Marqyefas and afterwards back from, ©taheite; to>ab^- 146° 22' W ,
whichyis^i01 2y W . o f what Mr. Wales-makes' it\ But - had w e not
made Otaheite very exa&.hyionrehronometer, we fhould rather, have
been filent than fuppq^d.j^n error in fo?gpod an irauthoritJf’ijjSSjftMr.
Wales. However, to be certain o f this point is o f confequencfep as
thq longitude o f ,ieveral others. of. thp fmall iflands is. dedqced .fropa
it, and this is the ifland.a.-perfon would chooie^o make firft in coming
from the Marqucfas.
Latitude obferved at noon 140 29 '; the foutljvweft end o f Tiookea
bearing E .:N . F . three miles jitand the. extremes b f ‘ah iflanil Ito lee*
ward, called Oura, from.W. 3?.Nv to W . 27°’S . . ;
ij : For the other iflands we law omdur pMflage j * fee’ the> S'Kari.f. i
6th. A t feven in the morning we.-faw the highlandi.d£s©taiheit®,*-
and at n@c®i; being clgferih, ’S«?. rahT bet ween the Dolphin bank and
&iptAfeniis: reef; andi came,to> anchor' inhMatayiji' b ^ j» f th ^ t e h '
fathoms;water^.vand immediately mooredlhip.--; Thehatiyesidipw.ded
dfffDall .fetceediiiglyiglad 'ta: fee: aB% iihe>brethre^^^®Wed'ifn «flat*
bottomed, boat, .which! they had been defired ito.buildjfer the'phrpofe
l^lpafl^ghfehe fliallow entrance o f the river w ith the goods.: The
report -they'gam^asqsIgafiBg^to n s all. They had, tinfgenerah?; en*
j oyed good -health, i T h e ■ natives had- bonftartlyiobferv'ed, the,famej®*
fpeblful behaviour towards-them as at firft; and; had- never failedfa day
ter.fupply them abundantly w ith allj kinds o f provifions v r Refpe#mg
the purpofes o f - the . miffion,: it was a point o f whick:they*eoui%«LQt
as yet fay any thing more than that appearances were:eheomraging:
Fromj the little experience : they had- gained -of the: .peoplejjfithey
fuppofcd.them, teachable ; .and though rooted in ith e traditions/and
prejudice's:[offjthdr; anGeftois, they hoped that a! knowledge of; the
language, l and- per£^eaance-iin their duty,-would have algreat ,.efl&bfc
nppn '!the% rifing'. generatioh;^/ Their . example had already, reftrained
the natural teyity o f ;|^e natives, and overawed them ; fo/that they
feldom attejmpt. to a<5fc a heeva within , their hearing ; and- .when .they
come near on the fpbbath, they always bphave with decency, Jheir
drefs and niannera alfopexhibiteijlf giiat u4^iprdvdmeitt''6n the'fider'of
mo«M^ .e.'V.
However, in- their own^department, there had, beeisToriie, difference
oftseftinioh,' concerning thsftTfriMtia^rfeg&atiods'.yfCGnftdeEiii^ their
fmall hbrhberyl'thlirl cofnmiittee^irtd th^J'kfiflmof; ptelidfe§t ’had been
diffolVcd^-^he^effipe-^^iftore-keeper, t"t FadflAfo‘?fhe5w4.chapged*;r
aud'-’aU^ifu^iBe* »mSifbfie^ <weretdbbated, ,difap£> roved ,ito'ri adbp%d|.‘ by
thcVljocH:;;.<1 .■ hndjoHty.*iu.tbng1' tire-1 m attei.jtBut their, ownrjobsrhalV"
wfl‘1 ’igive, the imeft-- accurate ftatement; of* yheir 'pbodeedlngs .'during bur
abfenee.’ .s. 1
'K M'atoh)'26 t h t T h e ; ftrip .qmtlfed, the .hay]Jcfe'',M^u;a'iI M is : dqjv?
and \\asflejj5ft out ©f«"fight.! S^feibtefeHremwhe^Mf'deparie'd'frcftitt’thd
Ihipoin h feapod^had’:anh-unpleafantr. return, .by^ reafory dfiime t#kid,
and'.'werwobjflgedsjtoqland atkal dHfenne, r theft $1 earns
pardons* iri^e/a^enfng,- and! received! their,canoe -'and' its contents fafd
the nextrdayhfr ‘
-{0*27,(^1..! Brother \ Fudl^eys informed; th©;-bretkrtn refpedling’ EiitJgo',
and’! the .vellel <he» had* gones,*thitherKtoi e rm in e ; ^Heladvifed,. ^ a f •
aii'MInne Manne and his‘people-had beefi exceedidglyfneridly; they
lliouldblalinch. the .\dlcl,' and'br mg’ her to MitavTf'bdr tb,be',coxhai
plettid.-'-sFuckey and Lock wfere;adtsord-irrgl'y appointed! to' g o to Eimeb
fph this? ptupejjfe.» c*A tifi.dn’fttltataon t.vfe^dWSdi'relpedtiiag sMiicfelet
w r igh f; though > all condemhed/his; corL^u'^?? the majority'.prefall ed^
that, i f he- profeffed' rfepentance-, \he- ftietuld'Sbe, - received; !i Some ;M
the brethren-hthought he Ought to-hejiwholly feparated<ffofhs.fhenf as
a h^pocrite. ,•
, 2 8-th; >A confiderablej-prelient- 'came, from!Pdmaf re sand fddeaKiof.ali'
fcartf 6&vffovlfiSpis5f’3ffiiri-ng,' us, Iwhenothefe w’ere expended,^ they
would fend a eepftant fupply.