure: to Mooa on? Monday next and as he. was appré-
hemfive-. that we . might run e ihort :of. p'rovifions.- m diisr. abfence, he
làdvifed uis to accompany him thither, and offered to; put oulr property
into a place'of fafety till hiS return,! which he propofes- in about two
çmmdimt months; butas wete®p4& ikefhip ipsadi^oqiieKpweithought
it inexpedient to accept this favour. We: could'not, however, 2 fuffi-
• ciently admire the' goodnefs o f God,! -who hath the hearts; crfflkLhinen
in f e ï keepings ^din^ttoûnclme tkis'mâitho-Ti^^prdviidEïn çase MIr
Jas^t jnotwdMBanding;ifhe pirns oteJadifer^ies^liavEtaaketf/to jak^nfe
hi«n agad-nd ns. ;
yyi&suhw; fed» rigifeÉHer d&ushànaua -pfeach®! iim!lhe;<mörifeïg; fe rn
tbTfeihiv.fi^uij fteötbörifelfö, (afi^nomvidrom.Mktt. xxvikiS^-mid
-afterwards, difpenfed ithe ‘Lord's dipper, g
30,. Brother Leefon- went to refide' wi th /Mul icemar, iri the diftribt
o f Ahoge. We now begin to fee fomething o f the dehgns o f Providence
in cadiugus:; at our firït landing.into the middiof fu c k con-
fufion and diforder as then filledmdwithi apprehenfiok for .our fafety 5
he' a t that time-hot only-made- dally difplaysmf his almighty power,
and gïa'cióus, reare,« in piotetSfmg, us from! every .threateningdanger-,
but, ïïwSolildnïg a v ad'.eónSburfe' ó f drangers; from every quarter:,
both ioé 'ToiïgahÈboöi and .tie? adjacent' fdand®,. and giving; us rfavom
in their fight, feems already to have opened a door for us to every
part o f ■ ibis'bxîendve grdup. W& fevfc received .preflingi invitations
to feveral o f the neighbouring iflands, which” nothing but a want o f
•the langùàgbîhas;.prevented us ' from accepting.. -. But we hope .by a
diligent application to remove that okdacle' : ’fio that we now look for
-opportunities o f -promoting, the Jgloripus?'defigh in which, we are engaged',
which at fird-we .little’ expedted. “ The Lord’s, xvay is in