or place o f worfhip, was.' thought by them indifpenfably neceffary i
it proves, that,' móweVér th'eir -ideasJ o f fupernatural, b&in^s arë bewildered,
they ftill univerfally hold the fame tradition among them r
and notwit-hffanding the inhabitahts?'öf Idifferent ifiands give -their
peculiar names td their guardian deity, the manner o f worfhip being
every where the fame, proves the tradition originally to be fmm-'oaf
' Concerning the formation ó f théfe -ipw illands the opinions o f men
are various ; but whether fuch a mafs o f matter grows like a fhrub,
or be the work o f millions o f animalcules, is what I muff leaved td
the-leamed- It5 aJ*pbars-;’''hoWever/ thad-in Vfeèir rfterfeébdfatfe tj^eyf
come motln&rer tb the^fuffafce than where thedea' breaks upon .them,*
The part mfilfhi&^iflhrid 'that we*were upofi T fuppofe-to-Mve irifen
about twof-br three furlbnfgs in breadth, and by tfeé fc®^ëii%f‘’the”fëa
agaipft tWouteriedge-thefp^/prcg'edtirig-wtere brbken-offj .fhcfe^as
the fegf drove tflern towards the lagoon, ?would ftrikfe" other-parts and
foree them off, andafteavy ftomf'tdmffnfg^on^would-; 'with-frrdfiflaMé
ViMê&ce^drive^bfeirP up ih a' ridge- St5 fcSne dift'anqeCfrom1 the fearfide,
and mÊSr- tó the edge ó f the’Iageoriï--- This-is evidently' the-bafe here'.
The firft-ridge lies within one- hufidred yards^bf the -lagoon,-and
Miouf three fürföfigsTtom the e d g / b f ihe-reeffnext- the fea. The
fècöridJridgg^énsO within ,ftehj>yarefe"j of’» the firftj. -and fhè- furrow-beq.
tween -is „about ten or twelve feet deep. Thè ptheti-ridges^ o f which
there are many, are nearly5'about' the-farne>diffance5 and the -furrows
the-flame, differing drily in proportion as we may fuppofe the ftorms
it©, have ddne- -which threw them up : theife being compofed entirely
b f large' corShAbnbs/ ptöve this tb have been the caufe j ‘ and.the ridgës
•lying lehgthwife in a direction abbüt nórth and-fóuth, demonftrate
that no other than gales from the weftward -could have -produced
thjfeieÉidfe the^ilknd^-midrii istfaspsVri, - that winds
from that quarter, though not excefïïvely ftrong, raife a more hollow
and heavy5 fwell fla n any other. A t prefent, about: a furlong from
the outer edge-of the reef, the ftones, after running over a flat, o f
that -breadth/form a fteep. wallnat lefs than eight or ten yards above
thefurface o f the fea-j but ey&nfdW this height the flrones are driven,
and Ih'ooting a confiderablc n i} in; co\tr fome o f the formed ridges,
anfl form a gradual Hope. Indeeddti^alfiiofl; inciedible what large lumps
o f folid'coral lie thrown IMf waySup flh'elflb’ep will'above mentioned,
f remarked Act mother part o f meufland where fuch effedts o f 'florins1
’ were to be feeh>; ,i^,fo^e-4plac^^.mp^)N(to,warda;\thexS. E . and where
jfhe'laind was not 'fnore*thap^a/'furlong m width, it v^'a's low and
covered with fine white coral land, mixed.with rotten \cgttablts and
-l^ves-of-trees-thpl:- gSOWfjUfonff t^.is,^n,,general ri§. the kind o f (@jl;
feyep/.u^^^t^jlarge^ftgn^sj. tips .rotten.-matter Wiff tbe, roral fand
.am ^bj^fvn ,j japd;ther&[ the» st r e ^ Me^more .„floiuif^ng^md, abundant
than* iip£ qtrjpr^glac^s.. i -
: -l‘t^^ny' ^ i^ t^ ^ ^ g ^ l^ g ^ a te jia lL'oceu)n'edfuntiJ..'iwe made the Mai;-
.qgefas. jj.Qne-.qf, thefSerj^//flm41pariy.had^fle’«erifqr fthreeiOr fou,r
.flavgafy iit fo®n,gpt 1t^ ,?^e^^ig|rtit.,jkmdw^.r,%e|Qf^bner.hat, fufl.
ferqd; from jth^t^expejdjitio^.j' r As ^ejwere.truffmg wholly t-or our time-
ijkeefpey, itye found..oujfglye§,• aft^r fk.Iong,a paflage, contrary .toour
] e£p,edbatjon, ( confiderably to .j^ e . vyeflward, when we 'fawi Santa
-Chnftina on the-4th o f June,.,a /it^e./efore funrifein the momipg»
.bearing E&N. E vdiftant,pme league^., jReing- thus, bp kewaujl,pf our
port, y^efkept-1plyang-<vtjllt,)the{tafteri}o<yi pf-fthfi,fpflowmg day,, and
-1pole feyeral ’compafs bearings, tp,afcertain,the. extent and relative fit-ua-
iflgn o f uhe iflapds^ .>.■