ingly came in the,night, when ,he flept, and fatisfied’themifelves
.çpncerningthat point,-but not ,in fuch a peaceable Vafy btit that they
awoke him. Difcoyetmg fojgtany flyangers, he was greatly terrified ;
and, perceiving what they hadheendoing,- was determined to . leave
£ place where the people were fo abandoned and given $p
nefs : a çaulè whiGhifijouldjh^^.çxrcited-ra contrary refaction. ' ~
; To-day we put,a new tow-linejp thfhbat, and fwept the beft bower
aqçhonwith %3|^oye-it.up with the: long-boat, and got it once.rhore
fafe lP the: bosys-j the rigging y y a sd fo completed, and webêgÉn to
think o f taking on® departure.,- This was.-ihtimatçdtôi Crook,., who
flill remained, ftçdfaft,jnjus refolutjpn to flay ih-%hifland, ndefmtfg
only fuch- implements: o f husbandry, and other jtMrig^.as mightjacî^
litate and extend,hh ufefulnefs amongjhe.pegplp^; -obfemns^ha fhis
happinefç. would haveheen greatly increafed had ^ ^W l^ -h tu a t io n
been with a friendly, and agreeable nffiftanfc, whole
fympathy^mghthaye comforteiihim in the tu ^ s / ftouhl^
the JL^-Had-,ordered'things otherwife, heAought-tftat iKfeett&^'fiàfed*
with, his.charaâenand profeffion, to j e f i g ^ i ^ l f fatherly
care, and reft in his promifes, than to jju i^ a where-g 4p;o%ofnfefulnefs
was fo evidently opened,:, an^ihouMihis/hkfthd %^gur
make him the honoured inftrument o f preparing the wa^fqf,feigeJpf
hts mprpablç fervants, he fixould at laft have'the happinefs to ^ fie$
that fiis^Jife^was not lpent in vain.
Crook is-a young man{ of. twenty-two, remarkably fefiousnand
fteady, ,always exnployed in the improvement o f hjs.rgind,- and applied
with great, diligence to the attainment o f the language. He alfo-pof-
a.v^ry good genius, and I have no doubt w i ll'h o n ,t i% ^ t t y
f e i g g f b.enefit the poor creatures he lives with,- and as theyalley.
^capable o frg r^ t improyepmt, I ftiould not be furprifetf to hear o f
this .and, the inlands adjacent becoming, very plentiful place^by his
means. He has various kinds o f garden-feeds, s implepients, ipeçft,
tines, &c. ; an Encyclopedia, and other ufeful books.
... a6th. To-day the captain went on ihore for the firft time, and
took’ with’ hiri&'Mr. FaJponer;»' Their^tenWomwas, to1 afeend to the
fummit of'the^ijls^.and view the n^^hhouring^yfles-r'^They landed,
arid'were followed‘by a crdwd\of ? the natives^ .who>Were exceedingly
gla^to't-,B^^l^t'.h^^®a^Bn.: #^r#«ill|age'; -- ,;AJtfer' taMng-a&' little re-
fi^lffmerit with Tenae at jMpnbrife|f^tffi»^hifef',s>'fecorid'brother accom-
p'a!nied|mtM ,tfp t-he ,mountains., ’/Which are in many
places* t?Miy vs^^lobligedi toj haul-. tbj^mffelves-« rip^byiSb^e jj bran'ches,, o f
W&k; that-grow upon-*them.- ^fecf^pfaiflri | ^ n # f reach the top,
B-dfMr.U'Falconer did : «^4th|n|eyhe lhad'-.ay|eVsa'©f '/TreVerien’s- ifland
to^eiWeftit .Rfiou^s ahdw©c^in'ica: M ’tlfeinorth't toltfieuaft St.’Fridro,'
riM-Magdkllr&?to th a fou th .£ , The ridge a irt^^ ^fe^o fstXe ; mUuhfe
1 airii'isr quife'matrew^ apdI everytwhete. coyered with trees'.-' T h e chief
prefted-him Hirich t($$&e*.his mulketUgai-nft Trevenen’s iflandy and:
was' h igh ly pleafed tv-ith h is moriipliantEe. f4,Om their, ^return, ’ Tenae
eritertairie'd them w-ith a roafted! hog;,/> but not being very fatj'fomefof
the bj-ftandt-rs.obfcjvcil ‘that jt was not good j -which affected the
eHiefffi-'SiUdk,- that he walked aftdfe in a pet, :apd waigofot Reconciled
tffiit-he-Gaptai'n faid itwas-good *'&nd.refufed to eat^excepkth’e'captain’
cante-’ afidjifat .befide him, which he-accordingly did. In the evening
they feturried« on b‘dard^fffifewed?ty^,6r6ok and the .chieff:who -came
t© take* leave ^accordingly,' after feveral articlesiWere' putan -theicanoe;
•we baduhim -’an affe&ipnate farewell,| andrpartedf. H is 'mauly-wbeha-.
virimr afe'this feafdn did;-him great credris^--tl#tearsfglifteried0mMis^^esr'
bUt-'horie:feir:j “ nor-dii^he ’ betray the l e a l M i g h l u p o U
his w dVR a lo i» p r
20th. At-four in-the morning wc.weighed, and flood^ora-ttdf *thev
bay with a lightr-air, eafteilyt.skAt:.fcveil, hovL to^toria canoe which
was paddling hard after'Us>';'lihlfeip‘wakib]^^diiefi',^;btotl^eEiahdfour
hid fiftierma'n, who had weptrh^5®y^th^|^ning befjye^'on ^parting
wf^it- and aplri^yijjiecauffc the^captehfiwbuldfi noti take; him 'toM
Otaheite :^at prere^y th^^bl:d4g h t , ' - j £ S r o o k ; > with a-lifter
for his fitter, sand requeOsngifpriaerffs^pn^hich-had-.-he^nuforgot^
■ Accordingly, the qukiptySfeote packed-up for A im was«tp%t in the*