tee-Tifept itlie'flett- -rannitig;;aM^het^btv'^fe£t<day we2figg, acalittsv
which obliged'us to^&i&fb'hbut a breeze fprlj&ging ^ a t 'N w f in w e
fbdnvfei^hed,eanddfe'wmd^ificreafeg ‘ a f hvdmght,' wO'-paffedpth©
Water illands,. ‘and at two'A'. M i on'the rSth^ame m with ffte%iaTl
bower imMalafccfa ro adfm fe v en fathbr^s wafer, '-tkh,Et flagftafF"on? jdi'e
citadel bearing ^he OutefWater Mand Si 3^2rE:^I|a£l feoff
the town two-or, three miles:- The reafoii oh omitbuehitig §$ tthisoplaee
being to ’fill up" our water, an d^ihunfomation Yoifthe fafiety o f Yhe
fleet, at daybfetfeih the morning the 'boats were fioiffedi puferandmoft
o f the commanders vvent on fliore, but were-difappdinted in the hope
©f intelligence, faS’Cflher© was none o f 'later date than wha>tvw^'|II
a i^ & K = '^ A ¥ tM s fpoke ohlyfef vhir, t ourflotywaidorpre-
pare for all events on the paffage • -hot thatwe^ad £earsiib®he-<ability
a n d ^ e ’w h i^ R e f lia d otfef ved in oiir commodorej and the flrcngtli
which would he With us after the Bombay fhips had feparated, gave
iis confidence. ' The Glatton 'mounted forty :gims, and. the B o d dW
about thirty, and f ik h fhips had a few troops on board ; befides,
at the Cape o f Good Hope or St. Helena'we expedted to join others
o f the Honourable -Company’s flaps.
On the. 17th we received :aboul • -four tons - of' water,-: which is
M i ff in h u lk b y fmall veffels kept here for the purpofe. We
alfo received an addition to our liv e flock, and could have gone to
fea this evening, but that the large fhips had not, .completed: their
w ater -; and one o f the fleet which had lain feveral months laden at
Whampoa had fprung a leak, and was' obliged, to rife tedious; and
laborious methods to find the place where the water- entered. This'
they happily "found, and "it dcferves notice as a hint to ihipwrights
and to thofe- who are more interefted : by ripping the copper off the
under wales' a bolt-hole was -found left without the bolt f a n adt o f
-negligence which might have proved o f the- molt fatal conference,
had it not been difcovered. '
Malacca in profpedl ■ affords , little beauty; the houfes,. excepting a
fow, have a poor and mean look; and the beft, 'though convenient^
ard 'ft® her largo’ lidh fightlyii&Thn-firhflcifi^hs-’whiclIhfurround the
towmliave «rigmailjyAbeen tflkon'g; bat» ’ad prefenf are yhofight ’ too
viteaktj&ftaiid th© fhodfe'-af pannon plarated'4{i©n diem jfito-makkt uf^for
fhi^'d&bdt, ’Stiff coafltrymfenii iipGe^^^|ip^eef&ll info?'fchemftiands,
a ver^gqBdU defence.TFh&’ ffreets' , within the ,,IWppfey,c%ijs7each
dth®|-^jtifagHt4anglfes, three orifour lyin||leaftjahffiweff*Oand^afe-:rn&ny
north ah4 fouth.-^Thedhaph«arpQflfeb^y2'f>^fentj&g^a? Me.npthing
that is'enMpi«gdtcr anrEuropeani!ft,laiiLd,itJieir<fmai^2,dB hasfitll fbefappeafi.
£ncef o f f hegromair-ket jnjjthb -Weft Indies!r.. Untiffdgfiphglifh made A
fettldmfeht upon sRulorPifiang^. or-lPrince o f f l a r i d i ?tWitccfey
w a s -tiMb. fenlyd place t j^'ei ffrdittr f and{ >fr|miU;4u5’ .eafi^eft
knoWsledge-taf Indi^riis mehtipitedfe^^;pa|^Ji|h^r^t jimpprtakfeei
T h% .'export-tin, in«itmegs,.^jan!e^i f|ccrffil|r<sKgLfi0hs iifeere ^ithi^tim^
deaF. -The inhs^jitafife- area mixture (^Dtufcb, Malays',
and Chihef&-f tbhvgarafon attprefemasjpngBfti.I ,?
; sOn JtbeWa©tB- wec&fled» with,a|ieufleet^3and?ipfbcQed§d;|doSvn' the
flfait untiljwe-cj&ne In fight o f Pulo Tinarig, '^henfth^Tomb'dyjihips
-JeftiTsislandHieered-foPthat-ifland. ofihnuffeetwife how?Adduced
fiibftg>qhly',pfi th e , Gfetfcri, < Bb,dcM.m,'> Hiijr I
WiHaftis?! \^e fimfbetfi the laff) o fnnrfyams , Which had -pfentifully
fuppliedkus-’-five,-months': •, W e had apvmy.^pcHptJfege,; witfeifow
i^hlestof, wind, and met wibhmoidifaffer i-vnoru'did-j we> leera'ftsa^ge
iafliitp' alarm us until' the-jFhSh of March; .when in-, the, morniq^?fe
madesthe Capeffand, andfel^m With twfe ^ Ih fp^ r .te^W ^m b^ n a ,
which joined us. , At,night we hove to, and waited, for'day tg^un
fbr'Tahlefoay,; where We. were direaedd.Q ''|it ^upHffhf water;,
frefh the erew. -
At- * daybreak- - on the.->i 7th; after, weilhatlj rherpl |few'ay§l dnp,-j(^pftir
boys-;' go ing: up the main flirouds, to--Ibofe the. main-topga-Hant-faiJ,
flipped his- hold and fell into the fea.; the j olly-boat was infl|ridy lowered
from the -ftern, and providentially faved him juft on the point o f
finking: weight him.on hoard, and though f^ r i^ feh^ te r 'd ifc^ rg—
H ■ !