IffhaMtan0j-±-M*n, * Women, änfc Ghildfen.— i4b$âës.
T H E natural colour o f the inhabitants is olive, inclining to copper.
Some, are,y^rY <iaxk. as the.filhermen,,who are molt gxpofed to tjie fup
and fe a ;b u t the women, who carefully cl9the,themfelv,es, and avoid
the fun-beapis, are. but a fliade-or tw,o darker than an European
brunette. Their eyes are black and fparkling; their teeth white, and
even; their flein foft and delicate; their rlimbs finely,turned; thgir
hair je ttyp e r fumed , and ornamented with- flowers;, but. we-did not
think their features beautiful, as,, b y continual preflure from interney,
which they .call touroome, .. they widen the face with their hands,
diftend the mouth, and flatten the nofe and forehead, which giyes
them a too mad^idme look.; and they are In general large,.,and.yvide
over the fhoulders; we. were therefore difappointed in the judgment
we had formed from the report o f preceding yjfitqrs; apd though
here.and there was to be feen a young perfon who might.be eftepmed
comely, we faw few who, in faift, could be called b^iities ;_yet they
poflefs eminent femipinegraces,; their faces are never darkened with a
jfcowi, or covered ydth a cloud o f fufleimefs o f fujpiacp.
Their manners are aflfable and.engaging; their ftep cafy, firm, and
graceful; their behaviour free and unguarded;, always boundlefs m
generoflty to each other, and to ftrangers; their tempo's mild,.gentle,
and unaffected; flow to take offence, eafily pacified, and feldom
retaining refentm?nt or revenge, whatever provocation they may have
received.. Their arms and hands are very delicately formed; and
though they go barefoot, their feet are not coarfe and fpreading. ,
Xs. in all warm climates, the women in general here come earliey.
to puberty, and fade fooner, than in colder and more northern coun»
tries jctteughffh'&meithe. features continue little changed even to gray-
hairs ; and what is remarkable, fomeare faid:tefade;- and revive again;
»gaining their comehrcefs beyondahofe who'have? nbt experienced - fach
a change. Matijt, sindeëd^/ whoirlead a diffbluie' life, receive their
immediate punifhment, .and-âm. old And.hagard-i atLtMrty j whilft
otters,dwHq have-'lived,;fndre'decently, <«, >al l&fl,.fhabdi)eeai'lefa
pröfligatEj retain all the i^%Winel{ räfid v&gimrÄ^SfhcUt fifty; : I
: A® fyilies,?iipf ’private life ,f^theyrare affeôidnatéj 'tdndêt, and
obedient to rtheir htofbaiids,'4 ûiïdiu’teoîmrasiïlÿâ feted ®£ their oHildreifi
tfeby •aurfe:tfcèii£w^tijte*ib«>fiM^ .stffestft« ta
keep the infant’s .limbs ftyàpld and fteught." A cripplè is; hardly, ever
feen-among' them in early life, A ricjoetty eh ik fïs nevêf known;
afly thSagjififitebli^ it would /-refleSt the Jbigfisft difgîaçè c®5 fHe
mother ;nB I f an litter feàngte diféoveis. tfae leafr-’ïfefpÆm; s^brl'd; he
mafesnoferuple te blame, the mother," anfi««pst®iit tenter wanfciof
ftefe"3ftd experience in marling; fit th a t,ife tte fch p d da not trän
radically, defeâfve, which is feldqm the cafe, itheyrwil it
into a proper fliape. . A perfon fcnpök-kneed, or bOwvlfcgged7 is
fiAfeelyät«. bfe ferandr;: m tb s whole ifland-wfe^wbnlÿ?riifee honip-
.bäckMT^sydÄthrtedififerent diftriClsl. ■
‘Thfe ÉïëBdin general sfe Ä v e onr’ccaliman. fiste*
largêr race, few 'o f them übolt o f fin feet , l% h ; â iil Pomärre four or
fiW teßhäS^glferf abid ppoportionably. bulky', t .T hey Garry.theif’^ e
w e ll; and are healthy and vigorous at a very advanced time of life,
i f hot ihfe&ëd with ,(Ä a fe r:-ift®dktee'OttyT#te-gteüdFstthef o f Qttoo*
and Mähne Manne, ttelhigteprieft, ; and others. The exaél amount
o f tteteyears ca»didThe.colkdted;fmmlmi^ mfl-ances:, a s d h y keep
no regular compWaticm d f ' tiitee ; } ^ .Ti!oto. events which they rela»^
a jre tty accurate- calculation la a y i t e foitead; ManT Were Afivsiin;
1791 who remembered the lofs. o f one o f Rsiggewcin’s'fquadfoh at an
ifland nêrth o f Gtaheite, in 17)2.1.:
The drefs o f both fexes is nearly the feme, seteepting that the men
Wear a narrow piece o f cHotb,'^ wldch ; faffing roundthewaiffc, goes
x x