the prapeeefl: methtods;hf teeming this, f^uhpkgué^ and have hope o f
fibs. or fix who will have jfopae .me^kal hdQrnaatiohikidl'lfo, partis
culsrfîp eoEnYcriàat withvthüs fu b js â - and fe® feapab^-ierf
affording effe&ual.: relief to foeh as will fubmit to ibe- tæcèffi^*
They àtteibufc. olihpÉsJ d i their maladies to- at* European origin,
aaà foppofe every vefifel. wàieh hafch vifited them hasTeft thefo fomé
new; difèafes; among, thefè they reckon the dyfentçry ftcan Vancouver.
It was difficult to perfuade the®* to taW bSeffiGinê-; excfeptin fyrups,
o f which they am fond j though fome :lhbmitted fo fwalfow thp
bark in- cocoa-nut.liquor,, and got th i e f their intermittents, f
Qn the comparative. State o f the Ifhmds..
IT may ppf bp fo pafs in rcyiqW aïe^rernar l^. on
qiir, miffiqnary attempt?» as from: the manners and charajStêr o f the
peqpl,e„; apd the nature o f their governments,, fpm%conjecture ij\ay.
he formed refpefting. the hqpp of, foccecding i% our. endeavours to;
civilize; and impart to them the bleffings o f jChriftianity. -
Hereditary fucceffion appears,. the;. eflablifixed cuftara at Qtaheite,
ar>d Otoo; fovereign ; his chieftains, though fupreme in their feveral
diftrifts, ousting him paramount obedience, ; ^n£gapjpaj,en%- a t p.refent;
iinalple. to. control his - authority,; apd- in a. fta^e- ,of, general. fubj eftion.
A t Tppgatabpq ; ap, oligarchy■ ferps to prevail« at the h eadq f which,
is a, monarch o f the F uttzîai^e mçe, to,- wiprn, ajjl pay; homage, j yet
another perfon^ under the title., o f Dugqpagabpqk,; has} the chief
ppyter apd authority, commanding the; army: by-fea- a®4i land : whether.
hereditary or elective fc;h&’Ètf<fcf&àiêl§-. TôggÉiSHhe,
though not the d d^'foh.^Jh ehedgath df Tflsh'Mctonfoob, a^ ffiftî
f e go re fnm en n/ to acknowledged! wMlkè éfcafdagî fhôbàbfy f &>.
©f'gfoat powers ^ Q t e a h -o a , l i i e h & j^ l f l t e d?-\hê> 'M a^ n dM
which^ wè Viôtad, Oat dm § Hems
exerciM. it®both the to ta ls ,TTb figatâtei lefeMHfe^rrfëft
nient of,)apahi whe&
I I^ A g a in -g tn e r t îl) ; \M U>4ht E r iM^JKlàMs.FoeRfeih&hàggfo^
aathfefify, though BugoMgafesok fm * s .as fe^sfiot ifoéfefhffihrft? as!
he a&towfedgds Hirnfafinficfib}- ifi -ifcgHityi T f e Tafcthi
Cérarany■ àsl ppflèflèd; ^^^dté&à^mààÿ^ 4ig^U.MVrfti
aüdta gwht gepêtaiy ^ p e lé& k d / fr n p r n S f rm t^ - da dlcouîi£tffti§
omtagt andrmlhtey-Mil'’ fn t o i e t o i fd & M fo g a r iM
■ T h theif. perfbnij- fhè fhërt !%fî#hè fff|jel'ior- "taffkî\lF. fè®aï! "à: lafgéa
race 'than oUFfelvês^'ô'r^tha éSfohMi ^péâ'p'rà. - A f ’tkahéîteFithiy Wèftÿ
foftêr, feàtSfëd, tnOfo ftrll and flëffîÿ; Tdffgafahôb' hMre" riluféÜHf,’
®id affd&ing a «lofe ffetoly g^hHdTupferfofi^l
complaining <éfo hunger, th ty ]' wéi<e 'fofeeiehtly* pluhip.,' and- Much
mf e anddiffingmfoed by drefsand prnam^s>.‘d.î(
Æ^âftSfoi Hÿ’fhMèèry
oM cb n^ andjMghtnfefè'Of ^«ldar< fàr ëxhègâëd th^othteï- ihàhdk At*
coloür deeper, and maaüy very di%üftkg,.i je# at Ohïtâhôo'thë'feMdlds*
appeared: in the. mofoabjed fo^ètTldft,- whllft-at- ©tahehë fofeé4n-
joyed diftinguilhed dignity. without partietildr ’ptoMbitidhs â ^ ‘fôdd>
andù'ibife who Were md#k<^riiifoh& feèffied nôif ■ fè'ënîlavëd, ' and1 at
hbettÿ! UP eàmgé-itàâ^i^bsands 1# ■ th^-plfefëdVJ A f Tdhgatàb#
foine-. were- held in highèft revërënce,. and Futtafàihe; himfelf paid
one elderly woman the fame expreffibn- o f homage which hé received'
from every other chieftain.