ldftg. 3 § ° 4 0 'W , and clearte thfe fbuthward'iifithe Abrolfcos banks
few E'fpirito Santo. Wer then ran S-. by W . J W. fifty-one miles,
and obferved in ao° 4 1' S. long. 390 W . j afterwards running fourteen
hours upon a courife, made good S .W . I W . one hundred ana
four miles-, we founded in fifteen fathoms, upon a bank (as we fup-
pofe) which lies off Gape Thome,
r t th i ’eight A .M . We few ffte fcattetedL jiffands wMch ifie to
nOfthwtad of Cape f^b. The weatkfer bdi€% h^y we had ®®
ObfetiraSliOft. A t half paft two Gape fifio tetfe N . f W . five 'ttiJs%
It &0W fet- in to rain -f&ty hard|iwith hrifls. gales ftotn the rh
confequenee o f which we put the fhip under a fttag. fell* intending
to fpend the night betwixt the Cape and the entrance o fjf t io de-Janeiro
; ffanding in fhore -to thirty fathoms, and o ff to forty-eight;
a fandy bottom. 12th. A t daylight we made fail and -ran -for the
harbour j but the breeze failing, and the tide againft -us, it was one
o’clock in the afternoon before we reached the entrance. . When
nearly there, a pilot-boat Game alongside-, in which was -the head harbour
mailer, who took charge -of th e fliip. In running in we gave
the fort o f Santa Cruz a berth o f half a cable’s length; keeping
the file' de Cobras, which is ftrongly fortified, about two points
upon the larboard how, till the Benedict ine -monaftery, which is
large and white/appeared clear o f its north fide ; then hauling up
towards fh e {hipping, We came to with our ffrnall bower in fcven fathoms
water, and -mooted w ith a kedge to the northward, the monastery
“bearing -S.W. by S. and *Ifle de Enchados N . b y W . As
foon as we had anchored, a guard-boat, with the proper officers,
came alongiide, in order to prevent fmugglihg, und watch that no
perfon Went from the fhip -unaccompanied by a fcldier. • It is re-
marked, that -the -government in this cdloriy adts towards Arrangers
with the moft jealous caution; the captain, obliged to land when
we'fuff: entered the port, was.attended with a military officer from
fort Santa C ruz. This evening fetting in with heavy rain, thunder,