f e y # .
•Brig, and a fehooner, were lying inM a y o rpad,-probably-for cargoes
:<Sf fait, abundance .of which is yearly flapped from thefe iflaaads.. •
With'pleafant weather,^all.fafl'S fet, 'and a fine fair wind, b y eleven
A .M . we loft fight o f Mayer, owing to: die before-mentioned hazy
atmofphere, for We 'were at no . great diftance ffom.it; at the fame
time we could difcern St.'J-ago o ff the deck. A t one P. M . pafled
the S. E. point, . and half an hour after tacked dpfe to Green, ifla-ndj
then made two-fhort tacks, and came to with the finall bower' in
.eight fathoms,, the fotith end o f Green ifland bearing W .S .W . fW .
and the peaked .mountain open about two fails breadth to the eaiftward
,qf Jhe2flsgt|bff ©n;the.fpiti } h-
Thus fiftye we dafid^TCached.-thfe fluff postfort Jrefrefhtnent, after a
Voyage iperfedfelypleafant,tand juft tJflteefvseefe fince we%YtJSt. ffo -
' TteiT«Or£bi®s flfewh tbs great fivcmindeedyiiffibetwBid -hath
hesh fo &i»t 'anff the.weatherrfhgoodf 'thadiditiftejferMse hath been
-regularly andtadaliy :csaadu&edr witlcot£ the JeSA intermpfioni—sMow
great are his mercies! Such poor frcfli-water failors as we were, needed
iWfe ^aniens comaaenceffieiits, top *^a re 'UsforAe!vaft ^ ip w ® d h
yfet jreniai»e& ,
AdkjfeoiMK the fials wetfe furled the captain feat the flfift mate with
his refpecfts to th e;gbvi#nc*/ to te<purfl.fene. iot hhhsto^watet and
jairfihafe^rrfielhmgnta, wh&h he very poMtely tad readily gpftated.
The chief -s^Haerngk arefides at St. ]a |» town inland, and the gentfe-
man at Port Efcaya was his deputy. ftefpedting live flock, vege®*.
bles, &c. he faid that none could -he purchafed this $v£iring 1 but
asfthe HeWs wohM rplicMy fptead that a Ihip had arrived, ia the
port, foimofeowc early the-MattWis would i^oft within the Walls tkf
the fort, whejae the market is tA a liy held $ and as each biiags-a part
o f what he poflefles, there is generally colle&ed- whatever the ifland
affords* This beii% the* cafe, we coifld ttnly go ©n with our waterings
.whjdi Is h«e attended with much trouble, having to roll the
calks a quarter o f a mile over a- hot foft fand, and take them o ff
through a heavy furf: Befides, the water, after if is got, is brackiflv.
That for the' ufe* o f the" fort is1'brought on affes- or camels from â
difttace o f three ëi four
; The* -dfefutyigovemor Had long laboured under æ dangerous complaint,
and though Fftn''féfne- time paft in a way* flf recovering, yet
for'"want1 o f adhice and" medicines Was- apprehenfive o f à relapfe.
Dr. GiHhà'fli'Bèifi^on mô'réi -the* café was made kn'dwn,:ands:ffis opW
mob ahdihdvfeè^apeeidf^ iv^îfh what'-hkd fieènftciî<ïfhe' governor before
dMfgébfi-of 'ârtThdiamari, ‘’’gained* 0 fcènfidfecé!,' iariifthfe' flochôf^F
feivices;''# ê^ s*'gl'âdly^âeèôptéd, ' who- prefcribedi for 1rHtei§o¥èrïiôï’i'ancf
his-lady, who #âs> kïfoihdifpafed j ‘àndSlië vifîted* fô'mbjfoorfitk na-
-tihés*/s Their ‘difëafes- -fié-' chiefly found tb bàittfèhrtîttahtàj, difeafêSr
Æ^Hè’J# ^ ^ f i d t :^itMa4Îîa‘;'* Wê fepbrtfeflfe’hlkc^ as -Véry '"unhealthy,
ÿËkfààs*irfformédi ‘ô f ' a pdrfôn dtae’ Huttdml^and'-tefi^^stfs' oltr.‘ 1
'^ra^i'S^Wldkyiight^tH^^pitfnace hrôa#^tataMt*'ror,t another- tuf ft o r
Wajter-, 'flfme- Sfl-thte3 mïffihriâries voîhhtariï-y lending theiar aMmnfceV'
0h;Herieturn!lAîifltiÿ,s-'lfewàrdWk's,fèiflli<ïfidâfefàrliveflocK,i& c ; f
à few o f tHétaiffiohârites accompanied himtophictïre what things they*
■ Ranted fdfl their own ufe : old eïbtUès they found fofee-a-flaplfeta^
ticfc :• hoWeVer’; we were iïr-a meaforë dififppotnted; f o f thbfnarkef
yràs not^s^^blkfumiftied as we- exrpeÆtêdf o^iît^', as "fliè* fort'ilftgèdv1
tb^but ' fewv df' thé ébuntry pea’pfe'Hdirig-'yet appriîèd o f ouf àfriral'i
therefore" •' al-Fwe1 •^ë^'fér the cabin- Was/ di^turkey/' 'fîvefoWls*, 'fivé
p^sr, na? -(fUa^tilysof^tirferggS-, and* ’a- quarter'exP'aI cafS: 6 f "Madfe&ai
wine ôr< the*léfe%rYtfie miflforrafi'es,- whiffi-wé^pfbcliiécf from the
captain of* kri - American--Brig f that la-yin thep&rt. While w é were1
on ,fîhdrékffife-'%ovemdff*treated us^with -the-gfeatefl refpedf and-kind-
ncfei;s£hdf&ad:Dt* GfUHaitt, myfelf; aridTwoîdFthe-brèehttny # ®ne
wifh* «Kite P I n rettfrA-fort His - civility, GkptààhWfifôn -fêht- :-hlln a
cheefe and feme tea1arfd fugar, articles''wMcH-heftood in need of,' the
regular fupplfes from.1 Lifeon* 'Having not-arrived1, though pâfl the
lïftial ’ time. Our water being^i completed ; at five F. M*. a'gUn''was
fired from- thé- fliipi, a fignal for tHofe who Wefe* on fhdre to’ repair
on board ] hoifted the boats in, .goHinderway, and b y feven cfclock