were repeatedly fired.aver',t|iei^L^dsv to,d^er 7thegi. i Thefts, we^.fre*
quent and daring, and’ the cliief§ feemed; to want either auA fe tyn^ in -
clination to reprefs them. One man, who had made o ff from therfhip
with a bucket, was Ihot unintentionally ,through the c a lf, o f his deg,
but no other damage was oqcafioned.
A good fupply ctf ..vegetables was pbtained; but few tbogs; qatdd
be purchafed, and thofe..aL a , rate unufually dear in the South-
Sea iflands, T he harbour was accurately- furveyed before the, fe ip
failed, but the Iketch given by Captain Cook was found ferlye fuffi-?
T he Prince William Henry left Otahieite on the 29th Marclt,; the
ffeip day that , the Daedalus failed from Ohittahoo. She .made a
dried: north-eaft paflage to this ifland,,w hich is therefore demqn-
ftrated to be practicable, although not known tq- have been performed
b y any otheryeifel. Her day was very tianfient,. and her; voyage
from BritainJn:. the' Sandwich iflands w a s fe rapid as to'jbpaceom-
plifhed in: four months. —
Captain Brown, in the Butterworth, acecanpmied.hjy twq.'fmal|w
private veflels, anchored'in Port Madre de Dios l i t June 1792, . and
Raid only two days, to take in freflx water.
T h e degree in which the-manners o f th e people at Ohittahoo-had
been corrupted, fubfcquent to Cook’s voyage, was not known wjhen
the D u ff left England j and the difappointment, occafioned -bythis
change, appears to have produced the only inftatice that; occurred
among our miflionaries, o f Ihrinking from the work m, which they
were engaged. I f the folitary condition.of a very promifing .young
man, who had the fortitude to remain fingly on his poftpft^ul^ t©rid
to delay the progrefs o f the gofpel at the Marquefas, i t ; is- hoped
that this deficiency will foon be amply fupplied. Obftacfes, that
are to be apprehended' from long-cftablifhed cuftoms: in the other
groups, are here apparently not liable to oppofe .the truth; and
we trail that A foundation has already been laid, on whiqh other?
may build with great advantage. .
To1! eh'e’harthwardtdp tHfl iflaridyarid lep&Sted' byh-hharinel1 'Safely
abovfe af league 'ih’brecttith,, is I0H Êv?ÂrH-'©fÂ, wHîëbMtlnds 3fix lfeagueS
nrirth^ahward,' fearihab ajtÿfcuîf’o'f•’rifiê'ëS It-' is
môrêiïfhd^a.nÉJ<dràggy^"f-e^eciâM-priOwaj?d'ï ^pi^Aerniupdi-rii?' Aart
j^fi%®höOTf: but its ‘ deup'ÿaliàySÿ-'h'id ' arey liKè
Apife-ofthe ferineif-ifl'and, .ïèlo^hs'd witfiwêlfs ah® iyJgrdu¥ei iMë®dctna|
w hfb'cÖïckjfoeredèirifen r fee*• ,Ii3ord^’riday named it ©ru that'faëHSW-rtt
La^E>omiàicai*u;.He’failed alort^tMofoutherriAsdaft.;I afeGo'ókd’icD after-
vsfed', ■ without pditf®wetikgj any: harbour, h ®tjj® id^eiobeyriihfdlprc-’
wentgd any farther' knôtfleâgèlôfrinfe ihteri'&ffesfetry'. ' Ifea^pd&êd iri
a' much more i ï i&vàfeal lghfei to' thë !Ïoï'meP»ïnâi^igàto,r'fhan " itïlid
ÆaFithef latter. ‘.'.Thé .natfvesihaye^àlwc^rs attended^'at« Port Mâdre ?Æ‘
Dios, when; .European vèfieïs have Ja in there; and* tIferf-•reférxi&ïe,
the inhabitants'cff AHat IpIaEeÿtvSri'-T^.no^Aw^fedMaîn
aB^reéuFfe.+o ;
"ÏuOïsp’At ihrik‘, 'Which.'wripharnecf.San Pedro'by - Mërîd’arià, m§sl 'abs©a,ê
fiv^-ï^^ues'êàïtw’éÿd o f Ohittaboo, fed ''a s *,much
©hevahoa. It’ is*about;thredleagdesirîdtrê'ÜÏlç nrodii&tèlyfegh,'and
pretty level; with extehfive wbods,' and^pleafant plains.
• The moft fouthern ifland of the group, ten .lehigueâi,diftant''vfi:pm
Dnateya, was-the firft that Menclana difcovered ; fed:heinafiled:’riy Êa,
Magdelana, imdllufidmto the Romifh fefrival " on which he feli> in
Tferih it, July 2 i ,1595. 'HeTcfe:'èd.thelbüAern'dRom\t1sqJfolïo.wA^
dâyyand four hündrdd .of.'tbs.h'arives ' fcàtne’oflÇ ferrie in raniris, fornô
Eodt'ingland fwimirnihg|;to/ thé’ üàps. r They- öfïèred,cocöa£|»).ïs, r and
o A ê f i t h é ? S^amiards’ ,- and invited thet&i^b-land.’<,t
theÜflariders, w iA ’ïfeldperihafion^WfefeànTfe^rdc^ëndahaîs vèiîè],'
and were prefented with*, élothin^’j 'but thëycatfempted
every,.'thing thej§ faw, which’ '.fboitrpyodfeed a - ccfefefc'yfOiie lùf" the
Spaniards Avas wounded byhhem w ith â ftonfe, and';ttóèy iufiéié'd fe-
verely from the fire-arms. The fquadron continuing-under-fail,' they
lent after it a canoe, with -fymbolsmf-peace: andfriendAip. This
ifland was- judged to be fix leagues in circuit, and appeared populous