aflsed . him why he went -rxos. whhin i he w as
frighted, and angry with the fire for Çpitting at hipj, As Joiws® the
ho® biffés in the water, o ro o the anvil», the natives ,
Three ô f the brethren accompanied. Potaarre in a iougney through
the îïbtnd, in order to make obfervations.
M&y i&, T he k in g caaae !wdh a mufiset an d fo g r piftofe
repaired and. cleaned.. On çordidtatioa we demurred to th e p e a f f t ;
hot ias he had lent a hog and other things to the fmjth, we ordered
one o f the piftdk to be done, and put o ff the teftrfag; a white. 1
ad. Our monthly prayer meeting. We .fhall trapfcgihe a paffage
from one o f the journals on this occafion, wMeh others wffl.fesbydtb
fenfation* o f delight as we do : “ O Lord, ; hów greatly haft thou
“ honoured me, that thoufands o f thy dear;^ ib®
ff praying, for mut a worm! .Tord, .thou haff fet m e i n a heathen
“ tend, bub* a land, i f I tnajrifo .'fjpeak, flowing with milk, and
honey. O put moré grace and gratitude into my.poor coldJWaït,
“ and grant that I may never with Jefburun grow fet add kick.-' , V
.'Jd< Employed bo the1 boat. . Vifited-by ; the k in g and'«jnew*
who flqjplyrill our wants. Our hogs areiacreafed, to & ^ id y iia p d
we have entreated them to bring no more. , One o f our flreep brought
a fine young ram lamb, much wanted.
5th. Held a meeting preparatory to the communion. Brother
Lewis, as elded minifler, after prayer, examined every-one with, great
fidelity and lendenaeft, giving fuebt exhortation and repjfeof As was
neeefeiy.- A happy opennefe o f mind and melting ©T h w t prcr
vailed j and fymptoms o f genuine nutrition for any jpaff imp®-
poetics towards each ether. This was thefirft meeting o f the kind,
we had held, and it was truly profitables we experienced Ibnaething
isf the healing and re&efhing p r e v e e o f God witJ^rits. TLçfoJved
fuch meeting fhould be monthly.
7th. Vifijsed by a chief prieft frcaswTapàrâ, Tenârrée, «who is re-
puted equal to Mâtine Mâtine, He is called an Eatooa ; fbmetimes,
Tüafti no EEatooa, the man o f the Eatöoa i he was drefled in a wrapper
o f Otah&tean cloth, and OVEiiit'an officer’s coat doubted ^ round.liim.
A t h is firffappftaachhe appeared titnid!, add w&sipvried in ; he was
but juft'featied 'when tme cmdteonrifacM.firitekv™; ahdfiltedAhirn with
aftonifhment and terioririKDId ‘Tyefiea had brought theT hird|rfbme
bread-fruit, obfeving it muff fee, ftanfcd i f -we nevéf fed it. A t
breakfdffwufinvited Tematrfctdipur tepaff i feüfche f i r f tU d out -his
hand with a bit o f plantain,; and looked *&¥■ fófeovn,“ which, bae q fy
ihs nativiés; & id was an offering.ta ithq i EafSoa, and we is&uft-.teeeiveq
whétóne ;hafl taken;if Hit o f his hand, andvlaid it under the table,
lie-lM down and made a hearty breakEaft.
: Brother IGossr read the’ firanfiateid addrefe te '^ T tb e fe ■ telpééted
guefts,if™é' natives Imebing ■ with attention, am;vpajtic,ylady the
pa&ft, 'sfehodeemed to drink inieiraty.'i^brd^'but appeared djf§)ilèafed
when ïa g e d ib call away their falfe.gSdG? and on hearing them&mes
jehoyah and JtfuS, he Would tllrriand whifpor. ’ ; T h e t people ‘were
e feM ih s l.l^ tWbmthreti i f dièy airiderftood what was laid,, and repeated
® confiderable .iptöt .cxf what had been delivered, -and. feemed
gréafly pieafedirh s
g th ,T e n ia r r a e accompanied the king and queen, 'and Raid, to
dine with n s H e ' h,MWe f in d , r i f thurdyal’ oacq, and fon o f thé
famed Gbssrsa.. He is the firft chief o f the ifland after Foroarre, by
whtun'hehas;heen fubdued, and ftbwlives Infriendfli^ w ith ten »
a id has adopted his fon. He is alfo high in efteem asiapiiied:.1 His
name o f Eatööa engaged our CöhVérfation. We told him the Eat 00a
cbuH t e f die, : As he muff. A by-ftanding nat-iye fsid, that
“ ,miaff be a bad Eatöoa-indeed-j for he had hiiftMf fee® one o f his
“ kind kdlOTwtK"S mulket; and that they Wea?e ®o*^ds w h s ceaffd
*‘ be killed.>'’ TlTefe prieffspretend to as loteerers, ,tp
tóll andnrakeiÉifete'i-nridithè .pö^lSaré iö rawrihnwi d f^ e ö i i bdttwe
fet their powerat nought.
’i:2fth, We teceived ihtelligeneè it-te -Micklewright
and the Swbde.hadtfiredupe® th é -inh^biMntskt®mfoi this grieved
y a