a®pp ,jjSftd, $Stdn®!rt§ite3KS®t #t 9#i35ir^t%;}bfs^erfyoac<fftffi^Je[ipx tlpsi
huMhd’s TaVo. ' '**
, The, Angle 'yourlg pien, wjhp imthe heivks indqlg£\i4de<i.ent Jjjeftuffes,
would not darp^tg^dprilbraf-jaoy totjhi^iirne; and;libwfever ftraggeliy the
ptb]4 f liberties elfewhpre J T hgynfeYPf uncoyeif theirbteaftsb M Wihefstljey
bathe;, jTObdheir jl^oi^arid :^fiftl4?Ps\bl{l
Their ideaaj n^doubt, jjlM fhamfi.an^;4eUe®y are very d}f%eftt,#blft
andcr<^nenient> Hut -the wofftan who Jailed,with the fhig fqorJob^-
^ Vfa^jfefeevsd Mtig&nfk®' '■ ^ y .^ S k 0 ^aiJ(’^ ^ 9^a^ WlifcMt
pf^glffeldafl6 i ift. ;the ifland by the
the* Ih i^ jrg tg sn e d ti^M fS T ^ ^ J^ ^ i^ fS ^ i v<
IfoSiJBcsSW’ df^^nCdgf^n^^^gjgiiaFfdtdiyiSPtK^3 it>
3nd.'w h y ;tb^rg^\tTi^Q[ jhe ta^g^rith^em^yoa.d IpsfjEeg
fo fiqiply; tJ^fjpl^ee gf:;Glgth.: /yi^ir ec^ft^it ibgthjijg gjeyei-itgreyg^
diiagreeabteTTelTfronj -peEfpb^tjon^Y -theif -ijjqftthJ and feetiy bejng
jWaJhedoat then fteeth,^hite and-,their breath
.' ■'They extadferMsiiyrh^frpm theTnofg;' arm-pits,; &p._to .-preyent
its harbouring any duft;pr dbiolnefe;.. Their b ^ d s are -ufually neatly
trimmed-with '(hells,- and their hair ftiortj or dong,-according-to their
faripy: | Thf jjWqmen-,exceptthole who -affeft - to .be/
wear their hair Jhort and 4fcfesd;jwi^'J^ers* gaj^ng-
jegard^p.tlie^prfqhs. They adjuft their brows apd eyelafhes,. clipping
them if too,-long, and-forming the eyebipws into .regular-arches. , Nor
are-the menjlefs attentive jtojjtheir - perfons, and;will lit at the glafs
firefling with- the greateft complacence. A blackj cocoa-nut iliell filled
^ith,.water, feryed; them - for-; a -looking-^glafs, - till w.eTupplied them
-with rwhat they fo . highly prized, r Fifh. fcales, jqrjlhells, formed
their tweezers, - the .fhark’s teeth their fciffars, and the bamboo their
£ppnbs> The fragrant-,oil .fupphjSpthe place; of pomatum, and powder
W m m
Appeubi4 ] TO') .THE SD.U.TI&SEA' ISLANDS. 3S7
and civet can hardly furnifli greater beaus. At their, heivas they put
r^ithglr ^beft, atkti dref^ift- the moil^iafty manner fanpy can fuggefti
Bath tides' Kaye ftheid&s. bored fisjprnaments j in them they wear
cp'eErls11o§> t?iad^ hkngingi<f®wn? abopb two inches in a plait of hair ;
of.tk&neaijJ is. ftuck with an odoriferous flower;
Thlyy hSaVe epsa^lS^pwlhehlttflejs yaMp. .veSryi .highly ; arid at firft bur
"■v^hite) b^adsj which frf^nbl^thf*^. were, much, coveted; but when
they &dndv.tlieWfy(erb fpoiledii.with! water,ythey, cealed to be in demand.
* Asfiopg asdtheyKatetabfe to prove? they rfever.ndgleft bathing;
'tli^.^|i^wh|d "<^nyfcafpfy/ crawl,‘Igeb’dhwnJ|Q';the'Aver ; mor ’doea
ariyifickntefsjiofwdffSafeS'pteverijt them j nothingrbut utter inability re-
■fttaihs, thbnSifrplhdke^Watfeifi;B..
They produce- fireiin the following manner : w ith , their teeth, of
^ tfid^k^ellgfthbyyMarpen'. a flick -of poroui.wodd, and fixing a
largertg'ieGe votethe ,fame'under"their feet, they with both hands and
g'*cMieknffi®tionflitibr: aTc'orn in-ithe hoard at'.thbir feet tillrthe duft
.f^<5difGedctikes'flthj 'they have^driedJeaves. df grafsl ready,' into which
*h^-£weepnthis-tinder duft; anfl- yrrapping .itvup, wave it;.in the
,witjd’{till kitiiles rinto asflarhe-:; while« they; are* ndbbing they' continue
fingmg, _ or chanting a bymnn or; prayer, till the fire; is; pro^
' dbcedv' Vn yabhut two mintitespif l the wood ^.completely dry. In
talk', gnd. tharefpreihey; ufuafly. then
iparfyVabP&t; withithem fire, whrchdn. the dry'.weather they' need not
\ do. The Women are not fuffered to kindle a fire from that, made by
their, hulbands, tor any cither man, except thofe femii&ie male aflo-
eikteS' which attend them, and are fubjed); to the fame rules,
i ■ They never fuffer a fly.'tp touch7 their food if they can help it | and
Jhckld they find cto.e. dead in their puddingsy br.any of their provifions,
which Ibmetimes ca'nrtPt be avoided,.they throw- it to the hogs^
Hence they all1 carry fly-flaps j thefe arc ufually. made of feathers-,
and' fixed to a handle « of -wood ten or twelve inches- long, fometimes
carved, fometimes. plain. The wing-bones .of the largeft fowls,
when cleaned, 'are u-fed for handles • arid if they have not thefe, they