wreftling. Firft forming a; ring, within it flood about a'dozen of the
ftouteft fellows, with their hacks to-the crowd and faces towards each
other. Then the game began with ah abb of'' defiance or challenge,
made by beating heavy ftrokes with the flat hand upon the left ■ arm
dbove the elbows where this part was quite -.'black -With the rfepeafcd
flhokes ft A t laft one fteps forward to the-cdnilre o f
thecirci6 j another, who thinks himfeif an equal match," aflvahces
f© meet him j fometirh.es only a fmart blow or- tw© ehfUes befor&they
fall back again into their places . At -another time,’ after advancing
and gazififg i t each other for a while, one will fuddenly plump the
top o f - his head into the face -of. his opponent 5..- 'and'fhis caufing fiip i
to retire in -the dump's, lets all the cifbrVd The word: of
the game is, when one gets mi advantageous hold of his -adversary:
a fevere wreftling then takes place, arid it is only'-at the- e&penfe o f
ftrength, and! blood* Mid hair, that they will fubmit to be parted.1 -
Maitee-Mahne ferft ug in thme 6©gs ready drefled $8f dinner, with
baked bread-fruit, Coeea-nut'sy ‘die. T fe laid them @nf a darge’iplbCe
o f clotbj and invited us to fall to, but not before' we had' c&lled’upbh
(Sod to blefe it. We round it very good, though We hid-yet heithbf
difh-, Fpbbh, k n ife ,' fork* ISHiy nor chair. Ibnuiner&ble j prefentS
came in from the various chiefs Who wefe < biit frieMfhip
and we were all dieflM in OtaheitfefcMh;:
During the dap the houfe was; crowded with natives* which made
it prudent to keep a guard over our property, though fiiere appeared
no defign nor attempt at depredation, e At the approach bf
commanded filcnce j and, having fvrag an hymn, Mr. Jefferfon
offered up prayer to our Lord : during the fervice the natives behaved
Very orderly and attentive. At night we requcfted them to retire,
and return h i the morning, which they did in the fflSf peaceable
manner, and we received not the lead: difturbance from them. We
'then held our ufual daily family worfhip;. and, having flipped on
the plenty of provifions which remained, we retired to reft,- admiring
the wondrous providence of our God. Lord, thou haft been better
4 •
to us than all our fears : grant us firmer faith in thy care, that we may
he aide to ’tsruft thee 'more in a future d ay ! jj
How gracioufiy has the Lord dilplayed his arm fotitSi'ifeceleg.ving
dufj native fhores, im tfaverflng aitfraekldk ocean, apdnpening . a door
da*t’hefe heathen laijds '.r we traft", to diffdfe his pverlaftipg gafpel bgrs.
.May thevLordf makSiiisfburniag arid Aiming lights,! [
jj The king held all our hands, and Ihook them, as did the queen,
.examining our- clothes very minutely, and took particular notice -of
.MiV tLesws’s umbrella, ndhidadW b is ‘expanding it ’tojftifeW-Jtfcufo,
Jthey'boöh made ftgni ndt^tto*;-lft;it over:their heads, left it ftiould,
-accprdihgvto-their cuftomscbecome (thereby facrisd to- their own ufe.
Theiratteiition;t®?us: is Angularly:engaging. • 5.jj >
9,tte "TfiMimdtnibg the matiyeb;rarn© t© nur -ho'ufe before ikyen.
l<^'cbo‘elUvrm i l,e?a’firc'5*bmlcd::mur' v atef,’*and prepared the bread-fruit
iar^bsÄÄ^SÄ'.^^S^'lkrpgf’atld quepajvifited us'fsveral times in ,rthe
^Courfe,n f fthg ti
’ ' Thfe'mÖrfiiflg4l>fb‘‘fm^*Madüa, the widow'of Oreeplah (brother
^^Fbinä^re1)-;?dabä^7fieeeaifedpaid us a'vifit, accompanied ’ by two
efiyef’r^ambn. ‘Oreepiah wäs much attached to the Englifh 5 and his
^#Mow’; -’ruppbflng' its fdrry for "‘his' l§fs, .on -entering tÖe’i cabin burft
r5hfo -tears ^ and ccifeiriuedThis "expreffioM'of grief till we all fympa-
^thSeS^^wi’th her. Hcr5^evef,"Thii’dlcl not-’lift* long!/ for" they foön
"became cheerful, breakfafted, and ’dined'bn' böärd“, ■ 'as 'did Minna
^JvFarme, ahd^towards 'evemng-Ä^ all wbrft Qh fhbre j but' äs ’iio fuit-
ablfe p?efebfe'Wiei,e'yet^gbt'odt -öf the hSl#, they were defired to renew
their v iÖf'the' next- day, Vdifen fome ‘filings fho iilf be Inbreadinefs
dbUtheSn-: Thele, with the täyb'I'of tbebredand'mifiionaries, filled
■ dll parts'2>f'the fhip with hbgs, fruit, aM'cloth.
■ ■ /Gtbo'pfiÖdled round the'-lhip In ‘his canoe, as he had done the day
before, atfe -callin'# out for förhdthmg'fb eat, the captain lent-him,
inohe o f a®ur;diftielf half o f g. roafi-pig/febd fbme bifenit, with which
he fet off for the Ihbiey*1 foemingly'much pleafed.
K %