that now they were -arreoies——and; matched o f f ■ with her -paramour,
who fat by and heard with .utter fodiiffereirK:e.
. In the afternoon we again lad^re^d natives J}h$ÿigh vtbe -dpter-
prêter» We aiked them -if.-they onderitoodwhat^p,~fiiid J: theyan-
fweredj Yes» arid that it was very good,, Among «©ur -auditors• was
Mawrpa^ the hulband o f - widow -of J^^t^r<j»ï?thê
late chief ;»f Eimëo.. ; In eonyeifddoa; with, ns# he &u I.ko.wafi tf\.
folved to -throw away fthe^ gods .that could;.nettfeer hear/ not fdf^ no?
fpeak, :and wea’ihip the^-^i^^IhiOQdr; . He'putrfeyertdr<fi^ftioniS.t<J
us«, particularly, whether'-it ; was not lawful for â. man ■> todiav&oA1*
wife i we told fy&Q) -aifetecgy; '9**
t a w IugIi he rephe-d,: ‘ ‘ iMy fey, my ty„ -very gjaock’V-jd
iQth. A wet day.. In tlK intervals, off«.fhe'!£howefs Went in epieft
o f à fituation for eredting new habitations, the prefent not «having' the
land fo good around them, and being «a very Tandy d&L. ,We did not
fix, but fe ^ e d defisMis to build ©s-thé fpot-wMeh- the
mutineers had dlofen» as having the advinfeagesfof fed, as w«h
the eaflsrly-breezes from the mountain; fcveial- waterfitlls near formed
a meandering dream through the valley * the foot of. thè mountains
abounded in bread-fruit and cocoa-nut, afid ithetland-apjtearnddinted
for cultivation!, being cleared o f -trees whith-hadJbeenhioeÉed
by the mutin©®« ; with àn Opening to: the weft,,- wh'idh fet dn % bdau-s
tiful view o f Matavli bay, and a diRmt-profj^âofîtEilaëdf.ijt «
. 12th. This day' Iddeah appeared again-in public, and Mânne
Manne communicated to_ us the afflictive intelligent that die had
murdered her new-born babe. It was therefor® Jtefolvedt foy-'the
brethren, that no motte prefents fhouM be received from dddeah ; and
that Our marked disapprobation o f her conduct Ihould b e fh ew n
whenever flic came , to our kotffe. Commenced a weekly feature;
brother Menryfpoke from “ The Somof Man is edme to feds: and
“ lave th a t. which was loft ;” the king and many Otaheiteans, W£re
prefent. ;i
13th. Pomârre and 1 Iddeah-çâme with a vail prefent o f hogs and
vegetables, which were i^iratM’iintOffour-pafoefc,-:We alkdd Pomarre
from whom -they came; we thatfifBjdy -.aebepted h is ,' but: refiifed to
touch thofe which' ‘Mdea$t$ tctffemdl, >, and" affign£d- M r dafojrs, which
Anihcv, comm time ated. Sh6' .Wasahighrly;'Qffettdedj;'sfei(i ftteihad a
right/ fs>?db*' wijth.htr chM'dr^-addherpleafed^' .arid flaotiW^hferije. the
Quftenss ■ of (fhSijeountry ! withtauj; @^.difpteafureij! and walked
dfo iwithi «her :>i|®utCitl, TleaviRg theipreferit hehirfd*: a heSwrfcfeft which
hdd-Aafeert Jtnaade 'foe h en ,: being - (hef town .'feafew'dsd wnsgtyeh' her,
and foe carried it o f f w$h.rl}ej;.^j3$fe: heir, ramatuiiial idrhme did not
ulterly ipafe'rtm|)tmifoed;;f'a drea(iful milfecahfrfa bfoHght ha: imafa
,th^ furgeon’s Kniief ,arid]re£featodr'foaj<p sdbsSkesy fM- her heart appeared
ffjllj I hard^ied. , She is :a!lbgfld>daJan^i^!it4b, "awdynubh aniore
warlike ^ n rh fe '‘iufbarrd'TPomarret^ Ast'wewoiilfl fliia4xeariye{Jdde*h^®
prefect fo'we wS&eflfMaimb Mhnnettovdifoibnfedfefe d^ d&th^p w S
fteadjisfit^hichv-heieaairiecbit o f f to his owfohoufhfnio
/ ; ?3M }®%ir ,this|ihrhMlcfeesajfe3B^ia^yFaH«M£wts^h^swfe%Kfcfowe
dare not name,. !€»rtiMittdl<tfaiiy withomyl^idteofitffiiame'cff^idlt.
Ba ivavipus'diiSfi(^0fiAe;"iIland thefo ate mbit? Wih© <be& aS'sdunenA:
wojik: with theia -dti the,!6k>th!; are cot^hed*toithe,fomi provifiiGnas!
a^d3Culfe'B!f raftr^ifead'tdieffing^, mayiiAtMcat -twida dienoahivsc^>ofi
theif'foOd, buthave feparate plantations for their pecdliaraufex: v.
: dtssK'trerniifeaKe, Ihft with all rthefe hotrkl vkerfopteHatektalit,
in Ot»J prefencWhey neVtr''A?iwlan attitaielOTieantmiit iwiiaMbamti
feemBy^ s«Btdeed^h^ ,jxmfefs hardly to fenowowhatavesaie, had .fidjpo^
#e lafe not Engpifemen^OTiiilde any) others dtey dSavetfeefa wholhfcwe
ever .vifited their afland.
. It i m ay . beeiworthra redtariki ithat dddeahs had netfbeeiaifhfeidtfrom
qte hornfe two days before foe appeared as i f nothing -ailed her : wSitk
fefdiltle lihconvoMaiteid® tHc ifaofe^aintfmhoperatiohs o f idtulfchffed:
thofe o f that hapjpytoMmate;
14th. Manne Maiinh brought us more hogs-,, and ouf ifows
having 1 farrowed, we had now .fifty-nine. ;in the -fly ■ fodtha'l m e
may truly: fay the good o f the dand is'. before- us. Brother JefFerfon