power :©f- the-gr&ve I: ;-•■ In the aftemoo.ri brother. Kelfo .fdreaxfiedftQi3®
Deut. xkxii. %■
x -yth. We were .favptired with a vifitfiiom brother Veefon, and a
fo a . o f Mulicemar 5 they brought a fine hog- to toya to a w ith them
from th a tch k f, andrtoformed us of the death o f Tamaifuma on ;the
13th inftant: lie; was ?a'chief o f great repute Sir perfonal courage
and this chcuhiftaiice our adverfarics fecm to torproveraTome pur-
ragatoft > jp/rhy maktog' thpvmfctves heiasye that cattr .Q o^ to
anfwer to our prayiaB,‘lffiat!hem.d IM S being th e :thiuA dhief - that
has, died?-fined? otar arrival, makes
he&aej ; and imputing rail *ft.ithe fame caalfey: they? fa y , that i£ #e':coB-
ttouo-JMaytog anad iingtojg,. fbese wiS- nnfc fee a- chief left afiarfea Tfet?
^ea, which costoi mrxfy oragtoate^am ihs fatten <d>MesVwprKifg to
thefe children erfidUbfeediesce,, Teems: ctoctoatedi to;icr^terhsf tome
to u h le x buifhill i t is an utdpeaksMecomfhrt; ter.EefleSt;„ ;ih*?to,to^!
prevail no farther Aaniaicemfiftent wsthitlift fesiy, wdbiJaotf'gwioii^
defign o f our heaweidy 'iEathor^ who, w e dauibfc ;nb&hwilfe ©tokeferis
feeng+b perfeS: in aurweaknefs, fofthat we may boldly fe y ,. -^iTbe
“ Lord toons helper, we will me* fear what man'Can do unW
On the 1 8|fe?the fame idea-was mentioned te h& ffey'diffetetc?
fopsf^t'ifetlfiltoqgajh ground withtfeeta^e^rfyhua^^biWi
vours to perfuade them to the contrary are frujtlefsrat prefent.. Jtoite
fomtian brodier Veetontode. his le jv e j and on SafcjriAfcfJ^BSldi
brother-Bowed paid us a vifit-. in the beginning of.the; week he had
been at Mooa, where- the greateftpart o f the i-nhabitants ane-af prefcnt
aflembled. for -the. celebratic® o f the annual nat.che:. j There he found
the minds-nf -the people, had received! th e feme, dangerous roapjeffiohs,
and that ;our pmuatrymertf were, the tole. authors aasb propagators j u jtji
the Lord, .howessx, hasgraeiouiQyr over-ruled if, To. that it has in .tome
.degree brought-the. mifchief they intended-justop-Ontlieir own .heads..
When it was firft-mentioniddiojibrother Bowselli, Waairjee was prefent'
and was much difpleafed with the pcrfon who fpoke;.of it. Ambler
h^jfSjl^ eiT^^oi^ieditpJ.poifoMj tbe? mind pf; .Oagdnagahsalah-wh®
heard him ^ith,gt?at?dfedi^^^nfand bifledihir»lotrt;flf hrs prefence.
A few.^jyaa^er, this fellow qterfdIfcdwJthiora® dfijtfete;olndf fk car*
pGnters,t.whojn;.he kicked o^ghe- fe*eafly and abiifed hrmi dthearwife in
4j .Ihocking.,,manner, aon><_ thid- he cfempfeirsed: tm\ Mai mwfter,- atuft
Ambler-,; toftead o f making ■ any ae knowfedgments r fb i has; coUikid&y
thought proper to juftify it to , the mod. provoking riftanner-c UgCtfif
ydpch, hb order^di him, from bis prefencly threatening hisl life i f lid
ever fhewed his face there, -more.:-fines: that we Hear he teas^ond to.
I^ujttafgi.he,-; foj that Morgan, . ConnellyS 1 apfl ihfey' afrer'ill' -'togetbery
'and, w e , .have: no doubt, will hbiadtive to plotting' farther MMchkf d
thpsi thefe- machinations.),,werd edefirdydd' 'witfarjutyiouf tjmjteffferdfetSf
i|,, that fhf;.wrath>of. man fhall prarfe '©od,< ahdthfe' re-;
m a rp d e tfw ra th he will reftrain, andbthat too; Weapon1 formed: agatoff
his-peppie todllprofper f ; ;
} 1' r?-jd- Buch^paa-.pt^he^-ton .tM iim o im h ^ih o to ^lW tfip
wi«f%9r ftom.-iDptrt.: xxx ik < is. jiiaftdci’dMdfe hr©tl».tBb#eM>
>b,Qtoth^j^^hi>h1t0ther',-ShflJy^!who has>had?thEJfidlr©'hfs©te^fW!-to^
^ll#rl^i08be^hd^liijItorpeb>lef6fni,:i;wem6Lte to esa/--wbtna® wfeo,: With
PJhPSSft' had paten fopie filh o f a; poifondusifljiatutei which Wat lifeljktfy
he,; tp ;heit;i}M particuilarv'< 'attended -with, baif.cQnfegiffirtGesJ:;; '• ah e'liledc'
was adminiflered, which removed, tthnscajifb'of ithe difprdfeb|!:ftftii
*R%red;thp ^^^MfdtoabNta&fli^lfht'd lsccbrdi^|ic)rfhe ctf^om5l##ie
country,; he received his fee-before he retarnei: this wars a roafted-
;hog, which is-generally killed as toon as the do'dlor- arrives, who'is cx-
pedled to wait till it is fuflicicntly roafled-; it is then given to him :
but this-being the firft inflran.ee o f the kind, like an :inexperienced- be-'
gi.nner who knew- not the profits-of his trade, he divided -it' chiefly
betwixt the poor, woman and her friends. It would fee? as valuable ac-'
quifition to this cojintry, and might be a means o f facilitating our-?
work, to have a good flock o f medicines, and a toilful perfon to apply
toem. 5 The diforders which have principally come under our ob