W e had hitherto recekred very unfatisfedlory anfwers to our inquiries
after- the Matilda’s crew but - at laft few. two o f them
coming in a canoe : thefe w'ere Swede's,, dreffed in the tebosta .and
mar©? as the natives;,' and tatto'wed- alfo about the legs and aims :
having got on hoards they were- called into the cabin, and gave the
following account" o f themfelves:— The youngeft, named Andrew
Cornelius Lind, about thirty years o f age, a native o f Stockholm;
faid; that after the Tofs o f the Matilda they took to the boats, and
bearing down ftrwards-Otaheitej landed on .tihe: 6th o f March
on. the fouth fide o f the iftand ; they- were immediately plundered
o f all they had, but afterwards treated kindly b y the natives. Since
that, the captain and mod. o f the crew had gone: homeward by. different
methods : Ex o f them deeksdohe o f them bflatsv and fet off
towards. New Holland;- bu t' it was improbable -they would .ever
reach thither. The other, whofe name is Peter Haggerftei®, aged
forty, a native o f Elfinfors in Swedifh Finland, was left here by
Captain N ew df" the Daedalus. They both fpoke tolerably good.
Englifb, and being well acquainted with the Gtaheitean. tomgue.y-we
entertained :a hope that they would'prove o f great fervice.
From, them we learnt,, that the old man who was fo felicitous- to
have the captain for: a tayo, had formerly been king o f Ulietea, was
a near relation o f the royal family, and o f confiderabl'e: confequencb
in the iftands,. being chief - piieffilover Otafteite and Eimeo'.. Upon
this , Marine Manne was invited into. the cabin and treated kindly;
He now redoubled his importunities to gain the' captain for his
friend,, who defired him. to wait till to-morrow, when he would: con-
Eder o f it. The-Swedes further informed: us, "that the former Ota©
had transferred Shis name and tile o f Earee rahie (for kinrg)fta his fon,
* and had- now affumed the name o f Pomarre: that in a cantaft. about
twenty months ago. with- Temarre, the chief o f all. the fouth, fide o f
the greater- penirifola, Pomairre’s party prevailed,! and fubj edited his
adverfary to a ftate o f dependance, and foon after. Tiaraboo- was con-
M arch.]
quered ; and thus -the whole ifland. becaime fuhjcdt to him, or rather
to his fori Otoo, and has remained fo ever fince. Motuara, sdheiokWf
pfrpihnSoy: b^rig .â§ad,.j®e^ârredatfl .claiEs-rt0ithfe government » f thaï
ifland havirig; <f>sd|r4fe
^ Sv^ fe r .ifeW fehmi^e^aR:ckn®®kled|^4-'îis çhs@f; of Thftt?
WP thg |« .w e r^ l Pomâite arid his fan ’ Ofep : -fo ijgreatly.inGreaièd,
thà^ iwpPj^fed ,99$; lriqgBf rto f^iCpute tbeoeftudMtri^f* m
. 6th;. About l|hiflty6f thelriahWty’CWeftyisaairfaiesy imtenâmg-to, g q tô
Mâtavâi, fpipaiaaçd ori teà ïd afi;|àiqteighi, ’Èmdrpbrt: d f nhè fcfibwing
daÿy i i l fwè aa^rored ;-iri. the bay ;<iks did the 3rër<p Sswede&s : Andjfîfÿt
où. the deck. The miffibriàries’’ :watch'ed ; aH pérfe.âlya.quiet. A t
daybreak the .old prieft. ; awoke, arid being impatient to'l feeure the
tayofhip with the: captain.,: .awoke him -aifo. There was. aqw.no
rêfuEirig him any longer, as even 'goodJnghcy was on his fide; therefore
.-they exchanged names, „and Manne Manne:, wrapping a Jong
fâegg @f; cloth ^Sïriri'i--thddbai^aàr4i(riE!(i- aprritirighà .iÆiota joyarbSk
head, .reqjidfted for hirrifelfft ahaidket, feme East And gunpowder::
but being toljl thql nguqrèÆj thcljp ^ere'tp^fpsure, arid that he fhould b#
âmply I r.qD&ftl'fof; What frieridl)!' ofSoes hé .bright dô us , h t feëÿied
fetiified.ii iAfi thé«foreBaon ;wa^ employbdbiri. yteM»g:tïiijî wifJiqiilt
the reefs;of -.Opârré.j but gaining little ground; atone P.
|o')a®chdr. -in Madavâi.'l^yy'Edint' by jfe jh d
OndiTfeeihilldBri W* diffehtifirfanVibe
a mile. We had not been long at anchor, when :all .the arreoics, both
men and ; woiriep, fprnng into the water simd" fwani to the fhore :
their placé,:.however, was feo rifripplièd: by others, wh o furrounded
the fhip with hogs, fruit, and other, ùriticlês ] Jofi,thefe we took a
little for " p'refènl -ufe j but thé old prieft 'having ïipromiféd to fupply
a l l .out wants by .next morning, cebnfeqtiently little was done in tile
tiadi-itg way.,- .. ; h} g .
. Almôft'.the whole .afternoon at rained hard till near Tour o’clock,
when we had foii§|:intervals". :of Tait weather.;, then .the captain,
Marine Manne, the two- Sivedes,- with birôthèr Cover,, Henry, 'and