»9.$ FIRST!"MISSIONARY. Cr79fweïVfeïè.
pretty ,ndkr todhèlargeft 'iflabd, w h en " fives canons*' ventured
off; .but a died’ with theTaihé cautiorfa^ before, takfHggtfe'at :cdrfe‘ td
keepü between ua andJithe- fho're j to-whieh they pacMled afïfcr«labou't‘ ari
Kouï% ^ ym tS Q S *% | th ^ ^depart'/ in'Os^th' adiredf
whicholidsdaMiit half j aimileifrom, the beach,'-arid deems to extend
fomediftahcél f rogs*. the weft end ;t and tpröbably1 the dflands are con-
hefted by^iifc..'^ Where w e:were, we- foutid feven fathoms’ ; 9 a'!flat
corah j^ffcShiar i« pistp»évailed:over th©ir;córiöfttyï
and th ^ b ^ iw ^ lik^ y^ to have no aitefeourfé with.fiheip^tw® lotyefed
the;! jally-rheat d o w n | aridMntended .to'/toW - the .oaèoe clofe^Jtowthé
ftiOi^^ancfettórfecléaw; her with ! a fow-f^bouA aWdéstffliihdi; ‘«.But
obfprvjatgl that ftKe;'fhip., could snot .get near, enough t&> aid,the;boat in
cafeofLaj^aftaefe »this defignwas iefinqiaiftied, tandt we iftismédiately
horêiawaypt n
T t t ' iargaftio^ithisjigipup webndrri[ed Difappointment ifland, and
thé: whole dtafer I Buffis ©roiqpj: f th ê y .ï^ itb A b è tó tó ft* dS\H^er»
lying in nrdrr^fitmüSqjfe^knd: N .W . fo t e e a s^ n f t é ë n :0iil'esA;s«T
theinaidrH^,<aeutwógW|gë£i.'iflaa(ils abtkrt ftx iftilës in cifcüidference$
betwa^t-theft laft is1 at fmall ifiet; oand'Ao
tw o^ fwh ich rjare round and .high,.
thy north-weft-part o f the group are five or.fix m oredbmerbf 1 them
high. >. A t the eaft «chd'.af; cfie'isiatremarkablé roek .inufbrisrfefia'fi.
opehfkwi :5Fhe: fipaH iflands ^e^»par^rtlyvbarren;i but the-two »large®
are entirely covered with wbod, amotjg jwkich''^®ifefoïfatóiÉi^i^c:
«mtf.-tfeet-^hfity ipirrtbe whole, they had not thë sqspea ranee- ofic^eat
fertility.; f iThft.fltativea, appea^^ftout and "Well''jcna4e,' w ith ;c©ppert
coloured .complexions 5 their hoiifes JaMe built.-doft' totdach; other, and
not difperfed., as weOiad been lacbuftomed tó;fee .them: a horde o f their
dwellings Was on theyfouth-weft fide o f Difappointment ifland. The
latitude o f the latter is ’9°:$']' S, and; longitude i 6y°:E. ty
cji^ojn TSLiByriJS. 3thirteen oj^ Tptfiteen
leagues, and QU the following. daypfbferved in latitude! .10°, 4/ £L and
were thenj-j|uft«£ofiHg fight/of;t&.eaftérnmoft ó f The’ group, bearing