the’ moft fruitful 'and feg-feeft inhabitedf-jaf ,all the Cap& fe e j^ ^ d
iflaads^j>ot^thftandH^'i^&^¥^. roqvpx^®®^-»s#4- raggiraH&
d§al <^|^a.|ipp,.land? - ,,JTjhe jg^pcipid jto^rt?as.p^rned, after the ifland,
p^Q]p^a|niS,, wh|c^ 4wsd?S$ SSSspSjis
wide, that runs within a .fmall &ac.%f>f fe e -fe |u iIn .feat, psfe-qf (fee,
valley next the feais a draggling ftregt with houfes-on each fide; and
a. rivulet ,p£ wafer in fee;lag|fem,fj emptying itfelf into .arfing'cm^j or,
fetidy bay, -whf^ejt^eTeaJsjg5^r^lyvery?f^aoci^,ftIh.that fhipsg-fiple^
there with, great,iafety. A fmall fort is, er^&edg-near therlanding-
place o f .this b a y ,w h o le g£l guard is conftantly kept, and near it is a,
battery mounted with a few fmall cannon, - but jinpapajale,. of,-refifting
an enemy..., .,
.trJrSlK Fpyai^s ,a fmall bayr fituaied about feg middle, <^rthe t%ath
lat^i ^8S886^ySSg@S8S6^6S866
by. fjhe., fouthernmofl hill, oir, f e e iQandflyi§.g inlancL’in- feyI feredhion;
o f weft from the port • the hill Is round and peaked at the top. »|||l|f§%
ifland^tpify, alfe b%taJ|ggygSja inark4>y ryfeich to J^notyfeehafeoi^jj
it lies> on the weft y^y jhightf^dyhag^^ gr
rpcky .fides. fejrpm this, ifland to the weft point.^f fee b a y i^fup.ken
jtt&k&a upon.which the fea pofeinuafty.breads :*dhgtwg?ppin%;«feich'
form fee entrance lie in fe e direction o f W . S.W. and E . N .E . half
a league, from each other. It is ufual for Eaft-Indiamen, Guinea
traders, and others, bound to...fee foufeward, to.,fo,ueh here for ,re-
frdhnMiitfjj^ * Bullocks*” fays .Captain C o p fe^ ‘ muft,-bp.tpujgg
“ chafed w ife money ;.. the - price is twelve Spanife dollars a-head,I
“ . weighing .between two hundred and fifty, and three hundred pounds. r
f ‘ Pfeer articles may from- the natives in exchange for;old
■*•* -clothes,. &c, ; but’fee fale.of- bullocks is granted to a company of.
merchants as feeir-peculiar privilege, and they conftantly. keep an
“ agent reUding. on the.fpot.” This may in general be true, .but. we-
cpuld find, neither merchants-jior agents, confequently, got no. bjul«.
locks % however, had our ftay been longer, it is probable fome o f
thefe w ould havesfeorne,!® .feefor-t.
Though o w ftay was,very fhort, ’q&r brethren on feore were not
inattentive to their flKB hl^dt^'We, mklf juft, mention', .in , the- fim-
'prlicity ofefee Iang-pag$- dfi&fee- reporter,? vfeat puffed omome? occafion:
“ I was' Ifneaitating" on."fee great' gobdnefs?'of God to me an un-
worthyi;creature, ajid- that ‘ whofoever^;afraid-'or afhamed-of his
y^AwoM -before-feerll .offerm will fee-’ SonofiMan be^a^amed*,’ when
w I ‘’meb a ■ native' b'la6k!fman, who invited me to his'-hfeufe.»-*- (My
x‘ mihdriwa&’ •g-reatlynmpfefted with the ighbrance and-fuperftitipn I
d aw ; fo I went with him, and- found h in f ve^Wriendly: he
fpoke-' the-EhgK’fh -language fu-fficiently to he undterftood'j I in-
“ ’q'iiirefl what reli^oh-lhe^-was'of; he told me hewas-a Roman Ca-
8*!feblib. V'Afeftf|fe&in|pafett]e:bf their* mode5and manner o'f wor-
“ fe ip 'f I ^tffll'©^m*weel^^cjfereftHeSw^k‘wrong- r^feat -God could
not be worfeipped through the-'mediumfeEaiSages^ p'dinting out
»O fe^ l^ r^ p itp a^ g e s ' >of-God,s word which&fdrbafdfejch' worlhi^ %
ftf.,atfd,‘ bleffed* beJ--God‘, he appealed yer^ ifittc'hkdgiSe way-to- what
“ I faid to him4; and I IHdlle^fee iE h fd '^ ll convince him'byfeis
J.Spirit.'^yEefere' parting "frofri' him’,1 dMlfed'-him-td^fead-over all
“ fee padages-1 had pointed out to him, fdfehe had an oH Bible,
:“ and’ coMd'fea®%' little: I begged1 him ;tb kompare;-'feei'WordrbT
-wife fee -ferflimehts (he ha!d befendkught^'1 arid to piay'-'to God
“ without images fet' before him, as they are an abomination to fee
“ L o rd ; and there can be but one true way o f worlhipping him
V45‘ through Jefus Chrift, and him alone.: Thus, after a few more
“ 'words, we parted, and I hope fee labour will not be in vain in
il* 'the Lord.” MajfflEflipSifS J ? • ' " 1