The bufmefs of'the'houfe’did not gofOU to-day v^ith' rbudh'alaerifey,
owing to1 the natives flackenififo ffi their officioufneft7, Up that we got
?but few- bamboos 'however, 5 in tHe'afternoon- fomfowere difpateHed,
taking my^&fdpifsKah* 'eitee. iofifoe paihier forr officer o f the foip),
-that they fooHld.fo'e'rewarded for. their troubfe-|HdcGofffin^l^''in'!th'e
iVdhfhg%?e had^asdtnany brought’ to the, ’houfebasi would ‘ ‘keep fife
■employed klf the following ckSyfo .As" on 'boards j lorf at;the 4iohfo,
numberlfefs prefents were brought, confidingof live hogs} ^dsafenut®,
■bread-frait. and cloth, which are-'flieir ftapfoikitides
thrfe/ more readfodreffed’ meat!was?ibronghn than* the*“brethren and
’the natives employed. could confume. But in "-the naidfeecrfpthis'ipfo-"
fufion, fomewere apprehenfiye/of' its’Jteingb followedt w.ithmnG®in$l'-
fideiSce5 ^bsfcaf0ai^t%f;i3K& therefore whoHyrid^fprovM! 'o f
^jfaatKLO f
Whilft the buimefs was-going:«» afhore, the "Seiv. Were.employed
in weighingThe anchor^ v^af^mg' farther u p 'ffiedia.yji andlmtSorkig
theelbip with the "twofoowers; - Peter; ’the, Sfogcfo, .SHolbr^^h^lus.
canoe, andfuch things ,as.foe nuffippari^jfirft wanted Wpt^difgatehod
&& fhore. tii T N S IiWaii£fc$&0*
roth. The wind eafterly, moderate and" pfrafant-weather. .„T h e
„people employed hoifting;out o f the hold and-fcndingTundries afhore
■ on account; o f the aptiflion.;' .
0 To-day the .captain landed for, the purppfe q f pref^nting.fofhefhe^yy
drefles; to the young, king and his. wife. They met him at-the beach.
as.ufual. Peter informed, him o f what was. intended, and, fhewing
him the box which contained the treafure, defired Otoo to walk towards.
his' houfe,. a. temporary died they had erebted for-the purpofe o f being
near our people. This was complied w ith ; and when - they, came
■ •near-;-[the captain, 'flopping under a, tree, ordered • them,to .form a ring,
and placing the box in the midft, Otoo was requefted. to alight,, that
the brethren might drefs him; he replied, By-and by, a.n.d ga^ed,.ful>-„
lenly for a. OOjdiderahle time, till;the patience- o f the captain" was grettjrr
well, exhaufted j-'yepeating, the requeffoancL „receiving no anfwer; they
ppened the box, andtq%tak^ngijqJj|t tlfojdrfos fpr-th^g]|eepj? foe inftantly
alighted foom the manlsfonulder, am| j£|too,,folfovj':ed foer example.' The
foncy cap ’fitted-her exceedinglyuvell,’ and ^heffe&ied^j^ gmifo pf.ijtj
<but;it wa^-.pnlyrfoy^yniippi^that the other titic k^cpuTd bt, gut upon
her or„Qtplo.,v- The,ca^aii^told. h lm fh a t the'ea^ees, o f Pretane thpught
J^^ta^jhoJ^yefffqfogut a. man^,Elmffednpmpletef;n,fois,’ganaV attire,
the furroundmg crowfogaised up^feth^M with admiration/She^tgue
-to fog foibfesi’p^^ep fox,, appeared.,flightedbUfoPfoo;fop^ht,little
o f them, fa y fo g ’an- ax,; a mufket,«fo k n ife ,fo | jn i^ q £ '-fjlffors^were
more .^rfpabjfo: which, ^qfofaying.more, for ,himfelf»foanwe?ex^
.pefo^-j^p^foagihefoad .evenfopfc ijq5doT« . ,
as" the| qereijnonjig^ajS.endpdy, Marine sManne^appear^d.^before
arid-calling the 'captain to him, nfomla him in a"»Taheitean
’drefs,,.,-putting arfoelegant foreaft-plate owj&afE „.They; then,walked
towards'the Btitifo ffoufe,' foltere^hey found the \\ sffl3wSS| nn 'cry
well} .and itfoeing paft noon;, the old priefo aeiQranamefothe^pamain
©nrhpafd'/ta1 dinner.
i .. i-i;th.„ ;The;crew?jemployedin-fending.^undriejep^ fhofe,
ef^tlie mifoom - A t thfo.hbufo4th|y were 'vef^^bu.h Httmg^ip .thp
.-ap^rtmpnts fqijythe viromen,(»whom: 4 ' -.in the.
affefooon/1 T h ^ brethren had dnformed thfon||lte^, that next .^day
foeing thefoay. o f the Eatooa^ po/W0rfo^p,uldfo^d.ogefoh9r}^y|J^|'in^
^foeayedtherefore; on this",account, they^lfi'o'ugljLt whatjfpiipj^iqps
mightferve till':M©ndayput -vtere^inji^lity,,foifoien,t
^|jAfter .dirm^t.the-pinnacef.was manned for^foe ;wyQpaei^^i^\C^j|dreh,
,anfoby th e captain^defoe L accpmpsamed.,fo'emfp^fo^;eaj foaft.nun^-
foprs o f the native^ crowded to thefoS^eht ^
.hehavingjwith great fofpe&an4 ^rj|'peac^ble.^ Otoo ^and*. hh wjfo
-»kept for, a,while,,at.,a idi^K(^.feqming]yj&jithH^fet|^hether|fo^
•-^foufo.apSoach theijvpmeni but thinking ifo®rQperf jhhn,
he was adfole encouraged.:;rho.weyer, Hill kept filence.^ifo afo fhe
way as We walked to1 the!houfe, gazedeftupfoly, liketangt'h!er;,Cymon.